The most romantic places in the world (photo)

No matter what happens in the world, there has always been a place for romance in it, and people will always fall in love and strive to bring joy to their halves. And what could be better than a trip together to the most romantic places in the world where tenderness and love are in the air?

100 most romantic places in the world


This is a city that has witnessed the tragic love of Romeo and Juliet. For many centuries, it has attracted newlyweds and lovers who believe that this is the most romantic place in the world. Once in Verona, you should definitely visit the house of Capulet. There you will have the opportunity to once again confess your love, standing under the balcony of your Juliet, and if you are very lucky, listen to opera in the ancient Roman amphitheater Arena di Verona, where theatrical performances were staged several centuries before the birth of Christ.


In the ranking of "Most Romantic Places in the World" for many decades, Paris has been in first place. Why? To answer this question, it is enough to list the names of some of the sights of the French capital. This is the Marie Bridge (Lovers' Bridge), the Wall of Love on Montmartre, Notre Dame Cathedral, covered in the romantic legend of Quasimodo's passion for Esmeralda, and many others. Popular places for romantic recognition are the Eiffel Tower and the Vincennes Forest, where your vows will sound especially convincing.

the most romantic places in the world photo


One of the most beautiful cities in Europe - Venice - is a place where you and your soul mate are waiting for romantic walks on gondolas along the canals, on the banks of which the magnificent palaces of the Venetian doges and nobles rise. In addition, you will have the opportunity to merge in a passionate kiss on the Bridge of Sighs, which according to legend guarantees a happy life for many years to come.

the most romantic places in the world

Aphrodite's Cove

According to ancient Greek legends, the island of Crete has repeatedly become the place where the all-powerful Zeus indulged in love joys with earthly women and Olympic goddesses. There is also the famous Aphrodite Cove, where it was born from sea foam. Those who have visited there claim that this is the most romantic place in the world where you can see an incredibly beautiful sunset and make a recognition that will forever change your life.


If there is paradise on earth, then it is most likely located in the tropics. For example, the Bahamas falls under the idea of โ€‹โ€‹what the most romantic places in the world should be. There you will find a relaxing holiday on the white beaches surrounded by majestic palm trees, yachting, flying on planes over the ocean and rich nightlife.

the most romantic place in the world


Recently it has become fashionable to give loved ones boxes of live tropical butterflies. Such gifts invariably cause delight and gratitude among the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. Now imagine how much more joy your soul mate will bring a whole valley of fluttering butterflies, and you will understand why you just need to visit with your beloved Belcekiz. This picturesque place is located near the Turkish resort of Fethiye, and there you will find a sea of โ€‹โ€‹unforgettable experiences.


In no corner of the planet have so many romantic ballads been written as in Scotland. Despite the not very gentle climate, this corner of the earth attracts lovers with its incredible charm and many ancient attractions, among which medieval inaccessible castles are of particular interest. If you want to visit the most romantic place in the world, then go to the Scottish island of Skye, whose name translates as โ€œskyโ€. There you really feel like in the clouds and for a couple of days you forget about all the worries.

the most romantic places in the world


Snow-white cozy houses located on the shores of the ultramarine sea under the azure sky - what could be the best decoration for an unforgettable honeymoon? Doubt that such a place exists? Then go to the Greek island of Santorini, where you can wander through the streets of the ancient Greek Pompeii - the city of Thira, which was buried under volcanic ash several millennia ago. By the way, the Greeks for several centuries can not decide whether the most romantic place in the world is on the island of Palea Kameni or on the neighboring Nea Kameni. The fact is that, according to legend, one of them arranged secret meetings of young men and women of the disappeared Atlantis, but it is not specified on which one.

Pulau Seribu

As you know, lovers tend to solitude, because in such bright moments of life, except for each other, they do not need anyone. Among the few places on our planet where you can forget about everything in the world is the group of Pulau Seribu islands with many picturesque beaches where no one will stop you from feeling like the only people on Earth.

Indonesian island of Pulau Seribu

St. Petersburg

Talking about the most romantic places in the world, one cannot but mention the northern capital of our country. Indeed, for several centuries, walks during the white nights along its magnificent embankments have inspired poets to create many lyric works.

Tunnel of Love

The most romantic places in the world are not necessarily tropical islands or ancient cities. They can be found much closer. For example, in the Ukrainian city of Klevan there is the Tunnel of Love, through which the railway runs from nowhere to nowhere. It is formed by branches of fused trees and in the warm season or snowy winter is an incredibly picturesque sight.

"100 most romantic places in the world"

If you are looking for something completely unbelievable and known only to a few for your main date in your life, then the book by Alena Sokolinskaya will help you. It describes the most romantic places in the world, photos of which make you want to pack your bags and immediately go there with your beloved or beloved. Incredible impressions and a wonderful vacation!


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