Stretch ceilings: reviews of firms in St. Petersburg. Installation, quality assurance

A stretch ceiling is a special thin strong film stretched over a pre-mounted frame. The durability of such a design primarily depends on how professionally it is installed. Therefore, the choice of a supplier of a stretch ceiling should be considered as carefully as possible. This is especially true of such a large city as St. Petersburg.

Stretch ceilings: reviews of firms in St. Petersburg

Of course, there are a lot of popular companies involved in the installation of suspended ceilings in St. Petersburg. In one small article, the advantages and disadvantages of each of them are simply impossible to make out. Therefore, we’ll continue to talk only about the four most popular companies: Concord, Aton, Iceberg and Free Style. The products of these manufacturers have earned the best reviews from residents of the Northern capital.

suspended ceilings reviews about firms spb

Stretch ceilings "Concord"

The head office of this company is located at St. Petersburg, pr. People’s Militia, 22, in the shopping center "Russian Village". The products of this supplier are popular primarily for their high quality and reasonable price. Not only residents of the city, but also owners of apartments and houses in the Leningrad Region can order delivery of a stretch ceiling and its installation.

Judging by the reviews of its customers, this supplier also has a very large selection of ceilings. The Concord company sells stretch ceilings different - German, French or Belgian production. The company sells matte, glossy, lacquered and satin ceilings. You can also order the popular variety of "starry sky" or canvas backlit. Recently, so-called soaring stretch ceilings have been very popular . In this case, a beautiful translucent pattern or pattern is pasted onto the canvas, and modern illumination is mounted on the reverse side. The result is a very effective design. Masters of the Concord company carry out installation including such original ceilings.

Company reviews

Thus, the Concord company sells very good and not too expensive stretch ceilings. Reviews about firms in St. Petersburg in most cases are not bad. However, this company is most popular among many residents of the northern capital. She deserved very good reviews, including for the quality of the installation of ceilings. Measurers of the company come to the house usually right on the day of treatment. Concord specialists also take no more than a day to install the ceilings themselves. After installation, the masters themselves remove all garbage from the apartment. Very often, the company provides its customers with the opportunity to save money by selling the canvas at a discount. Of course, this can also be attributed to its advantages.

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Aton Ceilings

This company also sells its ceilings for quite some time - about eight years. Moreover, it sells mainly products of its own production. If desired, the company can also order the services of a designer. The specialist will make the project that is most suitable for this particular room. The head office of this company is located at: St. Petersburg, st. Kurskaya, d. 28/32.

Aton Ceilings Reviews

The advantages of this company are primarily consumers that it provides a free exit measurer. Of course, its customers consider the advantage of cooperation with this company to be that it provides a 12-year guarantee on all its products.

This company employs truly highly qualified specialists who know their job well. Logistics are involved in planning the installation of ceilings, so this operation takes a minimum of time.

Of course, the clients of this company also like the fact that it independently provides after-sales service for the structures installed by its masters. Aton - suspended ceilings, which are also considered a plus, not too high cost.

Iceberg Products

The head office of this company is located at: St. Petersburg, ul. Krasnoputilovskaya, d. 50. Here you can also order a variety of design ceilings in design. In St. Petersburg, Iceberg also sells French seamless ceilings, which are most popular among residents of the northern capital. If desired, you can buy a satin, matte or varnish model. The ceilings in the style of moire, wood, gloss, velor sold by this company are also very popular with consumers.

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Iceberg Ceilings Reviews

It is believed that this company sells very good stretch ceilings in St. Petersburg. Iceberg is a company, the main advantage of which is that it gives a guarantee for installation of at least 3 years, and for the canvas itself - of 15 years. The specialists of this company install ceilings quickly and they are not too expensive at the same time.

Free style

This company also has been operating in the St. Petersburg market for quite some time. Those who want to buy a stretch ceiling in St. Petersburg inexpensively should pay attention to it. The head office of this company is located at: st. Bela Kuna, d 3. For the most part, residents of the Nevsky and Frunze districts make orders here. The company implements both self-made ceilings and other manufacturers. If desired, here you can order including canvas with photo printing, as well as very interesting models with perforation or 3D-designs. Very often, residents of St. Petersburg also order repair of cut ceilings and draining water from this company. The company's specialists carry out installation of structures of any complexity.

Company reviews

The company “Free Style” among apartment owners in St. Petersburg also earned popularity in the first place for the skill of its employees. The company specialists install the ceilings very carefully and at the same time as quickly as possible. Also, the advantages of this company include not too high prices for ceiling structures. If desired, in this company you can order including the development of the design of the canvas and lighting. Most customers who have used the services of the company to install Free Style stretch ceilings recommend it to their friends and acquaintances in the future.

suspended ceilings stock

Stretch ceilings in St. Petersburg: price

The cost of the Concord ceilings is approximately 360-550 rubles per square meter (depending on the manufacturer). Belgian and German models are cheaper. French are more expensive. The price of matte glossy and satin models is about the same. Ceilings "starry sky", depending on the number of "stars", cost 40-85 thousand rubles per canvas.

