How to make money in GTA 5: step by step instructions

In all games of the GTA series, money played a very important role. With their help, you can buy weapons and cars, improve them and paint them in different colors. It is money that provides you with the most stylish outfits, as well as a home where you can stay. Moreover, for quite some time at GTA, you can buy some non-residential building, which will then bring you income. However, most recently on the shelves appeared the last part of the series - "GTA 5". Naturally, a huge number of new opportunities appeared in it, including a variety of ways to get money. And given the fact that the game content available for purchase has also become much more, you will need money. Where to get them? In this article, you will learn how to make money in GTA 5 in various ways.


how to make money in gta 5

So, the easiest and most obvious way to make money in GTA 5 is robbery. The game has a huge variety of shops and other establishments that have box offices. And if there is a cashier, then this institution can be robbed - it is with this principle that you need to be guided when you commit another robbery. If you are going to clean up any large object, then you need to hire accomplices in advance, while it is advisable not to skimp on their fees, since you will need the best and most reliable people. If you plan to rob a small store, then the tactics will be a little different. First of all, you need to park a fast vehicle at the entrance to the store and clear the road in advance so that you have a way out. After that, you need to go to the store and aim the sight at the seller - he will immediately start putting money into the bag, so you just have to wait until he finishes, pick up the bag and quickly leave until the police arrive at the place of the call. If there are two sellers in the store, it is recommended to quietly liquidate the second - this encourages the first to give you more money. However, you should not try to rob the same store twice, as people here learn from their mistakes, and if you go back to the already robbed store and point the gun at the seller, he can do the same. In general, now you know one way to make money in GTA 5. But there are many more, so do not focus on robberies only.

Money of passers-by

GTA 5 how to make money

If you are interested in how to make money in GTA 5 in small amounts, for example, if you are missing hundreds of bucks for some urgent purchase, then you can use the good old method. Each person on the street carries with him a certain amount of money that you can get if you kill him. Get down to business, but just remember that you can come across someone who will give you change. And if you get too carried away, the police may come in and spoil your earnings. So attack people on the streets for money only in extreme cases - it is better to use other methods in GTA 5. How to make money otherwise? Now you will know about it.


how to make money in gta 5

One of the most interesting innovations in the financial plan in this game are stock exchanges. Now you get the opportunity to buy and sell shares in GTA 5. How to make money this way? You just need to carefully monitor stock price fluctuations, buy low and sell high, and then you can have a constant source of income. If you are successful enough in the game on the stock exchange, then you may not need other ways to get finance. However, not everyone succeeds in playing the exchange successfully, so you should not consider only this option, especially when the game has a rather impressive number of methods for making money in GTA 5.

Collection vans

make money in gta 5

You may have noticed that periodically armored cars drive through the city - these are collection vehicles. What do they have to do with this topic? Now you will learn how to make money in GTA 5 using these cars. As soon as you see such a machine, you will need to stop it in any way. Then you need to act very quickly - you need to eliminate the collectors that are inside, and then blow up or shoot the armored doors that are behind. From the van that opens, you can pick up your reward in the amount of five thousand dollars - the amount is fixed, so no surprises will be waiting for you. But you must understand that this is a very risky business, so you will need to think a lot. For example, where is it better to attack the van so that you are noticed as late as possible? How will you open the armored doors? Where will you hide then? But the reward is too good to miss such a chance - sometimes you have to take risks to make money in GTA 5.

Buying a business

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As in previous games in the series, you can buy various establishments that will further bring you income. This is one of the easiest and safest ways to make money in GTA 5. Secrets, codes, cheats - all these methods are not honest, therefore it is recommended to avoid them, and in the process of robbery you risk your own life. If you buy real estate, then nothing threatens you - you just pay an impressive amount, but pretty quickly return it at the expense of weekly profits. The game has various types of businesses that belong to different price categories. You can buy a pharmacy for two hundred thousand dollars, or you can fork out for a golf club, which will cost you one hundred and fifty million. Naturally, the profit will be appropriate, but such money must first be obtained. That is why you need this GTA 5 guide. How to make money? You will find out more about it here.

Random events

guide gta 5 how to make money

In this episode of the series, special random events that occur in a random manner have been introduced. This means that you can walk around the city, and a random person will turn to you for help. Requests can be very different - from the services of a driver for a drunken man to the elimination of a gang of thugs. Naturally, the rewards for such tasks are very different. You can be paid a hundred bucks, and they can also roll off a round sum of one hundred thousand dollars. In addition, some events can take money from you, add points of any abilities to you, and you can also find a friend, gain access to the services of new mercenaries, and so on. In general, do not neglect random events - this is a good way if you want to learn how to earn fast money in GTA 5.


how to make fast money in gta 5

Another great way to make money in GTA 5 is to participate in races on various types of vehicles. This is an almost endless source of money, and you will definitely not get bored there. You can participate in off-road racing, and in fighter flights, and in normal street racing. However, there is one problem - to get money for the race, you need to win it, and sometimes it is not so simple to do this. And for each participation you will need to make contributions, so you can easily lose a lot of money if you decide to make money without sufficient driving skills.

Last secret

Now you know all the main ways of making money in GTA 5 - it remains only to consider another option, which is still not recommended if you try to play honestly, without cheats and other tricks. But if this does not bother you, then you can head to the northwest coast and, having sailed from the coast, go diving in search of a bag of money. Such packages are scattered all over the map, but they disappear when you pick them up. If you go to the indicated point with two characters at once, you can switch between them, taking the package, and each time it will appear again.


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