Socio-pedagogical technology is ... Fundamentals, practices, methods and theory of pedagogical education

The technology of socio-pedagogical design is associated with the acquaintance of children with the type of activity that the child will continue to do. For example, to become a physics teacher, you need to know the laws. You can study them as part of the school curriculum. A child who dreams of becoming a pediatrician, first studies biology and chemistry, and within the walls of the medical academy, students pay special attention to the physiology and anatomy of the child. A similar situation develops in any profession.

levels of social - pedagogical technology


Methods of social and pedagogical technologies help future social educators to help adolescents in the formation of personal qualities, provide an opportunity to prevent deviant behavior.

Let us analyze the essence of the concepts of “technology” and “methodology”. Translated from Greek, “methodology” represents the sum of the means, techniques, methods of rational implementation of work. Technology is considered as a set of techniques, methods, means of changing the object of activity as a certain sequence of procedures and operations used in the activity.

These concepts are pretty close to each other. What is common to them is that both terms involve the use of means, techniques, methods, and forms of activity.

The differences are that the technology, in addition to the amount of funds used, involves the use of a clear algorithm and sequence of actions within a specific activity.

Social - pedagogical technology and social orientation practices were considered by L. S. Vygotsky. He believed that the problem of the method is the basis of the cultural development of the child, a way to identify weaknesses and strengths, to develop the right path of upbringing and education.

In philosophical understanding, methods are methods of theoretical or practical assimilation of reality, which proceed from the essence and patterns of the analyzed object.

methods of social - pedagogical technologies

Methods in social pedagogy

As a way of practical changes in reality, the method can be considered as the sum of relatively homogeneous operations, techniques that allow solving specific problems in practical activities.

The foundations of socio-pedagogical technologies are methods based on the relationship of the client and the social educator. They contribute to the formation of a positive social experience that contributes to the socialization or social rehabilitation of the client.

Since social pedagogy is a “young” science, it has not yet acquired its own practical methods.

technology specifics

Socio-pedagogical diagnostics

She is considered a specific method of social pedagogy. Since it is multidisciplinary, and it is appropriate to use methods from various fields of activity. For example, performing an educational function, a social worker applies the training and education methods that are used in pedagogy.

Correction or diagnosis of the personal qualities of the child is impossible without the use of psychological techniques.

Note that in his work, the social educator uses the achievements of science. Social - pedagogical technology of education involves the use of synthesis, analysis, thinking, generalization. This greatly facilitates the task of the teacher, helps him analyze the results and sequence of his activities.

technologies of social and pedagogical support

Basic concepts

The content of socio-pedagogical technology is associated with such terms as “reception” and “means”. Reception is considered as a concretization of the method. The relationship between them is considered as the interconnection of specific and generic concepts. Each method is implemented through the sum of specific techniques accumulated in practice, generalized by theory, and proposed for use.

A social educator can use techniques and regardless of methods.

Receptions in social pedagogy

E.Sh. Natanzon singled out "inhibitory" and "creating" techniques in pedagogy. He attributed to the first group:

  • hint;
  • order;
  • imaginary distrust and indifference;
  • warning;
  • conviction;
  • disturbance.

Among the creative techniques can be noted:

  • the trust;
  • faith in the strength of the child;
  • expression of chagrin;
  • request;
  • Attention;
  • promotion.

These techniques are included in the technology of socio-educational work.

The use by a social teacher of a certain technique depends on the specific situation, the motives of the student's behavior.


This is a fairly broad concept, without which technologies of socio-pedagogical support can not do. By means it is customary to understand the sum of emotional, material, intellectual conditions used by a social educator to achieve a goal.

They become modes of activity only when necessary. For example, a game can become entertainment, relaxation. But with its proper organization, it is quite possible through the game to form certain social skills in children.

Social and pedagogical technology is a way to solve the problem concerning the personality characteristics of the child.

To perform professional duties, a social educator must master the methods consisting of various techniques.

practice of social education

Features of social pedagogy

It is a branch of pedagogy; therefore, a social worker relies on traditional methods of education and training used in pedagogy. Considering that social and pedagogical technology is a special technique, it relies on sciences close to it: psychology, sociology.

