Legendary Pokemon: 1st generation and their evolution

In recent months, the Pokemon GO game has become a real sensation - this project quickly gained popularity around the world, combining the Universe, loved by almost all people in the world, with incredible gameplay, including augmented reality mode . In this game you need to walk in the streets of your city in real time, collect Pokemon and fight against other trainers. For many people, integration into the game world will not be difficult, because gamers still enjoy the old projects of this series. But if you have already forgotten what Pokémon is, then you should read this article. Here you will be presented with all the most famous Pokemon. 1st generation was the most successful, so most games, including Poemon GO, concentrate only on it. Therefore, this article will describe it. Pokemon (1st generation) totals 150 individuals - and another mysterious and mysterious figure. Therefore, we can safely say that in the first generation of Pokémon there were 151. Some of them are unique, but most of them are connected with each other by evolutionary development. This means that one Pokémon, upon gaining sufficient experience and creating the necessary conditions, evolves into another, more powerful and advanced individual. Well, it's time to take a look at the most popular Pokémon in history.

Basic pokemon

Pokemon 1st generation

Of course, basic Pokémon attract the attention first of all - the 1st generation has, most likely, the most impressive and attractive basis for the future trainer. What does the concept of "basic pokemon" mean? When a person is going to become a Pokémon trainer, he must choose one of three creatures, and this choice is offered to absolutely everyone. That is, you start with one of the three monsters, after which you can already use them to collect a large collection and choose from it those Pokémon that you want to use in battles. But what kind of Pokemon? 1st generation includes three starting monsters - Bulbazavra, Charmander and Squirtle. Each of them represents one of the main types of Pokemon - grass, fire and water, respectively.


1st generation Pokemon list

Over time, the bulbasaur could develop into Ivizaurus, which differs from the basic form in that a flower blooms on its back instead of a bulb, and the pokemon itself becomes larger and more powerful. The final stage of development is the Venusaur, which attacks with the help of a fully opened flower. Many people think that a flower is not such a terrible weapon, like fire or a powerful jet of water (like the other two basic Pokemon), therefore they believe that the Bulbazavr and its forms are weaker than the other two Pokemon. But often they bitterly pay for such a mistake.


Pokemon 1st generation Pokedex

As for Charmander, he, as mentioned above, attacks with fire. It evolves into Charmeleon, in which the character becomes far less complaisant than the previous form, but at the same time a lot of power is added. What can we say about Charizard, the third form of this Pokemon. The charizard becomes much larger, looks much more fierce, and also gets wings, which makes it look like a dragon. The third form of this Pokemon is incredibly strong, this monster has more than once been recognized as one of the strongest in this Universe.


1st generation pokemon

Well, and, of course, we must not forget about Squirtle, which attacks with a water jet. He is evolving in Vortortla, which also looks more formidable, acquires some new features and abilities, but his attacks remain similar to those that Squirtle had. What can not be said about Blastoise - this Pokemon has two incredibly powerful water cannons on its shoulders, which it uses both for powerful and accurate shooting, and for water acceleration to ram the enemy. That's all there is to know about the basic Pokémon. 1st generation, however, is not limited to the starter kit, so you should get acquainted with even more creatures that will appear to you as they appear in Pokedex.


the most powerful pokemons of the 1st generation

The list of 1st generation Pokémon, as you already understood, is very extensive, so you should carefully study it to become a really impressive trainer. The first Pokémon on this list following the base creatures is Caterpie. This is a caterpillar that knows how to hide and scare away opponents, but in battle it is absolutely useless. She looks cute, but if you care about how to use this creature, then you just need to wait for the moment when Caterpie evolves into Metapoda - he becomes a strong cocoon that protects fragile contents. Again, at this stage, the Pokemon may not be of particular benefit to its trainer, but after a while it evolves into Butterfree, and here the fun begins. Butterfree is a pretty powerful Pokémon that can attack the enemy with poisonous pollen. He is taking full advantage of his ability to fly. Both in anime and in computer games, many Pokémon were defeated with the help of this butterfly. 1st generation (Pokedex does not expand by more than 151 names - a new generation just starts) was introduced gradually into Pokedex, but order does not play any special role.


