Who is Minecraft Enderman?

Minecraft is a game in which mobs are divided into three types: harmless, neutral and aggressive. The former will not attack the player under any circumstances, even if they are threatened with death, because they are simply unable to do harm. Neutral mobs calmly move around the world and go about their business, not paying attention to the player until he provokes them. For some of these characters it’s enough to get too close, some need to be hit. But if you provoked a neutral mob, then it will behave as aggressive. In turn, the aggressive mob, as soon as it sees the player, will immediately begin to attack him. Therefore, you will have to accept the battle if he noticed you. Each class has its own outstanding examples, but the most interesting is to disassemble the enderman, which is the most interesting not only among the neutral, but, most likely, of all the mobs in principle. Who is the Minecraft Enderman?

Edge Wanderer

enderman in minecraft

Officially, this mob is called the Wanderer of the Edge, but gamers often call him the Enderman. The fact is that this is the name he bears in the English version of the game. It appeared because of the place where this mob comes from. The Minecraft Enderman appears most often in the world under the name Edge, which in the English version is called End. Accordingly, gamers are more often called mod endermen, and the place of its origin - End. So, you can meet him in the End at almost every step, but also he appears in the ordinary world, where a meeting with him can be very dangerous. What is an enderman in Minecraft? Why is he so dangerous?

Enderman Features

how to make enderman in minecraft

The first thing you notice when you see how the enderman looks at Minecraft is his height. The fact is that in this game this mob is the highest. Its growth is equal to three blocks. All other creatures, including the main character himself, have noticeably smaller growth. A terrifying look to the enderman is given by its charcoal black color, as well as glowing purple eyes. However, there is no point in being scared of him because of his appearance. Much more terrible is how he behaves towards the player, being a neutral mob. If you feel this, you will want to learn how to tame the enderman in Minecraft, but unfortunately it is impossible to do this. So you will either have to move very carefully, or prepare for a fierce battle.

Enderman behavior

how to tame the enderman in minecraft

As mentioned above, the enderman is a neutral mob that will not touch you until you touch it. How to make enderman aggressive in Minecraft? To do this, it will be enough for you to hit him, and he will immediately begin to attack you in response. But this applies only to daylight hours. You can simply bypass this mob and it will not touch you. But everything changes with the onset of night. Here you will not even need to go to the endermen to make him angry. As soon as you aim the sight at him, that is, look at him, he will look at you in response, after which he will teleport behind you and begin to attack. That is why you better not meet with endermen eyes at night. If this still happened, then you need to try to keep the enemy on the gun so that he can not teleport behind you again.

Other Enderman Features

In addition to such unusual behavior at night, the enderman is also famous for his craving for rearranging blocks. This mob wanders aimlessly around the world, periodically choosing a block and rearranging it to a new place, taking a little walk around it around. An enderman can carry almost any block that exists in the game. He looks especially funny with a dandelion in his hands.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F1337/

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