Post factum: exposure

In literature, in Internet resources and just in everyday speech, the expression "Post factum" is sometimes found. But does everyone thoroughly know what it means? When is it appropriate to use? Is it possible to replace this phrase with other words? Read more about this and more.

Post factum: meaning

Post factum (with emphasis on the second syllable) The explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Ozhegova defines as a persistent book expression, an adverb. Literally, it means "after something is done, happened, happened."

This phrase is borrowed. Post factum translation from Latin has this: "after what happened."

post factum

It is mainly used in jurisprudence. From there, by the way, the expression turned into ordinary speech. Usually they use it in documents, where it is a question of arrangement, design of something after it has already been created in reality. A good example: someone issued a permit to purchase after the fact. That is, he first bought, and then they gave him permission to do so.

The expression Post factum is quite appropriate to replace with the words more familiar to our ears:

  • later;
  • after;
  • after all;
  • after;
  • backdating.

post factum meaning

Use expression

However, in addition to legal documents, the expression post factum also fits into ordinary speech. This is clearly seen in a few examples:

  • Will you already inform me of this in advance, and not after the fact?
  • He told me that in his days, discussions were post factum, not three days before the exam.
  • Is the fight against crimes a message about them after the fact, and not the prevention of their commission?
  • We learned the news after the fact, at the meeting we did not talk about it.
  • Why do you explain this after the fact, when it is no longer relevant?
  • He stubbornly continues to respond to all my requests ex post.
  • Even Natasha’s friends found out about her engagement with Danil after the fact.
  • Yes, you did the examination, but you did it after the fact.
  • This is better said after the fact, and not now.
  • Unfortunately, all successful ideas come to mind after the fact, and not when they are especially relevant.

post factum Latin translation

Do not confuse!

Often we can find the expression "postscript". It is by no means an equivalent substitute for the post factum.

Postscriptum (lat.) - "written after", "after what has been said." The tradition of his writing comes from the depths of centuries, when people communicate with each other through letters. As a rule, at the end of the message it was necessary to “take a leave” and put your signature. But it also happened that a person, having completely written a letter, recalled that he wanted to tell something else to the addressee. Then he saved PS postscript, which could also mean "after the signature." If the author was completely forgetful, then PPS went further (after after the signature) and even PPPS. It is important to remember that the abbreviation "postscript" is not synonymous with the word "signature" itself. So the phrase "Masha, I love you. PS Vanya" will be incorrect.

Another PS could be put before writing information other than the subject of the main text. For example, the author writes a detailed story to a friend about how to properly care for apple trees. But then he suddenly remembers something that has nothing to do with gardening. And now: "PS What is the name of your cat? I completely forgot."

In Runet, the seemingly illogical synonym of the postscript is sometimes used at first glance - "Z. Z." However, everything is explained simply: the Latin letters P and S are located on the Russian keyboard layout on the same keys as Z and S.

post factum offer

What else is this?

What else can post factum mean? It is easy to construct a sentence with this expression if you know its meaning.

Surely many of you have still found the first Soviet private news agency with that name. It existed from 1989 to 1996. Post factum news agency called itself a non-governmental information and news service. Its creators, Vladimir Yakovlev (also the founder of Kommersant) and Gleb Pavlovsky (future editor-in-chief of the "Century XX and the World"), later said that this name originated in their minds only "in a state of alcoholic insensibility", because it’s a little strange so-called news service.

Despite this statement, today this name is not the only one in the world of news and information. Printed publications called Post factum can be found in Pskov, Kharkov, and Berezovsky. The final program on Radio Vesti has the same name, which discusses the results of the past week.

"Post factum" is also the Russian adaptation of the name "The after" of the American science fiction series, throughout which a handful of young people are trying to survive in the harsh post-apocalyptic world of the future.


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