The procedure for an accident: description, features and requirements

Many car owners often get into an accident through their own fault or the fault of another car driver. Such an incident is unpleasant, and often accompanied by the appearance of injured persons. Therefore, each person using the machine for different purposes should know what actions are taken in case of an accident, so that you can rely on insurance payments, while the car owner was not brought to administrative or criminal liability.


Legislation in the field of traffic rules is regularly changed, therefore, each car owner must regularly monitor all adjustments made. Often people after an accident make a lot of mistakes due to serious stress. Therefore, it is preliminarily important to study well all the actions in case of an accident, which will allow to correctly formulate the situation, help the victims and identify the culprit.

The main nuances include the following:

  • it is not allowed to leave the scene of an accident, move a car or other objects related to an accident;
  • victims should immediately call an ambulance;
  • since 2015, drivers can issue an accident without the traffic police, for which a Euro-protocol is compiled, but this is possible only if there are no casualties and minor damage is caused;
  • the law now permits to completely resolve this situation in a peaceful way, for which the participants do not contact the traffic police and the insurance company, therefore they are calculated on the spot, but the transfer of funds should be fixed.

To use simplified methods of registration of an accident is allowed only in a situation where both drivers are well aware of traffic rules.

actions during registration of the euro protocol in case of an accident

What actions should be taken after an accident?

Each driver must know what actions in an accident must be performed. All of them must be implemented in the correct sequence. Namely:

  • the car stops;
  • emergency gang turns on;
  • an emergency stop sign is set, and if there are cars in a city, the distance from the car to this sign should be within 15 m, and if the accident occurs outside the village, then the distance should be 30 m;
  • it is not allowed to move in any way any objects related to an accident;
  • it is determined whether there are victims of the accident;
  • if there are no casualties, it is revealed whether obstacles are created for the movement of other cars on the road, and if this situation arises, then the location of the car must be recorded in a photo or video, and after that the road should be freed;
  • if the cars do not interfere with the movement of cars along the roadway, then you must try to save all the details of the accident, for which an optimal detour for cars is organized, and for this you can use spare wheels or other items;
  • information about the accident is collected by drivers, for which they make videos or photographs, as well as contract data from witnesses;
  • if there are no injured, as well as not too serious damage to cars, then drivers can come to a peace agreement and draw up a Euro protocol, so there is no need to call the traffic police;
  • for this, it is necessary to formulate a scheme of the incident and correctly draw up a document;
  • then you can contact the insurance company with the Europrotocol to the affected party for damages;
  • if drivers do not want to use this method of registration of an accident, then they call the traffic police, who then deal with the design of the accident;
  • the injured party to the accident must submit the documents received from them to the insurance company to recover the damage.

Thus, the procedure for an accident depends on the different circumstances of the accident. At the same time, drivers are not allowed to leave the scene of an accident, panic or move their cars without urgent need.

europrotocol during road accident procedure

How to behave?

For any person, a traffic accident is considered an unpleasant and stressful situation. At the same time, one often encounters even inappropriate behavior of drivers who start shouting, attacking another participant in the accident with their fists or commit other illegal acts. The actions of the driver in an accident should be calm, deliberate and legal. It is advisable to use the following recommendations:

  • should not panic, as the situation should be assessed soberly and calmly;
  • you must make sure that there are no casualties;
  • it is not allowed to immediately take sedatives, which can show upon examination that a person was under the influence of any substance while driving a car;
  • if there are injured or seriously damaged cars, then do not agree to the proposal of another participant to resolve the issue peacefully;
  • when communicating with the traffic police, you must answer all questions as confidently and in detail as possible.

Actions in case of an accident in compulsory motor third-party liability insurance require the receipt of documents from traffic police officers to the affected party so that compensation can be sought. If a Europrotocol is compiled, it is important that there are no errors in it, as they can cause the company to refuse to pay the funds.

accident procedure

What to do if there are casualties?

Often accidents end up causing serious physical damage to people, so they need to provide medical assistance as quickly as possible. The procedure for accident with victims involves the implementation of sequential steps. These include the following:

  • initially, whenever possible, assistance should be provided to the injured if the drivers have appropriate medical training;
  • an ambulance is called, and you must immediately notify the need to urgently send a person to the hospital;
  • then the traffic police are called;
  • if there is no cellular communication or for other reasons it is not possible to get through to the ambulance, you should stop the passing car so that the driver himself can contact the police and the ambulance;
  • if there is a truly emergency situation, then the victim can be sent in passing to the nearest hospital.

Such actions can save the life and health of people.

What to do if there are no passing cars?

Often there is no companion necessary to take the victim to the hospital. Under such conditions, actions are taken in case of an accident by the accident participant:

  • he can take a person to the hospital in his car;
  • in the reception department you should leave your contact details, namely, full name, phone number and car numbers;
  • then you must immediately return to the scene of the accident and wait for the traffic police.