1st generation Pokemon evolution

1st generation Pokémon are far from always very strong - Widl is a great example. This creature resembles a worm and can only entangle the enemy with adhesive thread and attack it with a small sting located on its head. At low levels, this can still somehow help the trainer, but later Vidl becomes completely useless, and then it remains to wait until he evolves into Kakuna. Unfortunately, Kakuna is an analogue of Metapod, that is, it is a cocoon, a transitional stage between Vidl and Bidril. As for Bidrill, this is a rather powerful Pokémon that looks like a wasp, has a sting on each of its forepaws, and also one sting on its abdomen. All three stings are used to make quick and painful attacks. Some sources believe that the most powerful 1st generation Pokémon must include this creature, while others believe that Bidril is not as strong as it seems at first glance.


The evolution of 1st generation Pokémon most often occurs in two stages, that is, it includes three forms of creatures. Later you will be convinced that this is not typical for all monsters. But now you need to consider one of the most common Pokemon - Piggi. This bird is quite calm and docile, does not like to fight too much and uses its wing attack technique mainly in order to gain time to hide. Piggio is the second form of this creature and takes on a much more militant character, as well as more opportunities in battle. As for the third form, Pidgita, this monster has a staggering speed, and is also able to lift hurricanes of enormous power with a wave of its wings. Of course, the legendary Pokémon of the 1st generation are much stronger, but few people manage to get them, while catching Piggi and making it evolve to Piggi can be quite simple.


Rattata is a Pokemon that looks like a rat. He often catches his eye, because the Rattats are extremely prolific, but do not bring much benefit in battle. It evolves into a Ratikate, which becomes a little more powerful, its teeth allow it to inflict serious damage to the enemy, but this pair of monsters is rarely used by experienced coaches, because these creatures are far from the most powerful. But Rattata and Rathikate are the first example of the fact that Pokémon do not always have two stages of evolution.


Spiro is an analogue of Piggi, but at the same time this Pokemon is much more aggressive. Spyrow is not very strong in battle, in fact, like Piggi, so the trainer should make sure that he evolves more quickly in Firow - this creature with the help of large wings and a huge beak can cause serious damage to the enemy. However, the nature of Spiro and Firow makes it extremely rare for Pokemon trainers to have these birds in their collection, and if they have them, they almost never use them.


At the very beginning of its life, the serpentine Pokemon poses practically no serious danger - it can attack only with a bite, since its teeth still do not emit poison. The bite, however, is rather painful, and as the creature grows, so does the damage done by such an attack. The second and final form of Ekans is Erbock, who is already a much more formidable opponent. His poisonous bite is much more powerful, he has a hood that can demoralize the enemy, and also has an incredibly strong body with which he can embrace his victim and squeeze it.


legendary pokemon 1 generation

Description of 1st generation Pokémon would be incomplete without Pikachu. This is the most popular Pokemon in the series, it is actually its face, and if people do not know about the existence of anime or games, then they know about Pikachu. This monster attacks with electricity with incredible power. He is the first Pokémon of the main character of the series Ash, and at the same time is the cutest and most beloved of all. Due to the fact that Pikachu gained such incredible fame, and also due to the fact that Ash did not want the evolution of his friend, many forget or do not even know that this creature has a second form - Raichu. Raichu has a slightly larger size, his tail becomes huge, and his character is far from being as complaisant as he was in the previous form. There is an assumption that the main character Ash, therefore, did not want his friend Pikachu to evolve. As for Raichu’s abilities, here he significantly surpasses his previous form in the strength of electric attacks. The electricity that accumulates in the body of this creature can reach such an amount that the Pokemon will have to get rid of it, regardless of whether it is involved in battle or not. In this case, a tail comes to his aid, which he plunges into the ground, releasing all the current there. After all, if he does not, then the electricity in his body can harm himself. Raichu appears in the series not as often as Pikachu, who is one of the main characters. That is why many people forget this monster, and some people are surprised when they see it, because before that they did not even assume that Raichu existed. As you know, the first generation of Pokemon is much more extensive - it includes more than 150 species of these creatures. And you need to play any of the thematic projects to collect them all. To date, the most relevant is the Pokemon GO described above.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F13351/

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