Choosing steam cleaners: manufacturer reviews

By the principle of its operation, the steam cleaner is somewhat similar to a conventional steamer, and it is also mainly used to disinfect various surfaces. The main cleaning force here is precisely hot steam, which, when properly heated, copes with the removal of fungi, microbes, and other microorganisms.

Judging by the reviews of steam cleaners, this equipment can significantly save on household chemicals. A similar technique does an excellent job cleaning kitchen stoves or hobs, cooker hoods, blinds, and bathrooms. If you believe the reviews about steam cleaners, many users even use these devices to clean the inside of cars. So such equipment can be safely called universal.

The home appliance market, as always, pleases with a wide range of steam cleaners. On the one hand, itโ€™s good, because thereโ€™s plenty to choose from, but on the other hand, inexperienced consumers simply have their eyes scattered from the variety presented, which makes it difficult to select a specific model.

We will try to properly understand this issue and determine the criteria for the best steam cleaner. User reviews, the main characteristics of the models, as well as their advantages and disadvantages will be considered in our article.

Difficulty choosing

Instilled: โ€œThe more expensive, the betterโ€ is not always true for this segment of technology. Here it is necessary to carefully weigh a number of critical characteristics that will directly affect the quality operation of the equipment in each case. Let's consider them all in order.


All models can be divided into two types - manual and floor. The former are distinguished by their compactness and more affordable cost. But in this case, there are pitfalls: the operational resource of such models is very limited, and they are not suitable for daily, as well as full-scale, cleaning.

floor steam cleaner

Judging by the reviews of manual steam cleaners, they will come in handy if they work with a load of no more than two to three days a week (spring cleaning). If we are talking about a kitchen where a cooker with hood is served, then there should be no problems - the appliance can be used at least every day.

Outdoor equipment is much more powerful than its manual counterparts. It is equipped with a capacious container for steam and has a noticeably longer service life. With its appearance, the floor steam cleaner is very similar to a vacuum cleaner. But unlike the latter, it is much easier, which is critical when working with vertical surfaces.

Judging by the reviews of steam cleaners for a floor-type house, this technique copes with the loads perfectly and allows for general cleaning at least every day, without fear of overloading the equipment and somehow harming it. The only negative, which, by the way, is a plus for the manual type of devices, is accessibility to the surface. The same hood in the kitchen or slots is much more comfortable to handle with a small and nimble appliance, rather than a bulky floor model.

Volume of the tank

The duration of the steam cleaner mainly depends on the volume of the tank. Manual models are equipped with small tanks, usually from 0.2 to 0.4 liters. Even with minimal water consumption, it ends very quickly.

The floor equipment has more capacious tanks with a volume of 1 liter or more, which can significantly increase the operating time. Judging by the reviews of steam cleaners, users do not recommend to get involved in displacement, because this adds weight to the equipment. In general, everything should be in moderation and without fanaticism.

Heating time

This indicator directly depends on the power of equipment, as well as on the volume of the tank. The more watts, the faster the heating. In addition, in large tanks, water gains the desired temperature noticeably slower. One option to speed up the process is to immediately pour hot water into the tank.

On the market you can find devices with different capacities, as well as with the heating rate. Moreover, the difference in the last indicator can be very significant - from 4 seconds to half an hour.

Protective systems

This is mostly a safety valve. This is an extremely important option that critically affects the safety of this type of equipment. Users sometimes forget to turn off the device, and it continues to work idle, overloading all important systems.

If the equipment is equipped with a safety valve, the device automatically turns off when cleaning is completed, thereby reducing the risk of breakage, and most importantly, fire.


Models from the premium segment are completed, as a rule, in full. Here we have a wide range of various nozzles for working with different types of surfaces. For example, the brush copes with the removal of persistent dirt, the scraper will clean your windows, and the injector will not only save detergent, but will also make cleaning more precise.

steam cleaner delivery set

Models from the mid-budget segment can also be equipped with a good set of nozzles, but this is the exception rather than the rule. And in most cases, you have to buy the necessary accessories separately.


Many companies are engaged in the production of such equipment, but not all of them get really high-quality devices in many respects. The venerable German brand Karcher, who, as they say, ate a dog on cleaning and cleaning equipment, can be called a clear leader in the segment.

steam cleaner manufacturer

It is also worth paying attention to steam cleaners of the Italian company MIE, the English "Marta" and the domestic Kitfort. The products of these brands are of good quality, and users leave a lot of positive reviews about it.

Of course, other manufacturers can be found on the home appliance market, but in this case, the choice must be approached more carefully, because far from all the lines of seemingly well-known brands turned out to be successful and worthy of attention. For example, reviews about Bissell steam cleaners are far from the most flattering, while they are completely positive about vacuum cleaners from the same American brand.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the little-known or, even worse, noone-producers from the notorious Celestial Empire. The Chinese are tirelessly stamping frankly cheap consumer goods right and left, and buying such equipment is akin to a lottery, where the advantage is clearly not on the consumer side. Reviews about such manufacturers are unambiguous: both marriage is here, and there is a breakdown, and itโ€™s like to play everything back and buy a normal device from a brand that respects itself and the consumer.

