Land for large families: documents and registration

In Russia, land for large families is issued in order of priority. This is a kind of state assistance, which allows you to acquire your own housing. Such an opportunity is provided for in each region. To stand in line, it is enough to observe some rules and collect a certain list of documents. If you prepare in advance, you can put the idea into practice without any problems. So what is required of the family to be given a plot of land as a large unit of society?

Large families are ...

The first step is to understand who is called a large family. After all, not everyone has the opportunity to receive land from the state.

land for large families

A large family is a unit of society in which there are many children, or rather, from 3 or more. Moreover, minors. That is, you can not call a large family in which there are only two minors. Such people can, according to the generally accepted procedure, when recognized as needy, line up for sites under private housing construction.

If there are adopted

But what if there are adopted children in the family? Fortunately, they also count. What does it mean? Families with adopted minors are also provided with plots for building houses on the conditions applicable to large cells of society.

Only this is far from the only condition that must be observed to obtain land. What should pay attention to large families?

General rules

For example, the fact that you can queue for land only once. Accordingly, if once a plot was given to the family, it is impossible to claim the new land again. Even if there will be a lot of children in the cell of society. This condition applies throughout Russia.

plots for private housing

Plots for large families are provided on a first come first served basis and are completely free. In other words, it will be enough only to collect a certain package of documents and meet the established requirements. Then citizens wait their turn and get land for building a house. No one has the right to request money for this.

The entire territory will be granted on the basis of common ownership , taking into account all family members. It is impossible, for example, to formalize everything only for parents - children should also have their own shares after receiving the plot.

It is important that children live with their parents. Only then can land be allocated for large families. If, for one reason or another, the parents live separately from minors, the provision of the laid free land will be refused.


What else should you pay attention to? In the queue on the land for a large family can get up only one whose members are considered citizens of the Russian Federation. What does it mean?

land in the suburbs

Both parents and minor children (all) must have Russian citizenship. This is another condition that must be met. If someone does not have Russian citizenship, it makes no sense to collect all the necessary documents.


Land for large families is not always provided. There are a lot of requirements and conditions for the population. The next point worthy of attention is the presence of an officially registered marriage between parents. Civil marriage (expressed by simple cohabitation) will not be considered the basis for the provision of the discussed benefits. Incomplete large families are also provided with land. But then the paperwork process will be difficult.

Another important point is that large families are given land in turn only when the family is officially registered in the region where they intend to receive a plot for more than 5 years.

In other words, if a company’s cell just moved to a new city and changed its registration, it will be possible for the state to acquire a site for large families on a free basis from the state only after 5 years of registration in the region. That is why it is worth worrying in advance that all family members are registered in the same city.

Other real estate

Land plots for private housing with cells of a society with the number of children from 3 and more are provided subject to one more condition. It is important that none of the family members own land. Real estate (apartments, houses, cars, etc.) may be property, but land may not.

large plots

So, if one parent does not have a land plot, and another has, there will be no rights to receive free land for large families. You will have to get rid of this type of property first. Only after that you can queue.

This condition also applies to children. Fortunately, there are usually no problems with this design nuance, but it's worth considering. After all, if it suddenly turns out that a large cell of society possesses land somewhere, the new site allocated by the state will be selected.

Who is not among the many children

Not always the number of children affects the status of large families. Sometimes it happens that the cell of society cannot be recognized as such. Accordingly, land for large families for the construction of individual housing is not allocated. In what cases can not be considered a large society cell? There are several situations:

  1. The presence of emancipated children. Emancipation - recognition of legal capacity before adulthood. Available to children from 16 years. If there are actually capable children, you cannot include them in the cell of society that will receive land.
  2. Deprivation and restriction of parental rights. If the parents suffered the indicated punishments, then their children, with respect to whom restrictions are applied, will not be counted in the status of large families.
  3. The canceled adoption procedure is another reason for the child not to be considered a member of the family when assigning the status of a large cell of society.

