How to lower ping in World of Tanks? Lower ping in World of Tanks

The pleasure of the game can sometimes be overshadowed by the fact that certain important indicators do not correspond to the desired. The question often arises, how to lower ping in World of Tanks? If you do this, you can significantly reduce the number of game lags, increase FPS, as well as the speed of loading the map.

It is worth starting with the main question, which has long become painful for thousands of players - why is the Wold of Tanks so badly buggy and slow? Here you can give a lot of answers: outdated and weak components on your computer, incorrect software settings, and so on. If problems with technical equipment can be solved by a serious upgrade, the second option cannot be called as simple. That it is worth considering in more detail.

How to lower ping in World of Tanks

Introductory information

So, if we talk about how to lower ping in World of Tanks, then it’s worthwhile to first describe the main nuances associated with the game. As you know, any game is characterized by a couple of the most important parameters - FPS and ping. During battle in World of Tanks, both of these options are visible in the upper left corner.

FPS (Frames per Second) hides frames per second. In this case, everything is very simple: the higher the FPS value, the better for the games and the player. The ping parameter shows the time required to deliver the data packet from the server to the client and vice versa. This value is considered in milliseconds. In this case, the smaller the number you see, the better.

World of tanks ping servers

Basic knowledge and preparatory work

Before you improve the gameplay in World of Tanks, the server ping of which does not suit you, you need to decide whether it is possible to optimize the game client and its entire environment in such a way as to result in maximum performance. Evaluate the system parameters of your computer: to do this, call the context menu of the "Computer" shortcut in which to select properties. You will be presented with indicators that you should carefully compare with those recommended by the developers of the game. This is the only way to lower the World of Tanks ping.

The official website of the game describes such minimum values ​​of system requirements:

  1. The computer is running Windows XP / 7 / Vista.
  2. CPU Frequency: 2.2 GHz.
  3. The amount of RAM is 2 gigabytes.
  4. The presence of a video adapter with RAM of 256 megabytes.
  5. Free space on the hard drive - 3.5 gigabytes.
  6. Access to the Internet at a speed of 128 kilobits per second.

If your computer has system readings that are lower than the minimum, then to change the performance for the better you can not do without a serious upgrade. First you need to purchase new components, and only then you can play.

World of tanks jumps ping

Drivers & Software

If you love World of Tanks, sometimes you can lower ping by updating all drivers to the latest versions, which improves the performance of the operating system itself, as well as all applications. You can recommend starting directly with updating the drivers for your PC video adapter. It is important to understand that you should download them exclusively from the official website of the developer company engaged in the production of your components. On third-party resources, you can easily pick up some malicious virus for your system. You must also brush up on DirectX and the Microsoft.Net Framework. After that, you can proceed to the next stage.

Ping reduction World of tanks

Game client optimization

If we are considering how to lower ping in World of Tanks, then it’s worth moving on to the optimization process. If the game on your computer is very slow, then you should do so. In the settings of the game itself, lower the options related to graphics. There is a program like WoT Tweaker, which is designed to turn off unnecessary effects.

Creator Recommendations

Not so long ago, a very interesting tip appeared on the official website of the WoT game, which can significantly increase gaming performance. If your computer does not have Windows XP installed, then you should run the command line with administrative rights. First you need to click "Start", enter the word cmd in the search field. When a black icon with the corresponding inscription appears in front of you, you must right-click on it, and in the menu that opens, select the option to run as administrator. A window will open in front of you, in which you must enter something without quotation marks: bcdedit / set increaseuserva *, where the size of the RAM of your computer should be indicated in place of the star. Thanks to this command, the memory used for applications will be limited. The developers recommended introducing a number lower than the real indicator. For example, for a system with four gigabytes it is worth entering the number 3072, and for a system with two - 1792. After applying the command, you must definitely restart your computer. To return to the initial state and delete the setting, you will need to enter the same command on the command line, but this time without a numerical value. These manipulations will lead to a mandatory increase in your FPS.

World of tanks lower ping

Ping Optimization

If in your World of Tanks ping jumps within 10-100 milliseconds, then you can’t improve this indicator, and there’s nothing to it, since such numbers are considered normal. And when the value of this parameter rolls over 100, there is already something to work with, that is, you can apply certain tricks to reduce it. The problem with high ping is often hidden in the Internet connection that you are currently using. For example, if you use satellite or mobile 3G Internet, then you should be prepared for a fairly high delay time. If you change the provider and can access the broadband Internet channel, then this will be just fine.

Lower ping world of tanks
So, the question of how to lower ping in World of Tanks is still relevant. Some use a special German-developed program called CFosSpeed, which can solve this problem. With the help of this software it is possible to correct ping, as well as increase throughput.

Using simple programs

If you are concerned about how to lower ping in World of Tanks, then you can use a program such as WoT Ping Server. With it, you can determine the server that will communicate with your computer at the minimum speed. Usually this useful program makes life easier for players, but if it turned out to be not so useful in your case, then reducing the World of Tanks ping is possible in other ways.

Work with the registry

You should find the command line in the system menu, in which to enter the following: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Servic es \ Tcpip \ Parameters \ Interfaces \. This file contains an interface that enables your Internet connection to work. Pass on further. In the field on the right, right-click, create the string “DWORD”. It must be called TcpAckFrequency. Now again, right-click on it, change it, check the box and write a unit. After restarting the computer, ping should decrease.

Now it’s worth understanding how this works. TcpAckFrequency is designed to determine the sending frequency that acknowledges messages. If you have a one registered there, then after 200 milliseconds a confirmation will come. When the connection is configured to transfer large amounts of data, it makes sense to increase the value so that the load is reduced. With one, small game files will work just fine. The result of this is that the game accelerates several times, but the general connection to the Internet can become 5-10% worse, that is, slower. And here the choice is only for the user, reduce ping in the game or tolerate slow data transfer.

Now you know how to lower ping in World of Tanks.


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