Next, we consider several popular models that distinguished themselves not only by their quality component, but also by a large number of positive reviews from users.

Karcher SC 1

This is one of the most popular hand models in the domestic consumer. Reviews about the SC 1 steam cleaner are mostly positive, and users do not note any critical flaws. The model has been repeatedly awarded at specialized exhibitions and has been praised by independent internet reviewers.

Karcher sc 1

Judging by the same reviews about the 1 series steam cleaners, the models were distinguished by their compactness, the presence of a safety valve, a long cable, and low weight, which the fair half of humanity with fragile handles will probably appreciate.

As a fly in the ointment here is a modest 0.2-liter tank. His barely enough for one small cleaning, and during serious events have to constantly add water. In addition, negative reviews regarding the completeness of the model often slip in reviews of the Karcher SC 1 steam cleaner. Here, as such, there is no delivery set, and the necessary nozzles have to be purchased separately. The brand appendage Floor Kit with everything you need will cost a good thousand rubles from above.

Estimated cost of the model is about 4200 rubles (without Floor Kit).

Karcher SC 2

This is already outdoor equipment from a reputable brand, and it also has distinguished itself by excellent sales and a lot of positive reviews. The SC 2 steam cleaner is a relatively simple, quite compact, and also very effective device for high-quality cleaning of almost any surface.

Karcher sc 2

The model received a convenient adjustment of the steam supply and excellent protection of the main elements from scale, which is critical, given the situation with domestic water supply. The sensible coating is able to fully resist limescale and does not make us think about the quality of water once again.

Judging by the reviews of the 2 Series steam cleaners, users rated the reliability and efficient operation of the models. There are no questions regarding the build quality or ergonomics of the equipment: everything is done at the level proper for the brand and fully justifies the money invested in equipment. Nevertheless, in reviews of the Karcher SC 2 steam cleaner, consumer complaints about the modest delivery set still slip, where, as in the first case, one has to shell out one of the branded sets.

Estimated price of the model is about 8400 rubles.

Kitfort KT-903

The floor model from a domestic manufacturer in the first place can boast of its power, as well as a perfectly balanced price-quality ratio. Judging by the reviews on the Kitfort KT-903 steam cleaner, this is the most versatile and extremely practical technique.

steam cleaner kitfort

The model boasts a decent power of 2 kW, excellent vapor pressure of 4 bar and its maximum temperature of almost 150 degrees. Such characteristics allow the equipment to quickly heat the steam and with the proper efficiency to remove the most complex dirt.

Consumers were also pleased with the delivery kit of the model, which includes all the nozzles necessary for work: a scraper for smooth surfaces, a brush for finicky people, and also a rather rare injector. The manufacturer also took care of user safety and ergonomics by equipping the device with a safety valve, a measuring cup, a compartment for storing utensils and a convenient carrying handle.

One of the attractive features of the model is a removable tank. Judging by the reviews, a good half of users consider this moment a significant advantage, because in the process of intensive cleaning, water ends very quickly, and in models with a built-in tank, you have to completely turn off the equipment to replenish supplies. And here topping up is possible right during operation.

In a word, the domestic model did not hit the face in front of foreign counterparts and made it a serious competition. European equipment with approximately the same characteristics costs at least one and a half, or even two times more expensive. So the benefits here are more than obvious.

Estimated cost of the model is about 10,000 rubles.

Karcher SC 5 + IRON KI

Judging by the reviews on Karcher SC 5 Series steam cleaners, this is the best this segment has to offer. Users in unison with thematic magazines sing praises of this model, and, perhaps, the only thing consumers complain about, especially domestic ones, is the unbearable price tag. But here you need to understand that exceptional quality and amazing efficiency simply can not be cheap, and you get exactly what you pay for.

Karcher sc 5

The model received a rich functional set of almost everything and everything that can be imagined on equipment of such a plan. Also, many users were pleased with the rich delivery set, while other devices from the less noble series are clearly no different. The quantity and quality of nozzles allows you to take on any surface and with due efficiency to complete the task.

Key features of the model:

  • sensible steam adjustment;
  • two full tanks with Comfort Plus system;
  • parking;
  • equally effective both vertical and horizontal steaming;
  • an effective protection system (from scale, from children), coupled with a safety valve;
  • an abundance of various nozzles for any surfaces;
  • exceptional build quality;
  • maximum warranty period from a German manufacturer.

It is also worth remembering that there are almost all problems with such equipment with short power cords. Here the issue is resolved at the root, and six meters of cable with the head is enough to work out even the largest room without involving carrying.

The guarantee of efficiency here is an enviable power along with the same excellent vapor pressure of 4.2 bar, which gives a very high efficiency. In a word, this model is an ideal tool for efficient cleaning and cleaning of any surfaces. The only drawback that can in no way be called critical, and it does not belong in any way to the technical part, is the price. Yes, she is tall, and not everyone can afford such a cleaning monster. But the model completely and fully justifies the funds invested in it and will satisfy the needs of the most demanding consumers.

The estimated price of the model is about 35,000 rubles.


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