A social educator tries to solve the problems of the child arising from his socialization. He can work directly with the child or act indirectly - through friends, parents, a cool team, exerting an impact on the student. Activities can be of a short-term nature, or for a long time period. Armed with special methods and techniques, the social educator has a targeted effect on the behavior, consciousness, feelings of the child, his social environment.

Social-pedagogical technology is a technique based on exercise and belief. The specificity of these methods is that the social educator has to work with “clients” whose concepts of norms and forms of behavior are distorted.

In order to return the child to a normal life, work, morality, it is necessary to form the correct life position. Actions, committed acts, habits without understanding of social importance can be random, not having effective force.

social technology technology


The method of persuasion helps to transform social norms into motives of human behavior and activity, which makes it possible to form beliefs.

They can be considered a solid confidence of the person in the veracity of moral knowledge. Beliefs induce the child to commit moral actions, good deeds. In the course of persuasion, a social teacher influences the will, feelings, and consciousness of the child. Belief is a form of control of the relationship between society and the individual.

Different levels of socio-pedagogical technology are based precisely on the relationship between the individual and society.

The educational power of beliefs depends on the child’s internal awareness of the information offered. If the teacher was not convincing, his words lose their meaning, they will not be heard and realized by the child.

In order for a social teacher to be able to achieve his goal, he must study the personality of the child: his experience, interests, level of upbringing and education.

Technology elements

The concepts of “moralizing” and “persuasion cannot be confused when a teacher communicates certain truths. A voice increase leads to aggression towards an adult by a child.

The levels of socio-pedagogical technology are aimed at establishing a barrier between the emotional and semantic barrier of the word.

In the case of negativism, the words of a social educator may produce the opposite effect - a “boomerang”. The emotional barrier is accompanied by the appearance of feelings of antipathy, rejection, bitterness.

The content of the teacher’s speech should be such that the child has a feeling of remorse for his actions, and when doing a good deed, pride and joy.

Lecture and story

These are monological forms of the method that a social educator uses in his work. With their help, children are explained specific moral concepts. The story is used in working with children of primary school age. It is based on facts, vivid examples, is short in time.

The lecture is suitable for high school students, its time is from 30 to 60 minutes.

Conversation is a question-answer method that helps a social educator clarify facts and phenomena, analyze the behavior of children, and find the best way to solve the problem.

For teenagers, a social educator offers a debate. This method contributes to the formation of communication skills, judgments, argumentation of their position.

Moral ideals

The technology of socio-pedagogical design involves the teacher taking into account the moral ideal that the adolescent will follow. The ideal should be an emotional image adopted by him, which will become a “motivator” for the personal growth of a teenager.

The power of an educational example is based on imitation of this ideal, the desire to commit such acts that this person would approve of.

In the process of imitation, the child copies the behavior program, saving energy in the development of society. The task of a social educator is to help select a moral ideal.

features of social - pedagogical support


Social-pedagogical technology is a type of pedagogical and social technology. In the scientific literature, a similar term appeared only at the end of the twentieth century. This technique is considered humane, therefore, it has some specific features. It is based on a scientific concept, which includes a psychological, philosophical, didactic justification.

Technology has all the features of a complete system: the interconnection of individual parts, the logic of the process, integrity and harmony.

The application of such a technique makes it possible to optimize the activities of a social educator and create a reserve of working time.

The founder of many currently popular technologies in socio-pedagogical activity was A.S. Makarenko. Of course, he did not use the expression “pedagogical technologies” in his work, but he was the one who created:

  • creation and formation of a team;
  • forecasting the development of the child’s personality, creating optimal conditions for this process.

Modern changes in society are forcing educators to look for new social and pedagogical technologies. Theoretical technology is the doctrine of the optimal means, methods, and techniques that are needed to solve pedagogical and social problems. Such technologies are used to describe, analyze, substantiate the solution to a specific problem.

Research social and pedagogical technology is a full-fledged technique that allows you to cognize the phenomenon, its individual components, the specifics of the manifestation, development prospects, as well as qualitative modifications.

Similar technologies are used in research on socio-pedagogical problems. They provide an opportunity not only to cognize the phenomenon, but also to create experimental developments, programs that will allow it to develop.


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