What is herpes sore throat in children? How to treat the infection?

Angina affects both adults and children. Surely everyone knows that acute inflammation of the tonsils can bring a number of inconveniences and complications with untimely therapy. Medicine distinguishes several varieties of angina: fibrous, follicular, atypical, lacunar, phlegmatic and others. Today you will learn how to diagnose herpes sore throat in children. How to treat the disease? This is a question that torments parents, and we will try to give a detailed answer to it.

herpes sore throat in children than to treat

How is herpes sore throat detected in children?

How to treat this disease? The method of eliminating signs is traditional, but there are several nuances. Do not do without antihistamines, antiseptic and antiviral medications. Antipyretic, analgesic and sedative drugs are used. At the first clinical manifestations, it is necessary to immediately take therapeutic measures and call a doctor to establish a diagnosis.

At the very beginning of the disease, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • runny nose;
  • sore and sore throat;
  • weakness;
  • low-grade fever (up to 38 degrees).

But literally every other day, herpes sore throat in children flares up in full force . Treatment is aimed at removing the main symptoms, eliminating swelling of the tonsils. And they contribute to the quickest recovery of rinsing with medicinal herbs, for example, decoctions of eucalyptus, chamomile, sage or calendula. Well helps a solution of furatsilina and potassium permanganate.

herpes sore throat in children treatment

If you start the disease, then the child rises to 40 C, the lymph nodes in the neck, under the jaw and earlobes increase. The baby experiences severe pain when swallowing. When examining the oral cavity, you can see a characteristic rash of red vesicles. It can be located in the sky, tonsils, pharynx and tongue. If the bacterial flora joins the infection, then the blisters suppurate and then burst. In their place small ulcers are formed, covered with a whitish coating, which stick together, forming “cortical islets”. In children under the age of 3, these symptoms may be absent, but there is pain in the intestine, nausea, and sometimes vomiting. In 30% of cases, this happens due to the intestinal virus that has penetrated the baby's body.

Why does herpes sore throat develop in children: causes of the disease

Herpetic sore throat, unlike other subspecies of infection. basically has a seasonal character, that is, it manifests itself in the fall and summer. Infection is carried out by fecal-oral or airborne droplets from the carrier of the disease. It can also appear against the background of adenovirus or flu. Young children with a weak immune system are exposed to it.

herpes sore throat in children causes

Herpes sore throat in children: how to treat the infection?

The child needs a plentiful drink, it is best to use infusions or decoctions of medicinal plants that have an antiseptic and diaphoretic effect. Alkaline mineral water and throat irrigation with medicinal aerosols are recommended (Chlorophyllipt, Iodinol, Orasept, Kameton, Hexoral, Panavir). Special drugs are prescribed to relieve pain and heat, preference is given to “Acetaminophen” and “Ibuprofen”. When a bacterial infection is attached, antibiotics are necessary.

To strengthen the immune system, the doctor will prescribe immunomodulating agents. It is forbidden to use inhalations or compresses, because under the influence of warm steam, blood rushes even more to sore tonsils, as a result, this leads to the spread of infection. The most effective and proven remedy is gargling. Kids can do irrigation with a syringe (without a needle).

An insidious disease - herpes sore throat in children. What to treat the disease, you now know, but it is better not to engage in independent therapy without examining a pediatrician. It must be remembered that untreated angina is fraught with relapses and dangerous complications in the form of jade, meningitis, rheumatism, myocarditis and encephalitis.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F1343/

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