Dmitry Vinogradov: biography, personal life, family, photo

Schizophrenic (that's what Dmitry Vinogradov was called for a long time) of the “Russian Breivik,” as the press called him. When in 2013 he killed six of his colleagues, his case immediately became resonant, because before that he published his manifesto, which directly stated his hatred of humanity. He didn’t even hide his plans, his girlfriend in the office, a psychiatrist and an ex-girlfriend knew about them. But despite this, no one took any measures, because he simply did not believe that he was capable of actually fulfilling his promises. This article will talk about the biography of Dmitry Vinogradov, as well as what led him to such a monstrous end.

Problem birth

It has long been known that most killers get injured precisely in childhood. In this regard, Dmitry Andreyevich Vinogradov is no exception. Trouble seemed to haunt him from birth. Despite the normal course of the pregnancy of his mother, during childbirth, doctors showed severe negligence, simply not paying attention to the woman. Ultimately, this led to the fact that the baby was born with a whole bunch of diseases due to displacement of the vertebrae and oxygen starvation.

Russian Breivik

The year of birth of Dmitry Vinogradov is 1983. Then, medicine was not yet so developed as it is at present, so the doctors could not especially help. They were only able to conduct a massage course that helped the child subsequently walk, but that was all.


As you know, a sick child in a family is a great misfortune, and if you add to this the gradual collapse of the USSR, it was clear that all the care of the child fell entirely on the family. Parents of Dmitry Vinogradov had to change their life in the bud to meet the requirements of a child.

His parents were highly respected people. Father, Andrei Vinogradov, was a PhD in geophysics and studied the seabed, and his wife devoted herself to the child. They made a lot of efforts to put him on his feet, constantly turning to doctors in the capital.

early years

When, finally, the child felt better, his parents were again able to take him to Murmansk. But it turned out that cruel fate seemed to haunt Dmitry Vinogradov. When he was two years old, he was diagnosed with autism, which was aggravated after a couple of years by a trauma in the form of a concussion. All this led to the fact that the sick child became incredibly withdrawn and fixated on his own mother.

Dmitry Vinogradov

Only with her did he feel safe, so parents had to abandon the kindergarten. In addition, he was haunted by frequent headaches, which were incredibly strong. However, parents were again able to find help - a Chinese acupuncture specialist was able to delay the disease for several years.


By 1989, the family again had to return to Moscow to treat the child, since only in the capital could doctors be found. Here the boy went to school for the first time. It was school number 981. However, it turned out that constant illness led to the fact that the boy was very shy and was simply afraid to answer near the blackboard. Teachers entered the position of the child and interviewed him after class when there were no other students in the class.

This yielded positive results - the ratings became much better. Gradually, Dmitry Vinogradov was able to adapt a little to society, began to attend wushu and tennis clubs, in which he received good results, and also played chess. He was even able to make friends, so the circle of his communication gradually expanded. As they said, in high school he became popular with both boys and girls, although he himself tried not to contact them especially.

And then trouble started again: in his teens, he gradually began to gain weight, so I had to put him on a very strict diet. In addition, at home, the relationship between the parents was very bad: they constantly quarreled, and even reached the assault.

Help birds

University studies

Dmitry Vinogradov received his education in the legal field, becoming a lawyer. He decided to move in this direction after the 9th grade, going to a special school. He still avoided his friends, replacing them with a new hobby - a mountain bike. In 2000, after passing the exams, he entered the Academic Law Institute. Having quietly studied for two courses, he realized that he was tired of such a mode of training, and independently began to study the disciplines of interest to him in the library. In addition, he enrolled in programming courses at Bauman University.

In his case, such a practice was very successful. He learned excellent English, so he took programming courses directly on it, having received a diploma personally signed by Bill Gates. Parents did not know that their child had missed a course until they received a call from the university and were told about it. By the way, they didn’t even try to expel him, because the teachers saw that he was studying hard at the library. They suggested that he go to distance learning, which suited the guy who again began to show interest in law, so still in 2009, Dmitry received a diploma.

Personal life

Dmitry Vinogradov avoided people, but this does not mean that he had no personal life. The first girl he had appeared in 2010 - she worked with him in a network of Rigla pharmacies, where he was a lawyer. True, they did not meet for long. However, he soon met Anna Kaznikova, whom he also met thanks to his work. It is not known what exactly their union was built on, since the girl had another young man.

Anna Kazankina

Some believed that she showed pity for her colleague or was with him for mercantile reasons, since he spent a lot of money on her. From their words it turns out that they never even went further than walking, since Vinogradov simply could not get excited. Relations gradually cooled, which led to the fact that the man began to experience rage. He himself said that he wanted to do a male act that would impress her. According to him, he had not yet thought about the murder.


It is known that Vinogradov went to a psychiatric hospital, but was not registered, because doctors believed that he had a prolonged depression. However, everything was much worse: as the man admitted, he felt that two people seemed to live in him - one of them dutifully took pills, and the second was constantly in fits of rage. By August 2012, everything had come to its final effect. He bought special uniforms at a military store and 230 rounds of ammunition. But only on November 7 he decided to act - the first thing he posted his manifesto, and then went to work. Having parked, he slept a little before the beginning of the working day, and then went to the pharmacy office. He was not even checked at the checkpoint, because he had been working there for a long time, and the guards knew him well. He carried weapons, changed clothes, and went to room 400.

Office after the shootout

The first victim was Denis Moiseyev, who came for an interview. In fact, Vinogradov did not even have a special list of people whom he was going to kill. He just wanted to do it in front of Anna, so he was convinced first that she was in place. Entering the room, he began to shoot with two hands. He knew how to do this very well, so he managed to kill five more before being twisted. As he said, the last he intended to kill himself, but simply did not have time.


Vinogradov in prison

In the photo, Dmitry Vinogradov looks like a shy and reserved young man, and not at all a misogynist and a murderer. So his childhood made him full of sickness and misery. Numerous little things led to the fact that he became so. It is known that he asked for help and even bluntly said that he wanted to arrange a massacre, but simply no one helped him and did not believe in the words. If this would happen, then so many victims simply could not be.


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