Brickwork drawings: samples, standard designs

When building a brick house, it is necessary to make its facade beautiful and neat. In addition to the structural reliability of the masonry, the exterior of the house should look well-groomed. To refine the surface, experts use the same brick that was used for construction, making drawings of brickwork. Most often, two types of masonry are made for a brick facade: decorative and front. They differ in technological features and execution.

Basic brickwork patterns

It is one thing to draw a brickwork on paper, and completely another to do a brickwork made of natural material. All existing brickwork schemes include the use of not only whole bricks, but halves and quarters. There are several options for masonry:

  1. Longitudinal seams - located along the horizontal.
  2. Duck masonry.
  3. Cross and vertical seams.

All schemes differ in the number of rows, there is a chain dressing of seams, three-row and multi-row. It happens that the transverse seams are put in rows of rows, and the vertical ones are not specially tied, this happens automatically.

Figure brickwork photo

Advantages and disadvantages of masonry

First you need to decide which brickwork pattern is called decorative. So, masonry with a certain geometric pattern or its combination with a variety of compositions is called decorative. The combination of drawings and compositions is obtained using protruding bricks. The options for masonry are as follows:

  1. The solid version of masonry is very popular. This is a simple, quick and frequently used way to decorate the facade.
  2. It is better to decorate blank walls with combined masonry with single-row dressing of seams. But if there are many window openings on the facade, it is better to use the option with protruding bricks.
  3. Facades with vertically displaced parts look beautiful. This is a fairly popular option, in which one row of bricks protrudes above the bottom, alternating.
  4. Small cornices and vertical ledges of the wall look interesting and good. Such protrusions often ennoble the columns near the house.

The main disadvantage of masonry is the appearance of white salt deposits, settling due to the frequent movement of water with salts. Plaque, or as it is also called efflorescence, is difficult to remove, but it is possible using chemical agents. These drugs must be diluted with water. In order to get rid of facade cleaning in the future, the walls need to be processed immediately after construction.

Colored and textured brick

To make the masonry pattern of a brick house even brighter and more beautiful, it is better to give preference to colored bricks in the facade decoration. Using multi-colored material, an interesting colorful ornament or pattern will result on the surface. The usual option for laying is the alternation of bricks of different colors. Unfortunately, to lay out a beautiful composition on the entire wall with your own hands is unlikely to succeed. Since such a calculation requires a sketch that will help determine how much brick is needed to carry out such work.

There are also decorative masonry, characterized by a rather complex technology. They combine a volumetric composition, a variety of geometric shapes and are called embossed.

Technological features

The pattern of brickwork on the wall of the house is most often made from hollow bricks, since it has high thermal performance. It is also worth noting that it is lightweight, and this reduces the load on the supporting walls of the house structure. Masonry with a ventilation gap is also called hinged. Since the decorative brick wall is very heavy, the only way out is to lean it on a concrete slab. Below is a photo of a brickwork at the corners of the house, or rather, at the edge of the roof arch.

Brickwork drawings for a manor house

Also, a facade with ventilation is sometimes mounted on top of a brick facade, having previously insulated it. The ventilation gap is very important as steam passes through it and is vented out without concentrating inside. If this is not done under the constant influence of dampness, the structure will collapse. In fact, two walls are being built, and the foundation for them is one foundation. The walls are interconnected by fasteners, anchors, and steel mesh is also used as fasteners.

The ventilation gap must be insulated; foamglass or hard mineral wool will do just fine with this task. To attach the insulation to the surface, use a dowel with a flat hat.

Suture dressings

There are many variations and patterns of brickwork, some of which are called decorative dressings. From dressings it is easy to make a pattern that does not need to be plastered. The brick, which is poked, moves exactly half the end. The end result is a slanted line or vertical zigzag. To lay in the stitch rows, contrasting bricks are often used, as a result, a beautiful ornament comes out.

The Flemish masonry looks interesting enough. In this embodiment, alternating spoons and pokes. If the bricks are slightly contrasted than the spoons, then you get something like a chessboard. Brickwork with offset spoons will look attractive.

Real experts, masters of their craft, are able to create the most unusual and interesting options for decorating the facade with brick. The most important thing to remember using this option is to select bricks of different contrasting colors.

Materials and tools for simulating masonry

It is difficult to imagine a modern interior without brick walls; today, imitation of masonry drawings is very popular and in demand. Bricks made with the help of painting are very believable. To simulate brickwork, you need to prepare all the necessary tools and materials.