If a person does not have specialized first aid skills, then you do not even need to try to help the victims, as unprofessional actions can only do harm.

registration of road traffic accidents according to Europrotocol

What to do when a participant in an accident dies?

Fatal accidents happen quite often. Such accidents are considered the most severe and complex. Perpetrators of Art. 264 of the Criminal Code are prosecuted. A judicial investigation is required to determine the optimal measure of punishment, which takes into account both mitigating and aggravating circumstances.

The actions of the driver in an accident in the presence of a dead person should be as follows:

  • not allowed to leave the scene of the accident;
  • you must immediately call a lawyer, and before his arrival you should not give evidence to the traffic police and sign any papers;
  • if the driver is sure that his fault is missing, then you do not need to sign a confession or even sign on a blank sheet.

If it is possible to reach a peace agreement with the relatives of the deceased, this will allow the driver to avoid criminal punishment in the absence of malicious intent, but significant compensation will have to be paid.

What if there are no casualties?

Often the result of an accident is minor damage to cars. Actions in case of accident without injuries are standard, and they can be performed without the presence of traffic police.

If the injured participant wishes to apply to the insurance for compensation, it is necessary to correctly draw up the documents. For this, a Euro-protocol can be drawn up or traffic police officers can be called.

Where should I call right away?

After carrying out the basic actions represented by turning on the emergency light, checking the injured and putting up an emergency sign, you need to immediately call several organizations. When making an accident, the procedure must be correctly followed, so you need to call to different numbers:

  • if there are victims, then you must first call the rescue service at 112;
  • if the presence of the traffic police is required for registration, you should call the police;
  • then you need to immediately call your insurance company to warn about the occurrence of an accident and get advice on what actions should be performed next, since quite often an emergency commissioner must leave for the scene of the accident.

If the car was bought on credit, and during the accident the loan has not yet been repaid, then you must additionally notify the bank about the accident.

actions for road accident

How to collect evidence of innocence?

If the driver is not guilty of an accident, he will need to prove this to the traffic police. Under such conditions, the actions in an accident are as follows:

  • It is advisable to take the contact details of eyewitnesses;
  • recording is saved from the DVR, if available;
  • an informative accident diagram is formed;
  • to save all traces, it is advisable to install different objects in the right sections of the road;
  • if a CCTV camera is installed nearby, then you can request a recording from it;
  • if necessary, even an autotechnical examination can be carried out.

All these actions will help prevent a situation where the real culprit of an accident claims that the second car owner should be punished.

How is an accident executed by a traffic police officer?

If there are serious damage to cars or injured, then you have to call the traffic police. Actions during the registration of an accident will be as follows:

  • traffic inspector makes the necessary measurements;
  • testimonies from witnesses or eyewitnesses are taken;
  • an accident pattern is being formed;
  • an administrative incident report is drawn up for the culprit of the accident, which lists the violated rules and the participants in an accident;
  • a damage certificate is made for the injured party, which is necessary to obtain compensation at the insurance company;
  • a notice of an accident is formed, which should be sent to insurance companies by accident participants within the next 5 days;
  • drivers are issued a protocol and a certificate of accident ;
  • directly in the traffic police department issued a decision on an administrative offense.

All of the above documents must be applied to receive compensation from the insurance company.

actions when making an accident

When can I use Europrotocol?

Since 2015, it is allowed to issue an accident without the participation of traffic police. To do this, use the design of an accident according to the Euro protocol. The procedure in this case is simplified. You can use this method under the following conditions:

  • the accident occurred with the participation of only two cars;
  • damage is done exclusively to property, not to people;
  • there are no discrepancies between the drivers regarding the guilt of one of them and the damage that has occurred.

According to this document, 50 thousand rubles are paid to the maximum affected party, although for residents of the capital and St. Petersburg this amount has been increased to 400 thousand rubles.

accident action without injuries

How is an accident made out on its own?

Often, drivers make a decision on self-registration of an accident. The steps involved in the design of the euro protocol in an accident are as follows:

  • it is necessary to take photos and videos of the accident that are necessary for the insurance company, and it is important to pay a lot of attention to the locations of the cars and the damage caused;
  • photographs and video recordings are taken only within one hour after the accident;
  • then the Europrotocol is filled with a pen, and if you need to leave blank lines, then a dash is put in them.

It is quite simple to fill in the Europrotocol during an accident. The procedure after the formation of a notice of an accident involves contacting the insurance company to the affected party. A company may require a car to be presented for inspection within 15 days. If there are no errors in the document or other problems, compensation is awarded.


Thus, each driver must know what actions during the design of an accident must be performed. They depend on whether there are victims or not, and also takes into account the possibility of using the Euro protocol for a simplified process.

The speed and correctness of the design of accidents depends on the correct behavior and actions of drivers.


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