Traction control tapes: what are they for, popular models, reviews

All motorists are familiar with such a difficult situation when a car is stuck on a snowy or dirty road. It is considered normal for our latitude when winter is very snowy and spring is dirty, therefore, roads at this time of year are in poor condition, and even the quality of the road surface leaves much to be desired.

What are traction control tapes and what do they serve

If the car got into the mud or snow and cannot drive on its own, then it is quite difficult to get it out of there. This trouble is solved quite simply, and without outside help. This will help traction control tape, which can be purchased at the store or made independently. Such a device is placed under the driving wheels of the car, after which the rubber of the wheel adheres to the surface of the tape.

traction control tape

There are several varieties of traction control tapes. The basis of this classification is service and price category. Everyone can choose the most suitable option for themselves. The most convenient and effective tapes, respectively, will cost more. When purchasing anti-slip tracks, additional accessories are included with them: covers and gloves, since when using the tape they are very dirty.

Pros of using traction control tapes

  • Traction control tapes have a special platform; it serves to tighten the tapes under a stalled wheel.
  • The presence of metal spikes for adhesion to hard surfaces (for example, ice or rolled snow).
  • Mesh form tape designed for loose surfaces.
  • The material for making the tape is durable and plastic, resistant to frost.
  • With the help of special Z-shaped lugs, the truck perfectly adheres to the ground.
  • Tracks are attached simply and securely.

do-it-yourself traction tapes

Features in the application of the tape

  • This device is intended for cars, the mass of which is up to 2.5 tons.
  • The temperature regime of traction control tapes is from -35 to +55 degrees.
  • Traction control can be used on various roads: sandy, snowy, clay.
  • The height difference per meter of road should not exceed 20 cm.

Independent manufacture of traction control tapes

You can make traction do-it-yourself tapes. It is not difficult, it will take very little time and money. You need to take a conveyor belt measuring 80x20 centimeters and 8 millimeters thick. Bolts with a diameter of 6 millimeters are turned on it on a turn-key basis by 10 millimeters. Screw them in a checkerboard pattern.

Thus, you need to make two tapes, and if the car gets stuck on the road, put them under the wheels. Such a device turns out to be no worse than the purchased one, it helps without fail in difficult situations.

traction control tape z track

The most common traction control

The most common and effective today are anti-slip tapes Z-TRACK. And all because they are simple, reliable and trouble-free to use. They perfectly pull the towing car out of the rut. This thing is certainly useful and must be in the trunk of every vehicle.

The kit of this traction control tape includes six tracks that are fastened together. You can couple them in two tapes and put them under the drive wheels.

traction control tape z track reviews

There is also a professional version of this model - Z-TRACK PRO. She has advanced equipment, great durability and improved features. Made specifically for harsh conditions, complete off-road. The manufacturing material here is even more durable, suitable for cars weighing up to 4.5 tons, the temperature regime has also improved - the tapes can withstand up to -60 degrees below zero.

For greater comfort, the set includes rubberized gloves with hand protection, plastic bags to pack dirty tracks after use, a durable and convenient bag in which everything folds.

Traction tape Z-TRACK: reviews

1. Traction control is a great thing, it will always be needed on our roads. Especially motorists like Z-TRACK tapes, with them neither dirt nor snow are scary.

2. The main advantage of these tapes is their compactness. They can simply lie in the trunk and not take up much space. These anti-slip tapes help drive out if the car stalled in melted snow, wet grass and sand. At the same time, they are completely useless on bulk surfaces (pebbles, gravel) and in deep mud. Thus, this device is suitable for urban driving and for infrequent driving out of town.

3. In winter, Z-TRACK belts are very popular, they help to get out of the knurled track, which are often on rural roads. And when going out, they can also sometimes come in handy. However, quite a necessary thing in a modern car, and takes up little space in the trunk. Just in case, must always be in the vehicle.


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