Benefits of a labor veteran of federal significance. List of benefits

Today, the benefits of a veteran of labor of federal significance will be presented to our attention. What can a citizen with the status of "labor veteran" count on? Who and what bonuses from the state are put in this case? What documents may come in handy in one case or another? The answers to these questions and not only will necessarily be found below. In reality, everything is much simpler than it seems. Especially when it comes to federal benefits only.

Who should

What benefits do federal labor veterans have? There are not so many of them. But for starters, we’ll try to understand who in general can claim the title.

benefits of a labor veteran of federal significance

Today the title "Veteran of Labor" is assigned :

  • people who started working in the conditions of the Second World War as children;
  • in the presence of 40 years of work experience - for men, 35 - for women;
  • if a citizen has distinctive awards, orders, medals.

Accordingly, not everyone is able to acquire such a status. But if he is, then a person has the right to certain state support.


What benefits for a labor veteran of federal significance are due in Russia in 2017? Remembering them is not so difficult. There are transport benefits. They are of interest to many senior citizens.

What can you count on? In Russia, citizens with the status of "labor veteran" can:

  • free use of local transport;
  • receive discounts on train tickets;
  • pre-book tickets for flights and trips on trains / trains.

But that is not all. Veterans of labor in Russia have a special position. And so they are presented with special opportunities in different areas of human life.

What are the benefits of a labor veteran of federal significance?


A huge role in the issue under study is played by taxes. Pensioners are often exempt from taxation to one degree or another. What about veterans of labor? Federal benefits include tax bonuses.

Among them are:

  • full exemption from property tax on 1 object in each category;
  • exemption of pensions and material assistance from the employer from personal income tax;
  • land tax deduction (10,000 rubles).

Some are interested in transport tax. This payment is regional in nature. It directly depends on the city. That is, exemption from transport taxes cannot be attributed to federal benefits. But a similar bonus in practice is quite common.

The medicine

It is no secret to anyone that medical care plays a huge role for pensioners. Here, benefits for a labor veteran of federal significance also take place.

What can be counted on for the studied category of citizens? For instance:

  • free service in medical institutions of the Russian Federation;
  • dental treatment is free;
  • installation of dentures without charging;
  • the provision of free medicines (some).

It should also be noted that the list of benefits to labor veterans of federal significance without fail includes payment for treatment in sanatoriums and medical and health resorts. This is quite normal and common.

benefits of a labor veteran of federal significance in 2014


As a rule, there are no federal payments to labor veterans in the Russian Federation. Accordingly, in this area there is nothing special to hope for. The bulk of financial benefits and bonuses are provided at the regional level.

It is desirable to specify more detailed information in a specific region of Russia. After all, regional benefits with federal have no connection. And they need to be clarified depending on the applicant’s place of residence.


Benefits to pensioners of federal significance often include the payment of pension premiums. But such funds are not issued to everyone and taking into account the peculiarities of living in a particular settlement.

Pension allowance is paid to labor veterans receiving a work pension. And only on condition that the size of these payments is less than the living wage of the region. In other cases, the bonus does not take place.

benefits for a labor veteran of federal significance


The benefits of a labor veteran of federal significance in 2014 are not much different from those that are provided now. All pensioners with study status can apply for housing and communal services.

What exactly is it about? As a rule, among state support in the field of housing and communal services, there are:

  • pay by phone;
  • 50% discount on utilities;
  • discounts for gasification and water supply.

That is, the studied category of citizens can count on a decrease in the cost of utilities by half. This is a normal occurrence, but this bonus requires mandatory registration.

Money replacement

Almost all the benefits of a labor veteran of federal significance are already known to us. The following feature does not occur in all regions of Russia. More precisely, somewhere it is provided without unnecessary manipulation, and in some cities a pensioner will have to declare their rights. We are talking about the monetization of the benefits listed above.

What it is? A pensioner may refuse to receive certain state bonuses. In return, they will compensate for the costs of specific services. Today you can monetize:

  • treatment in sanatoriums;
  • the issuance of free drugs;
  • travel by transport.

There are no more options and layouts. The remaining benefits of a labor veteran of federal significance are provided in full upon application of a citizen and in case of refusal from them / non-execution are not compensated in any way.

benefits to pensioners of federal significance

For working

It is worth paying attention to the fact that in Russia many pensioners continue to work. But so far, continued work after retirement does not entail the abolition of benefits. Moreover, employers are required to provide labor bonuses.

What is it about? The benefits for a labor veteran of federal significance in the labor field are as follows:

  • additional unpaid leave (1 month);
  • the ability to select a vacation period;
  • free training and retraining (for all pensioners).

Usually these features are provided without further action. If the established rules are not respected, the pensioner may appeal to the labor inspectorate with a complaint. But, as practice shows, usually it doesn’t come to that.

Where to issue?

Many are interested in where you can get all of the previously listed state bonuses. There is no definite answer to this question. After all, it all depends on what kind of benefit in question.

list of benefits to labor veterans of federal significance

For example, payments and pension allowances are drawn up in the FIU, and tax bonuses - in the Federal Tax Service. Discounts on housing and communal services are provided after contacting the management company. Transport privileges are set by default after presenting a pension certificate and proof of status of "Veteran of Labor".

What to do with medicine? Usually, medical care is also provided free of charge without any additional action. The same goes for the provision of drugs.

About design step by step

How to get the benefits of a labor veteran of federal significance? It is enough to follow some algorithm of actions. It practically does not depend on the category of state support received.

The instruction on registration of benefits for a veteran of labor of federal significance is as follows:

  1. Prepare a package of documents. It directly depends on what kind of privilege in question.
  2. Write an application for state support.
  3. Submit a written request to the registration authority.

Done! Usually no response is needed. Benefits will begin to be provided after the registration authority checks the accuracy and integrity of the package of securities. This usually takes about 1 month.

Key Documents

Now a little about what documents can be useful in obtaining benefits. Among them, without fail, there are:

  • passport;
  • statement;
  • SNILS;
  • TIN (if available);
  • pension certificate / certificate of a pensioner;
  • evidence of Veteran Labor status;
  • Help with registration;
  • military ID (for men);
  • work book.

This is a list of papers without which the benefits of a veteran of labor of federal significance would not be provided. Depending on the situation, one or another additional reference is required from a citizen.

how to get benefits of a labor veteran of federal significance


Which ones? For instance:

  • certificates of ownership of the property;
  • extracts from the house book;
  • checks and payments with paid utility bills;
  • contract for the provision of medical services.

It all depends on the circumstances. From now on, we understand what privileges for a veteran of labor of federal significance take place in Russia. Registration of state support in this case will not cause any trouble. The main thing is to reach retirement age, retire and have the appropriate status. Regional benefits for citizens with the title "Veteran of Labor" can be completely different. Therefore, they need to be specified in the region, at the place of residence of the applicant.


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