Free Style ceilings have about the same price. The price of soaring models sold by this company is about 1,500 rubles. This company often makes good discounts on its stretch ceilings. Promotions are held regularly, and quite profitable. Discounts in some cases can reach 35%. Stretch ceilings "Ayberg" and Aton cost about 450-750 r / m 2 .

Installation: what the cost may depend on

Not too high cost - this, therefore, is what distinguishes stretch ceilings in St. Petersburg in most cases. The price of installation of tension structures of this type is usually also not too high. The cost of this type of work mainly depends on the following factors:

  • premises area;

  • the number of angles in it;

  • the presence or absence of openings for ventilation;

  • curvilinearity;

  • quantity and type of fixtures used for additional decoration;

  • the need for a stroke of pipes extending to the ceiling;

  • the presence of a cornice transition.

The cost of installing a stretch ceiling may increase if the apartment owners order a seal on it. But in general, residents of the Northern capital have the opportunity to not spend too much when installing structures such as suspended ceilings. St. Petersburg (prices with installation in most companies in this city range from 450-550 rubles m 2 ) - a city in which such ceiling decoration, including because of low cost, is very popular.

Stretch ceilings in St. Petersburg iceberg

What to look for when choosing

When buying a stretch ceiling, you should first pay attention to such its characteristics:

  1. Material used to make the ceiling.

  2. The color of the ceiling.

  3. The seller has a certificate.

  4. Warranty service and canvas.

Material used for manufacturing

This setting is fundamental when choosing a ceiling finish such as stretch ceilings. Reviews about St. Petersburg companies in most cases are therefore positive because they trade or produce structures made of the highest quality materials. At the moment, only two main varieties of such structures are produced: fabric and polyvinyl chloride. The latter are:

  1. Glossy . This material reflects light, and therefore looks very impressive. In addition, the use of such a canvas allows you to visually increase the volume of the room.

  2. Matte . Outwardly, such canvases resemble a plastered surface. Therefore, they are popular mainly with those who prefer a classic style in the interior. But sometimes such canvases are decorated with various kinds of patterns and drawings. In this case, they can be installed in rooms decorated in any other style.

  3. Satin . In appearance, these ceilings are a cross between matte and glossy.

Fabric ceilings are made of polyester. This durable base is additionally coated with a special polyurethane compound. The main advantage of this type of canvas is the complete absence of seams. Ceilings of this type are usually sold in rolls with a width of 5-5.5 m.

Fancy models

In addition to those described above, there are original models on sale today. For example, perforated sheets have been very popular recently. The very spectacular “starry sky” also belongs to this type. There are holes in the canvas of such ceilings, and modern illumination is installed behind it. Exclusive ceilings with artistic print also look very beautiful.

free style

How the seller can confirm product quality

Long term use is what distinguishes this type of finish, like stretch ceilings. Reviews about St. Petersburg firms are good, of course, only if they have the appropriate certificates for the products they sell. In any case, when buying this document from the seller should be required. A poor-quality canvas will not last too long. In addition, ceilings from unknown manufacturers are often not environmentally friendly. For example, cheap Chinese paintings may contain an excess of cadmium and nickel and at the same time have a very unpleasant odor. High-quality stretch ceiling must comply with G1 standards. For all the companies reviewed above, the canvases are certified and fully fit the requirements of SES.

Warranty for service and the web itself

Buy stretch ceiling in St. Petersburg inexpensively, therefore, is not too difficult. However, when choosing such a design, one more important aspect should be paid attention to. Good manufacturers and suppliers are usually completely confident that their employees will do the job of installing suspended ceilings in a quality manner, and the canvas itself will last as long as possible. Therefore, they usually give a guarantee on their products for a certain time. During this period, the repair of ceilings operated in compliance with technological requirements is free of charge.

Concord company suspended ceilings

As already mentioned, the warranty for suspended ceilings at Aton and Iceberg is 12 and 15 years, respectively. Concord will repair the structure free of charge for 10-15 years, depending on which company’s products were purchased by the apartment owners. For its own work, this supplier provides a three-year warranty .

As you can see, many companies in St. Petersburg sell really high-quality and at the same time inexpensive stretch ceilings. The shares held by them often allow very good savings. But, of course, before buying a suspended ceiling, residents of the Northern capital should make sure the reliability of the manufacturer or supplier, as well as the presence of a certificate for this product.


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