Brickwork Drawings

To carry out the work, you will need the following tools:

  • tassels;
  • bucket;
  • Toothbrush;
  • large sponges;
  • disposable gloves;
  • rag;
  • Scotch;
  • capacity for the palette.

As for the materials, then for simulation come in handy:

  • a piece of chalk;
  • paint;
  • plaster putty.

Imitation of masonry inside the house

Before you make an imitation of a pattern for brickwork, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. First you need to cover the baseboards and flooring, then you need to determine the edges of the future brickwork. Contours are best delineated with a pencil and stick adhesive tape along the lines. To imitate brickwork, it is necessary to paint the areas on the wall free from adhesive tape with acrylic white paint, it is best to use matte. Then you need to put on the surface a background gray paint, a bit like a dissolved cement. Particular attention should be paid to the color of the paint, the necessary shade should be chosen gradually, mixing the paints in small portions. This is the only way to control the shade and not waste paint in vain. Even if the color changes during application, do not worry, there is nothing wrong with that. The play of shades will positively affect the overall result.

Drawing of masonry on the wall

When the preparatory work came to an end, it is time to do directly the imitation of masonry. To evenly apply the paint, you need to use a large sponge. Sponge hits on the surface should be permanent and light. Before applying the next coat, it is necessary that the background paint is completely dry. Then it is worth starting to draw the outline of the brick. It is not necessary to use pieces of bricks for masonry, especially this applies to the area near window and door openings.

To make the bricks look embossed, you should draw shadows. In the event that unnecessary paint stains appear on the surface, they must be wiped off immediately, since the acrylic paint dries very quickly.

Brickwork pattern

Brick Imitation Wallpaper

Wallpaper with a pattern of brickwork is most often used for zoning the room, as they are very functional and are perfect for all rooms. The only place where masonry wallpaper is undesirable is a kitchen apron. Since sharp temperature changes and humidity are not the most favorable environment for such a coating.

To make the interior of the house look more advantageous, you need to select realistic wallpapers, as well as focus on the following tips:

  1. When choosing a wallpaper, it is worth considering the size of the room: the larger the area, the darker the drawing should be.
  2. On a well-lit wall, wallpapers with an imitation of texture will be beneficial to look, and smooth wallpapers are best used in darker places.
  3. Imitation of brickwork on all walls in the room is suitable for the loft style. To divide the room into zones, wallpaper should be applied in certain places. Below in the photo is a drawing of brickwork with a protruding corner end part.
Drawing brickwork on paper

Advantages of wall decoration with brick wallpaper

Do not think that wallpaper with a brickwork pattern will look worse than natural brick. There are many situations when it is not possible to build a wall of brick, for example:

  • small footage of the room;
  • lack of certain knowledge and skills;
  • lack of material necessary for masonry;
  • weak load-bearing walls, unable to withstand heavy loads;
  • lack of cash;
  • quick repair.

In addition, wallpaper with a brickwork pattern has several advantages:

  1. A large assortment.
  2. Easy surface finish.
  3. Low cost of material.
  4. Possibility of doing work yourself
  5. Glues well on walls with bumps.

Masonry for a manor house

Individual design of residential manor houses is designed using a variety of building materials, such as brick. For the construction of walls in manor houses, it is used most often. A variety of masonry drawings for manor houses make the walls more attractive and distinctive.

Brick was originally used as a material for cladding, so it does not need additional finishing. Without the use of other materials, with the help of bricks, you can decoratively decorate the walls, make curtain rods and ennoble window and door openings.

Figure masonry brick house

Features of distillation of corners of a brick house

The drawing of the brickwork at the corners of the house begins with one brick and insert, they are laid in the corner and put on the mortar. Bricks are placed in such a way that a right angle is obtained. Forcing corners provides for the appearance of stepped cliffs.

The appearance of a brick house depends on how smooth, straight and vertical its corners will be. After forcing corners, they must be checked so that the bricks fit snugly against each other. To ensure that the angles are even, you need to regularly measure every five rows.

Brickwork Wallpaper

Finishing the facade of the house with brickwork will make it more beautiful, interesting and attractive. Facing work, performed efficiently and accurately, will help to achieve an amazing effect as a result, and the original brick laying will decorate the facade of the house and will delight the owners for many years with its elegance and beauty.


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