Perhaps this is all. In all other cases, if minor children live with their parents and their total number reaches three, you can claim land. But only in the order of priority - no one provides land to citizens upon request.

line to the land

Moscow and the region

Separate attention is required by residents of the capital when solving the task. The fact is that land in the suburbs is provided subject to certain conditions. There are more of them than in all other regions. Therefore, residents of the capital are allocated from all the rest. What requirements should large families meet in this situation? They can get a plot if:

  1. Received the status of a large cell of society. That is, the family has more than 2 minors.
  2. Everyone has a residence permit in Moscow or the region for 5 years.
  3. All family members do not own any other land. It is also impossible to have rights of perpetual use of the land or lifetime possession of the land located within the Moscow region. Such a restriction is imposed by modern legislation for residents of the capital.
  4. A large family in Moscow has the right to receive a plot if it does not have property in the capital. Or rather living space.

If there is a lease

In some cases, there may be a slight exception. The fact is that land in the Moscow Region and in other cities on other conditions is able to get to the cell of society. But for this, citizens must have a land lease agreement. In this situation, a large family has the right to receive land leased from the municipality.

Not in all cases. Even here you have to follow certain rules. How to get land for a large family that currently rents a plot? It is enough to meet the following requirements:

  1. People are citizens of the Russian Federation.
  2. The family owns the land under a lease.
  3. Leased land is the property of a state or municipality. You can not get a plot that is rented from a private person for free.
  4. The area of ​​land that was leased does not exceed the maximum area of ​​the land given to large families. This indicator varies by region. Therefore, such information should be clarified in the city administration.

How much is supposed in Moscow

It has already been said that lands with many children are provided with a certain size. Much depends on the region of residence - everywhere have their own standards on this issue. Therefore, you have to find out this information in the district administration.

large families are given land

The area of ​​the plot, which is intended for a large family with 3 or more children, is 0.15 ha. This is the size limit. Often you can encounter a situation where the plot is smaller.

A family that rents land of a specified maximum size will have the opportunity to get a plot on a free basis in ownership. It is enough to collect a certain package of documents.

Collection of documents

Once citizens have made sure that they meet all the established requirements, you can begin to collect all the necessary papers. Land for large families is provided in turn by the government of the country. Accordingly, you have to wait a while. But it’s easier to get a site with many children. Why? They do not need to confirm their income. Therefore, all families with three or more children have the right to apply for land.

What documents will be required from citizens? It all depends on the situation. But basically, a generally accepted list of securities is allocated. Among them you can find:

  • application for queuing for free land;
  • birth certificates of all minor children;
  • marriage certificate (only for full cells of society);
  • extract from the house book ;
  • documents on the composition of the family (usually taken in the housing office or the Criminal Code);
  • a certificate from the guardianship authorities, which indicates the absence of restrictions or the complete deprivation of parental rights;
  • adoption documents (if any);
  • ID cards of parents (passports).

Further, with all of the above documents (and their copies, this is important) you will have to contact the city administration. There they will check the validity of the submitted papers and issue a certificate on placing the large family on the queue. Then it remains only to wait. As soon as the turn of one or another cell of society approaches, they will be issued a certificate based on which it will be possible to obtain property certificates in Rosreestr.

After the line

Now it’s clear how plots for private housing for large families are issued for free. After the city administration issues a certificate confirming the transfer of land to citizens, you can go to Rosreestr. And already there to register property in the property.

large family in Moscow

How to do it? Documents and application provided. Among the papers distinguish:

  • identity cards of all owners;
  • certificate of receipt of real estate;
  • birth certificates of minor children;
  • cadastral passport of the land.

Within 30 days from the date of submitting the document, citizens will receive certificates of ownership of the land received. Today in Russia issue certificates-extracts from the Unified State Register of indefinite validity. That's all. So plots are given to large families in Russia.


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