How to apply for the construction of an individual residential building?

By law, you can only build a house on a site that has been assigned the appropriate purpose. Otherwise, you will need to contact the executive committee to get permission to build an individual residential building. Of course, you can immediately buy a land plot intended for construction from the state or from private individuals. True, before you build a house, you still have to go through all the stages of land registration provided for by law.

permission to build an individual house


On the basis of permits, you can design and build a residential building. This will require a whole list of documents:

1. The decision of the executive committee on the possibility of building a single-family residential building from blocks or non-residential buildings near the territory of the house.

2. The task, which includes the architectural layout.

3. Conclusion from other matching organizations.

4. For the engineering facility, special conditions.

To get permission to build a house, you need to contact the executive committee with a statement where you should indicate:

1. The location of the land, as well as the location of real estate, if any.

2. Specifications and planned parameters.

3. House area and number of floors.

4. The presence of engineering equipment.

building permit

It is important to consider that if this site is in mutual ownership, the consent of all owners will be required. The executive committee makes a request to the organization for real estate registration. They are given documents confirming your right to land. In addition, information about all available buildings located on this site. Also, a citizen can submit all these documents independently.

If there are people living near your land, you will need consent from them. This written permission of the neighbors to build a house is attached to other necessary documents. After its execution, it is necessary to collect the signatures of neighbors confirming their consent to your construction of a residential building next to them.

After the executive committee accepted the citizen’s application, this organization independently does all the work so that the applicant can obtain permission to build a residential building. Moreover, all approvals and clearance activities are also performed by the executive committee within a month after submitting the application.

Here, first of all, the list is determined, which organizations should be consulted to obtain technical specifications for the facility. They also contact the territorial division for permission to carry out construction and design and survey works. In addition, it is also necessary to collect the conclusions of all the coordinating organizations and obtain technical support for the facility.

permission to build an individual house

The building permit is issued within a few days after the application of the executive committee to a special unit of architecture and urban planning. Moreover, they need to submit a conclusion from the coordinating organizations and provide information on the technical conditions for the facility. In addition, a citizen can himself obtain these conclusions and special conditions. In turn, this unit of architecture and urban planning prepares, and then transfers the information to the executive committee. This includes documents such as:

1. Layout approved by the chief architect of the city.

2. Documented permission for construction work on the land.

3. The conclusion of all organizations (coordinating). After the executive committee has received all these documents, permission is given to build an individual residential building.

Then, permits are sent to the citizen, including in their list:

1. Extract from the decision of the executive committee (permission to carry out construction and survey work on this land plot).

2. Architectural planning task.

3. The conclusion of the coordinating organizations.

4. Technical conditions to ensure the facility.

Project Documentation

Real estate construction should be carried out on the basis of approved design documentation. Therefore, after obtaining a permit, you can proceed with the design of the house. Moreover, the design of the building can be individual or typical.

Special home project

Having the permission to build an individual house, the citizen himself decides what it should be. The main thing is to communicate all your wishes, ideas to the design organization. Then they develop a project based on your intentions.


In the process of such construction, all wishes are translated into reality. Usually a building is built from scratch, so this architectural construction will be exclusive. It is important, when drawing up the contract, to include a clause in it on copyright for the project of the house.


Often, project development and construction of an individual type are expensive. In addition, the period here is very long, amounting to several months. All work is carried out under a contract, which is concluded with the design organization. Moreover, the application in the form of a design assignment is important. It is prepared by the customer himself or by the design organization at his personal request. After that, this task becomes the main guideline for both parties to the contract. Indeed, now only with the consent of the customer certain changes can be made.

get permission to build a house

Typical house project

Once you have been able to obtain permission to build a house, you can speed up the construction process. Just turn your attention to a typical project. He is already ready, so for those who value their time and do not know what his house should be, this option is most suitable. In addition, there are a large number of typical options in various design organizations.


Its main advantage is low cost. In addition, there is practically no waiting time.


An important point is that the standard design does not take into account local conditions during construction. Therefore, you should make a reference to a specific land plot, in connection with which you need to contact the design organization. In addition, your home will not be unique, but similar to others.

building permit needed


Drawing up budget documentation is an important part of the design of the facility. Therefore, only half of the job is to get permission to build a house. Documents that are requested by the bank upon receipt of a construction loan necessarily require an estimate in its list. In addition, the estimate documentation immediately shows how much the construction of the house will cost. And you can immediately see your own financial opportunities. Estimation is carried out by any design organization where there are relevant specialists.

Approval of project documentation

When the project has already been developed, it must be agreed upon by contacting the territorial organization of architecture and urban planning. You need to contact them with a statement and the project documentation itself. If you make an additional fee, then the design organization will independently deal with this issue.

DIY home construction

The permission to build a country house has been received, now it remains to decide on the question of whether a residential building will be built on its own or with the help of a construction organization. If the first option is chosen, then the citizen independently builds a house, looking for workers by oral agreement. However, in this case, it is impossible to make demands on the quality and deadline of the facility. Therefore, a contract should be concluded. This will protect the citizen from controversial situations.

In addition, you can conclude such agreements several times. Also, money for work should be paid after the construction of the house.

building permit documents

Housing construction by a special organization

When you have permission to build an individual residential building, you can contact the construction company. There you will conclude a contract between the organization and the citizen. The main thing is to first verify their quality work. Confirmation is a certificate of conformity, as well as a list of objects completed by the company. Then, in fact, you can see their result.

Cost and terms of building a house

In the process of signing a contract, it is important to clarify from which materials the construction will be carried out. All because there is a rule on the basis of which the contracting organization spends its materials, forces and means. Which involves paying an advance on the expenses of a construction company.

Nevertheless, if a citizen wants to partially independently supply the material for the construction of the object, it is important to indicate this point in the contract. Deadlines can be divided into stages. Moreover, in accordance with these terms, you can distribute and payment for the work.

Acceptance of housing in operation

Permission for the construction of an individual residential building has been obtained, the object has been built, it remains to put it into operation. To do this, contact the executive committee and submit the documents:

1. Statement.

2. Approved project documentation.

3. Permissive documents.

Then a commission is created, which includes:

1. A citizen engaged in the construction of a house.

2. A man from a construction company.

3. Representative from the executive committee.

4. Employee from the state sanitary and fire supervision.

5. An employee of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Environmental Protection.

permission to build a country house

Technical inventory and property registration

Next, an inventory is carried out, as well as obtaining a passport for a residential building. This requires documents such as:

1. Work order.

2. Passport.

3. Statement confirming the construction permit.

4. Project documents.

5. The act of acceptance into operation with the conclusion of state oversight bodies.

6. Payment for technical inventory.

Then you can contact the registration authority, providing them with the necessary documents. Then register your ownership. Next, a special certificate is issued confirming your rights as a homeowner.


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