Schnitt - what is it? Chives: seed cultivation, soil features and description

Schnitt (what it is, will be explained in the article) is a relatively new culture that has appeared in human sites. However, in such a short time, this plant received a large number of fans. If you believe the reviews, then this is a real storehouse of vitamins, and the cooks love it very much, because it suits even the most delicate products.

chives what it is

Plant features

In our country, chives are called in a completely different way, namely chaiwis. In many states it is a wild plant, for example, in the countries of Europe, Central Asia and India. It tolerates cold well, therefore it is widespread on the coast of the North Sea.

This plant is perennial, cold-resistant. This means that by planting a bow-snitch on the plot (what it is, you can find out from the article) and removing garbage from the landing in the spring, you will soon enjoy the green beam. And in a sunny place a week after the snow melts.

It is best to cut the seedlings with scissors, after which the planting must be watered so that new seedlings do not keep themselves waiting.


A feature of this plant is that it does not have a bulb in the sense that we are used to. Although, according to botanists, he has many small bulbs covered with special membranous membranes.

Beneficial features

There are no doubts about the beneficial properties of chives. Firstly, it contains volatile, which can prevent the spread of infection. Secondly, we can say that this species has an unsharp onion taste, unlike onion. Fragrant leaves that combine tenderness and elegance will come in handy for any dish, even the most moody product.

In addition, the product includes lysine, tryptophan, methionine and other essential amino acids. There is also a huge amount of vitamin C and mineral salts. It is recommended to add chives to people who suffer from diseases of the biliary tract, kidneys and heart.


Chives: Seed Growing

This plant is characterized by the fact that it tolerates the absence of sunlight, so you can safely arrange the landing in the shade. In some cases, it is even useful, because the leaves remain soft for a long time and do not coarse. Chives are not very picky about the choice of soil, but it is also not necessary to plant them anywhere. There should be no rhizomes of other perennial plants in the selected area, especially if you are not going to change the planting location for the next few years.

There are two ways to propagate this plant:

  • by seeds;
  • vegetative.

If you want to have chives on your plot, growing from seeds will allow you to do this. You need to do this in May or July. You can artificially reduce seedling time by soaking seeds in water immediately before planting. They need to be located at a distance of 30 cm from each other or with nests of several pieces. Some people prefer to land in the winter. If you choose this method of propagation, you do not need to soak the seeds of chives. In addition, grooves are better prepared in advance. In addition, it must be remembered that the embedment depth is less than 2 cm.

Soil preparation is also recommended. In particular, the soil should be mulched with peat, humus, and the crops themselves are better rolled. Remember that young shoots are still quite weak and require special care, in particular, they must be protected from exposure to low temperature.

Vegetative propagation method

Onion (cultivation from seeds is suitable if it was not on your site before) can also be grown vegetatively. For this, onion bushes must be divided into several parts, and in each of them should be at least 8 bulbs. It is recommended to plant in rows at a distance of 30 cm from each other. Do not forget to water the seedlings after planting. It is better to spend it in early spring or before winter.

Care Rules

A good onion crop can be guaranteed only if it is properly taken care of, which includes:

  • loosening;
  • weeding;
  • feeding.

In the event that the distance between the seedlings is less than 5 cm, such a landing must always be ordered.

Feeding is preferably carried out in July. It is better to choose natural fertilizers or specialized mineral mixtures. You can also use the following composition: add phosphorus and potassium salts (1: 4) to the slurry. Fertilize with the calculation of 1 kg of fertilizer for every 100 m of the site. After such feeding, the plant will grow almost in front of the eyes.

There are supposed neighbors, such as carrots and tomatoes, and chives (what it is, described above) will be an excellent neighbor in a flower bed, because bees love him - he is an excellent honey plant. Planting it is not recommended next to beets and cabbage.


Main varieties

This plant has several varieties that will feel great in temperate climates. These are:

  • Bohemia - in one place it can produce fragrant leaves for about five years, characterized by resistance to disease and high yield.
  • Honey plant - this variety is afraid of peronosporosis, gives a harvest already on the 85th day.
  • Chemal - requires protection against downy mildew, it is recommended to propagate by the vegetative method, and it is better to plant it in early May.
  • Elvi - characterized by white flowers, which makes it truly unique.

Another undoubted advantage of this plant is the ability to grow it all year round right in the house or apartment. Onions on the windowsill will be not only an excellent seasoning for dishes in the winter, but also a decoration and a source of oxygen. But remember that you can’t pinch the greens, you just need to cut it off, otherwise your favorite bush will start to hurt.

bow on the windowsill

You can use it in the same recipes as the usual onions. The dish will only benefit from this. Also, greens can be harvested for the winter, if you do not plan to grow it on the windowsill. Useful properties are preserved if the chives (what it is, can be found in the article) are dried, fermented or salted. You can also do this in combination with other herbs. Try it and you will certainly fall in love with this type of onion.


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