Wheelchair Cases - Easy and Simple

Dirty wheels can be an unpleasant problem for parents if the stroller has to be stored in the apartment. You don’t want to wash them after a daily walk - you just don’t have enough time, because a young mother always has more pressing concerns.

Wheelchair Covers
But to plant dirt in the house is useless. The easiest way out of the situation is wheel covers for strollers, which can be done on their own. Moreover, resourceful parents adapt various improvised means for this.

Accessories for wheelchairs for wheelchairs

Covers are put on after a walk so as not to stain the room with the stroller with dirt. They are made of material that is easily washed and dries quickly.

Experience has shown that wheelchairs for wheelchairs are the quickest and easiest way to make regular, suitable plastic cellophane bags. Their advantage is that they do not require washing. As they get dirty, the bags are simply thrown away and replaced with others. The only inconvenience is that they will require quite a lot.

Some parents wear disposable shoe covers on the wheels, which are firmly held on them thanks to an elastic band.

Instead of fussing with bags, you can sew wheel covers on your own wheels with your own hands.

How to sew wheel covers with your own hands

Any person can sew them, including those who have no practice in sewing.

Covers for wheels of a baby carriage
To do this, you need to prepare the following materials:
β€’ water-repellent fabric, for example, Bologna;
β€’ threads;
β€’ lace and latch for it;
β€’ gum;
β€’ pin;
β€’ scissors;
β€’ a needle.
Since the covers will be worn on wet and dirty wheels, the fabric should be waterproof. At the same time, it should not be too thick so that it can be easily pulled off with an elastic band. Therefore, a Bologna or similar fabric is suitable.

Before cutting the fabric into covers for wheelchairs, measure their diameter. From the fabric you need to cut the required number of circles - larger than the diameter of the wheel, by 15-20 cm (depending on the thickness of the wheel). Further, by measuring the circumference of the wheels, rectangles 5-6 cm wide are cut out of the fabric, 2-3 cm longer than the measured circumference. From this strip you get a drawstring. Rectangles need as many as circles.

Sew wheelchair wheel covers

If the edges of the fabric crumble, they should be pre-treated on an overlock or overcast by hand. Then the rectangles are bent in half and sewn to the circles. To make it easier to do, it is better to pre-assemble the circles so that the circumference becomes equal to the length of the rectangular strip.

After the parts are sewn together, it remains only in the drawstring to use a pin to thread the cord and put on the ends of the latch. Instead of the cord, you can insert the rubber band so that it is easy to put covers on the wheels for the stroller. In finished form, such covers look like a beret.

Other types of covers

For swivel front wheels, you can stitch them in the form of a strip, on both sides of which a gum is threaded. The ends of such a cover are conveniently connected using a piece of adhesive tape. Easy to use and easy to put on "shoe covers" in the form of a "bag with a pull-down", in which the wheels are hidden completely. If you do not want to sew them with your own hands, any of the mentioned types can be selected according to the size of the wheels in the children's goods store.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F13422/

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