World of Warships: review and walkthrough

When it comes to the third part of the series of the World of Tanks project that has already become legendary, then for a Russian-speaking user, everything does not look as impressive as before. The fact is that in the first and second parts, which talk about tanks and aircraft, there were units of Russian military equipment known throughout the world. Therefore, the same "World of Tanks" gathered all gamers at the screens due to the mere ability to control the T-34 tank in battle. But in terms of the sea, Soviet equipment did not have much fame, so the creators had a difficult task - to draw public attention to the game, despite the fact that it will not have an analogue of the T-34 in popularity. Fortunately, they succeeded, and the world saw a great continuation - World of Warships. You can read the review of this game now, and here you will learn about what this game actually came out, as well as what it can offer users. In fact, the project turned out to be much more impressive and impressive compared to the previous ones due to the majesty of various cruisers and torpedo bombers. The gameplay has become less dynamic, but more massive, which may attract many new users to the game World of Warships, an overview of which you will now read.

Similarities to the original

world of warships review

Where to start with the World of Warships review? Naturally, comparing this game with the original project - World of Tanks. Many gamers were afraid that this part would become an ordinary copy of the first episode in which they simply replaced the earth with water, and replaced the tanks with ships. Fortunately, this did not happen, and the game turned out to be quite distinctive. But it’s still worth noting that a lot has migrated from “tanks” to “ships”. Two teams take part in the game, each of which has twelve units. Everyone has the same health stripes, everyone can have equipment breakdowns, all the same terminology is present - for example, light when an enemy ship is detected. All the same, the most inexperienced and short-sighted players try to squeeze the maximum speed out of their ship immediately after the start in order to capture the enemy point alone. In general, there are many similarities, but still the project has become completely different due to the fact that the pace of the game has slowed down and the battles have become more global. In the “tanks” the outcome could be decided in a few minor hassles, while in the “ships” you can almost always see at least a quarter of the map completely, and the attack on the enemy is carried out by a united front - to get lost in the landscape, arrange an ambush, it doesn’t seem to lurk here possible. And this is exactly what the World of Warships project highlights. The review, of course, will cover much more important aspects that can convince you that the game deserves special attention.

Battle tactics

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So, you already realized that the tactics of the "tanks" in this game will not work - this greatly distinguishes the project from its predecessors. The game World of Warships offers you to act completely differently. The fact is that in the “tanks” your fighting vehicle was, in fact, a small object that could fire in any direction. However, the ship is a much larger scale unit of equipment, equipped with a huge number of guns, so you need to use completely different means to win the battle. When attacking the enemy, you can turn his nose to him, to prevent him from falling on you, but you can’t practically use the guns. To take advantage of all the tools, you will need to turn onboard, thereby becoming the ideal target for return fire. Thus, you will need to constantly be in motion, somewhere to increase in speed, somewhere to drop it, and most importantly, to interact with partners, since only a team game will allow you to competently eliminate enemy ships. Do not forget - they have much greater survivability than tanks, so even a direct hit from all the guns is unlikely to sink the smallest destroyer right away.

Lead point

world of warships game

Moreover, it is worth noting that there is no longer such a thing as a lead point for World of Warships. The fact is that shooting here is conducted from a great distance, and all the interest is to make the process more realistic. Therefore, you will be able to conduct targeted shooting at the nodes of interest to you only from an extremely close distance - but, being close to the enemy, you are unlikely to already have the time and desire to target specific points.


lead point for world of warships

The above discussion is about preemption, which you will not find in this game. But if you wish, you can find mods for World of Warships that will allow you to not only add a lead point, but also get many other useful features. However, you should not think that adding it will make the gameplay immediately easy for you - it is not. Indeed, a lot here depends on the tactics that you use - you will constantly need to calculate at what angle to go to the position, what weapons to use, take into account the speed of the projectile and the distance to the target, the speed of your ship and the enemy’s ship. In general, everything is not as simple as it might seem at first. And this is also confirmed by the shells available in the game - there are several types of them.


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At a basic level, they are divided into high-explosive and armor-piercing. The former explode as soon as they touch the enemy ship, and the latter pierce the armor and explode from the inside. And here you should pay attention to the fact that armor-piercing shells have their own indicators, and if you use too powerful a projectile against a small vessel, then there is a possibility that it will literally “flash through” without causing significant damage.


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Separately, it is worth talking about torpedoes that can seriously change the course of any battle, as in reality. Unfortunately, there are no submarines in the game, which are often the carriers of torpedoes in real life, which is why they are offered as another type of projectile in the World of Warships. They are released immediately in large numbers, it is impossible to control them, and they move much more slowly than other shells. But the damage is much more impressive - often two or three torpedoes are enough to sink an enemy ship. Therefore, they must be used wisely - as well as dodging them. Torpedoes are a weapon for skilled craftsmen, so most players try to fire from a long distance, and the task of someone who wants to use torpedoes is to get as close as possible while surviving. This is the essence of the battle in World of Warships. Mods (anticipation, guidance, and so on) can greatly change the perception of the game, so you need to be careful about what you install additionally.


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In the “tanks”, the division took place into light, medium and heavy tanks, as well as special combat units, such as artillery. In the "ships" this division is much less pronounced, and aircraft carriers act as artillery pieces of equipment in the World of Warships, but they will be discussed a little later. So, light tanks here are replaced by destroyers. In fact, destroyers would have to be the main weapon in the fight against submarines, but the latter are not in the game, therefore, this type of ship has other functions. The destroyers do not have powerful guns on board, are not clad in powerful armor, but at the same time they have impressive speed and maneuverability, and also have a low landing - this means that much less body is visible above the surface of the water than in heavier types. Accordingly, destroyers adhere to their tactics of warfare, their task is to distract the enemy’s attention, quickly approach him and attack with torpedoes, so if you want to gracefully glide along the waves in tons of armor, this option is not for you. In World of Warships, the bonus of such small ships is their agility, so you need to use what you are given, and not try to come up with something of your own and turn the destroyer into a small battleship - this is the shortest way to the bottom.

Cruisers and battleships

If we draw an analogy with the “tanks”, then the cruisers act as medium, and the battleships act as heavy vehicles. They differ from each other in very many ways, but the most important thing to pay attention to is their recharge speed. The fact is that the guns of the battleship are much more powerful, but at the same time their reloading can take up to a minute, while cruisers can shoot much more often, but not so efficiently. Naturally, the armor indices also differ, which are much lower for the cruiser, which reduces its survivability. Indeed, in "tanks" medium vehicles could use the landscape to hide the vulnerability of their armor - here the whole battlefield is in full view, so you also have to choose a new and unique tactic, as in the case of destroyers. For example, leaving the battleship without the guardianship of cruisers is similar to death, since agile destroyers will quickly hit him from all sides, and if the battleship doesn’t drown them from the first shot, you can calmly get up from your computer and go make tea to wait for your next battles - your ship will be dealt with in a matter of minutes.

Aircraft carriers

Speech about aircraft carriers was started a little earlier, so it’s worthwhile to tell you more about them separately. The fact is that in real life, aircraft carriers radically refracted the course of battles on the water, since they were able to bring a lot of new things into these battles. The threat from the air has become no less serious than the threat from the surrounding waters. But in the game this could not be transmitted. Of course, everything looks very impressive - torpedo bombers, fighters, interceptors, a constant struggle for air control. But in fact, all this entertainment has practically no effect on the course of the game, since airplanes cannot inflict sensible damage on enemy ships. Therefore, the most important thing that developers should work on is aircraft carriers, since they do not decide the outcome of the battle at all, as this could happen in the real world. Or how it happened in "tanks" with artillery mounts.


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