Bronze powder for paint: instructions for use and reviews

Bronze powder, by definition, is a finely divided powder composition. Material is produced from two metal alloys - zinc and copper. Paraffin and stearic acid are added to it to prevent the coalescence and oxidation of very fine particles. Bronze powder has a scaly structure resembling the appearance of a petal. It has a color from red to gold. It can have a certain shade - it depends on the percentage in the composition of zinc.

bronze powder


The product is produced exclusively in an industrial way, by multiple crushing of bronze powder. The procedure is carried out in special pneumatic installations or ball mills. Bronze powder is extracted from pure copper and zinc-based alloys by grinding. The end result is a powdery mass containing millions of tiny particles. High-grade bronze powder is obtained by spilling through a sieve under the number 0045. The final balance is 1%. Paints and varnishes based on bronze powder have a high hiding power, which is 4500 grams per centimeter square.

Where is the product used?

Widely used bronze powder received in:

  • works related to decoration;
  • printing industry;
  • at enterprises producing paints and varnishes and coatings;
  • pencil production;
  • paper cover;
  • production of decorative and colorful labels;
  • cosmetic industry.

bronze powder for paint

It can be applied to even, patterned and embossed surfaces to create a golden or bronze effect. Found bronze powder application in painting:

  1. Parts of systems and tanks used in industrial plants.
  2. Heating batteries, radiator systems in factories.
  3. Parts for a boiler room that need additional protection against overheating.
  4. Parts of the surface of ships and other port structures that are constantly under water.
  5. Pipes for water supply, sewage and ventilation systems.
  6. Bridges, fences and so on.

Classification and GOST

Based on the intended use and use, the product is divided into the following types:




For paint


TU 48-21-721-81

For offset printing


TU 48-21-150-72

For printing


TU 48-21-150-72

For pencil production


TU 48-21-150-72



TU 48-21-36-81

Vacuum powder insulation


TU 48-21-36-81

The table shows the main industries where bronze powder is used, GOST and labeling indicate exactly what purposes the product should be used.

paints and coatings

Application benefits

Pros can be considered in two directions at the same time: aesthetics and functionality. And that's why:

  1. The metal-containing pigments included in the powder actually contain bronze, which means they really protect those parts and surfaces that need it from corrosion.
  2. Bronze powder for paint gives it high resistance to moisture, thereby prolonging the life of the item.
  3. Aesthetics of objects painted in bronze or gold is high. They seem more noble and expensive, they can advantageously stylize the interior, for example, under the antique setting.
  4. Paints and varnishes and coatings are characterized by high resistance to ultraviolet radiation, especially for those elements that are constantly in the sun.

Disadvantages of using

There are a number of disadvantages in the application and work with the product, and those who want to, but donโ€™t know how to use bronze powder, should know about them:

  1. It refers to explosive substances. Therefore, it should be stored in places as far as possible from sources of open fire, in a tightly buried container or container.
  2. It can not be applied on surfaces previously painted with oil coatings, acrylic-based paint, nitro enamel or NBH. The coating may bubble, move away from the base, or go very poorly.
  3. Acrylic bronze paint, contrary to advertising beliefs, is not so good. On the surfaces painted by it, foci with rust may appear, even at the time of application.

how to use bronze powder

How to prepare paint with bronze powder?

There are several technologies for preparing this composition:

  1. With varnish - in proportions: 2 parts of powder to 4 parts of varnish.
  2. With synthetic drying oil - mixing proportions are similar.

As for the consistency, it depends on the type of object that is planned to be painted. To dilute the paint to the desired, it is best to use turpentine, solvent and white spirit. This is the answer to one more important question - how to make bronze powder for painting metal. If the work will be carried out using a spray gun, then the powder with the solvent should be mixed, adhering to the following proportions: 1: 1, if applying with a brush - 1: 0.5.

Bronze powder in the interior

Staining process recommendations

Using paintwork with bronze powder, the following precautions should be followed:

  • wear protective gloves and personal protective equipment;
  • open the doors and windows, you can not work with the composition in an unventilated room;
  • prepare properly the surface for painting: clean from dirt, dust, grease and rust;
  • it is obligatory to sand wooden elements;
  • apply the composition in several layers, allowing the previous one to completely dry.

how to dilute bronze powder for painting metal

Secrets of the demand for bronze powder for paint

It can be considered old-fashioned. After all, bronze powder has been used for paint for many generations. Judging by the available reviews, the product has proven itself on the good side because:

  1. Such paints and coatings become, as it were, the "second skin" of surfaces, and any. When painting, they form a very neat thin, but strong and uniform layer, completely repeating the texture.
  2. The coating does not peel, it is resistant to abrasion. This property can be quite called the flip side of the coin, since it is poorly removed, if necessary.
  3. Under water, objects painted with this composition have a service life of at least 3 years. In the air - at least 7 years. According to statistics - much longer.
  4. The composition can be applied to any materials: concrete, wood, plaster, metal, brick, plastic and so on.
  5. Paint based on bronze powder is non-toxic, does not emit harmful substances, dries quickly, lays well.

powder bronze gost

Features of use

Before you start painting, familiarize yourself with some of the nuances of using such formulations:

  • in order to achieve greater ductility, the layer of applied agent must be very thin;
  • for the coating to last longer, you need to very carefully rub (with a sponge or a hard brush) the paint on the surface that they are painting;
  • if the powder was diluted with nitro-lacquer, then working with such a composition must be very clever and quick, otherwise it will begin to dry or thicken right before your eyes;
  • when painting metal surfaces, they should be pre-treated with a primer.

bronze powder application

How to wash off a random stain of paint?

Accidental contact of paint with other objects during operation is a frequent occurrence. If such a mistake occurred and the composition managed to dry, then you can remove it with the solvent in which the powder was diluted. If the finished composition was purchased, and what it consists of, is unknown, you can use the following recommendations:

  1. Put ordinary sunflower oil on the stain, hold for 10 minutes and rub it heavily with a dry cloth made of cloth.
  2. Apply a regular nail polish remover that does not contain acetone to the stain. Fresh traces will be deleted very quickly.

To summarize

When working with bronze paint, you need to know and follow the rules of application, precautions and nuances. But after they have been assimilated, the work should not cause difficulties. The main thing here is to choose the right binder, observe the mixing proportions. Pay attention to the compatibility with the surface you want to paint. If aerosols are used, then working with them is even simpler - the coating process is no different from working with other coatings.


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