Spray "Antigadin" for dogs: action, contraindications, price

"Antigadin" for dogs is a great assistant in training a pet for a toilet. All dog breeders face a similar problem when a puppy appears in the house. Weaning an animal to relieve itself wherever he likes is not an easy task. And to do this without the help of assistive devices is even more difficult. For such purposes, this drug was developed. Let's see how it works and whether the dog will do any harm.

antigadin for dogs

Description and form of release

So, if we teach a puppy to the toilet, it’s better to start by buying a product that reliably eliminates the smell of dog waste. It is no secret that the animal finds a place to cope with needs by smell.

"Antigadin" - a drug that is produced by the domestic company LLC Himola. In addition to this substance, the manufacturer offers a huge selection of other means to help get rid of bad habits in pets. Note that the "Antigadin" is quite popular among dog lovers. This is due primarily to efficiency and ease of use. In addition, the product passed the strictest safety control and received international and Russian quality certificates.

The drug is produced only in the form of a spray, which is poured into plastic opaque containers equipped with nebulizers. The volume of such bottles can be 100 or 150 ml. After opening the spray is stored for another year, which is very convenient at temperatures up to 20 degrees. Keep the substance separate. The place must not be accessible to children and animals.


we teach the puppy to the toilet

"Antigadin" for dogs is made from safe and environmentally friendly substances, according to the manufacturer. The company also reports that it uses the achievements and achievements of the Russian Academy of Sciences and several other Russian institutes to create drugs.

The spray contains enzymes developed on the basis of natural, biologically pure substances. Present natural fragrances are tangible exclusively by animals. As a diluent, ordinary pure water is used. The manufacturer does not report in more detail about the components of the product - the information is not on the package. This is done on purpose - developers do not want competitors to reveal their secrets.

It should be emphasized that the spray leaves no residue on wooden and soft surfaces. What will especially please the housewives.

"Antigadin" for dogs: rules of use

First you need to rinse with a rag soaked in clean water without adding detergents, the place that needs to be treated with the drug. Spray is applied only on a damp surface. This is due to the fact that it begins to act only after it is absorbed together with water into a carpet or any other covering.

antigadin Price

If you treat a dry surface, then most of the drug will evaporate without being absorbed. After several such treatments, Antigadin particles penetrate the carpet or floor. For a person, the smell will be imperceptible, but the dog will go around this place for a long time. The aroma of the drug is unpleasant for dogs, but not harmful, so they simply stop approaching the treated area.

If we teach a puppy to the toilet, then there will be much less problems than with an adult dog. But still, using such tools, this can be done much faster and easier.

Now let's talk more about the processing itself. A wet surface is sprayed at a distance of 30 cm for 10 seconds. At this time, the animal should not be near. The drug will begin to act 1.5-2 hours after treatment.

How many times can I use? The number of sprayings is not limited. If the dog continues to relieve the need for this place, processing continues until it stops. If Antigadin helped the first time, it is still recommended to re-treat the surface in order to fix the developed reflex in the animal.

Side effects and contraindications

toilet for dogs with a column

"Antigadin" for dogs has no contraindications and side effects, at least the manufacturers say so. The drug is harmless to humans and animals. However, there are a number of reviews in which there were complaints that the drug causes allergic reactions in people. But the deterioration of the dogs was not observed even once.

Antigadin: price

The drug can be purchased at veterinary pharmacies and pet stores. It is not very expensive. Prices will vary depending on the place of residence, but on average the cost of one package will be 120-150 rubles. If you decide to order Antigadin via the Internet, then make sure that this is not a fake. A poor-quality drug, unlike the real one, can harm the animal and your household.

And finally, a little advice: if you can’t teach a pet boy not to “get dirty” in the apartment, then put a dog toilet with a column for him. Dogs have a slight weakness - they simply adore marking any heights.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F13383/

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