Choosing a Pet: Ferret at Home

If you are a fan of outdoor activities and fun, then the ferret at home is exactly what you need. These animals are characterized by cheerful disposition, mobility and playfulness. Caring for a ferret does not require much effort, it is enough to properly feed and play with your pet, but, like all animals, these pets love affection and attention. Therefore, leaving them in a cage for the whole day is simply unacceptable.

How to choose a ferret

ferret at home
It is recommended to buy a ferret puppy from the age of 1.5 months. When choosing, you need to pay attention to three points:

1. Appearance. Pay attention to the coat: it should be shiny, of the same type (without bald patches). The nose is wet, without discharge. The eyes are bright and shiny. These signs indicate excellent puppy health.

2. Behavior. Healthy ferrets tend to be agile, curious and playful. A small animal should not be afraid of human hands. Excessive aggression or timidity indicates the improper upbringing of the pet, most likely, such a ferret at home will bring only trouble.

3. Movement. These animals are very mobile, so a quick coordinated movement indicates excellent health.

In addition, there is an unwritten rule - intuition. You must listen to your inner voice, which will definitely point to your pet.

Ferret House

ferret care

These are quite freedom-loving animals. They prefer to be with their families and take an active part in everything that happens. It is only necessary to keep the ferret in the cage for the first few weeks, so that he gets used to the new environment, sounds and family members. In the future, you can put your pet there as a punishment or for the purpose of education.

Where should the ferret live? At home it is better to equip for him a warmed loggia or a whole room. Free movement throughout the apartment is also welcome, but in this case, the ferret should be trained intensely and not left unattended.

The territory where the pet will live must be equipped with a berth, a hammock, feeders and drinking bowls, tunnels and toys. Only in such conditions you will see all the subtleties of his character and behavior.

Feeding and caring for a ferret

how to care for a ferret
Each breeder prefers an individual approach to his pets, therefore it is better to ask the seller how to care for the ferret and how to feed it.

These animals are predators by nature. Therefore, protein diet should prevail in their diet . Breeders advocate three types of food:

1. Live food (rodents, small bird). This option is closest to what the animals have in their natural habitat, therefore it is optimal. Unfortunately, in urban conditions it is almost impossible to maintain such a diet.

2. Minced meat. It consists of meat and cereals. With this nutrition, it is necessary to add a vitamin complex. Meat should be used with giblets and bones, and the cereal should be boiled heavily.

3. Dry nutrition. There are still few special feeds for ferrets , so it is quite possible to use kitten food.

In no case give the ferret human food. The structure of his intestinal tract is not adapted to the complete digestion of such products. Also do not forget that these animals require a lot of fresh water.

With proper care, upbringing and balanced nutrition, your ferret at home will feel great, and at a party or on the street he will prove himself an obedient and well-mannered pet. Only the right approach will allow you to raise a friend from this small predator for the whole family.


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