Liatris. Landing and care

Liatris is a beautiful perennial herb that can be increasingly found both in urban flower beds and in private gardens. This flower is grown very easily. In addition, the seeds are not expensive, and their sowing does not require much effort. Propagating the lyatris, planting and caring for which will bring the gardener a pleasure, can be done not only by seeds, but also by dividing the bushes. Whatever method you choose, the plant will bloom for more than one year, delighting you and your guests.

lathris landing and care
The rules for caring for the lithatrix are standard and simple, but at home you need to be attentive to it and its requirements. More often and more successfully than others at home grows a variety of "lyatris spicata." In general, the plant does not require excessive attention.

General plant information

According to legends, the lyatris came to us from the time of Ancient Greece, and in Greek it means β€œsmooth doctor”. This genus includes about twenty varieties. The birthplace of the plant is North America. Depending on the type of lyatris, it may have a leafy or erect, simple or branched stem. As for the leaves, they are arranged on the stem in order, have a pointed shape. The flowers are tubular, purple or red-purple. They are located in baskets, forming an inflorescence like an ear of corn. The plant blooms in the middle of summer. Often, lyatris is used to make bouquets of wildflowers.

Liatris landing and care photo
Liatris: landing and care

As mentioned above, the cultivation of this perennial plant is very simple. It can be cultivated not only in open ground, but also indoors. Despite the unpretentiousness, you need to be attentive to this plant. The place for the flower must be chosen correctly: it must be sunny and warm. Liatris tolerates heat well, does not require much moisture. The best option for the plant is loose and fresh soil. We also note that the main thing when watering is not to waterlog the lyatris.

Planting and caring for the plant involve moderate watering to prevent decay of the root and the entire plant. Water the flower with warm water. A plus of the lyatris is the fact that it is rarely exposed to disease and pest damage. In most cases, mice, bears and snails attack the rhizome. Use the special means distributed on the soil to save the struck lyatris.

Planting and care: how and when to crop?

lyatris spicata
When breeding a lyatris, it is very important to know how to prune it properly so as not to harm and not spoil the plant. In most cases, cut off faded parts immediately after flowering, namely in the autumn season. Pruning will allow the gardener to control the height of the flowers and give them a certain shape. In this case, you need to be very, very careful not to cut off the excess and not destroy the flower.

We hope that the above information will help you to properly plant the lyatris. Planting and care (photos confirm this fact) will give you only pleasure, and the result will please the eye for more than one year. More detailed information can be obtained from the mouth of experienced gardeners who are aware of all the subtleties of growing this plant, as well as in specialized garden centers of the country.


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