The amazing pear "forest beauty": description and reviews

At the beginning of the 19th century, in the vicinity of Alost (Belgium), an amazing tree was found by a certain Chatillon. It bore fruit exactly like a pear, but in its taste and color the fruits were very different from those cultivars that were already known to gardeners of that time. After the fame of this find spread throughout Europe, it was called the pear "forest beauty". Today, this variety is considered one of the most delicious and in demand among most of the population of Eastern Europe.

Location and Geography

To begin with, it is worth noting that this fruiting tree was discovered in a flattering area. Since then, no attempts have been made to modify it in any way, to colorize or distribute it. Therefore, the pear "forest beauty" from the moment of discovery to this day grows mainly in Eastern Europe. These are Ukraine, Belgium, Belarus, Lithuania, Moldova, Estonia. Partially, this variety was popularized in the North Caucasus, as well as in some areas of the Volga region. A similar geography is characteristic of this tree because it loves a temperate climate - relatively mild winters and not sultry, but warm summers.

pear forest beauty

Tree appearance characteristic

What does a pear forest beauty look like? The description of the tree will give everyone the opportunity to understand that it occurs to us very often, just many do not pay attention to it. So, the height of the plant is average, the crown is wide-pyramidal. At a young age, the tree grows very quickly, so in order to have a “forest beauty” in your garden, you need only a few years. Despite this, the leafyness of the tree is average. The foliage itself has a rich, dark green color, and each leaf is characterized by an average size. When the pear "forest beauty" begins to bear fruit, its gifts are located mainly on the third or fourth branch. The apex, as a rule, is crowned only with foliage, although in some cases you can meet exceptions.

pear forest beauty description

Shoots, buds and tree color

Like other cultivated plants, this strange pear blooms in mid-spring. Variety "forest beauty" is characterized by small white flowers, with a slight pinkish tint. It is also important to note that the flowers are very resistant to spring temperature differences. Even if a tree experiences frosts in May or April, this has little effect on the quantity and quality of future fruits. As for the kidneys, in comparison with other varieties of pears, they are small. At the time of tie, they have a “metallic” color, after which they turn into dark foliage, fixed on branches with the help of thin and long stems. Flowers (hereinafter fruits) and leaves are fixed on thick shoots. They have a direct, less often - arched structure. Color - dark red or brown.

Consider the fruits

Pear "forest beauty" is characterized by medium-sized fruits that have a blunt shape. The skin is thin, but very dense, has a greenish or yellowish tint. Its main feature is considered to be roughness, as well as the presence of gray dots, which give the fruits not only a unique appearance, but also an unusual taste. If a tree of one of its sides faces the sun, then its gifts are covered with a bright blush. Also, the fruits have a narrow and shallow funnel and an open cup. In the hollow axis are the seed chambers - closed or half-closed. The seeds themselves are large, have a dark brown, almost black color. They are well developed, therefore, are an excellent foundation for further propagation of the tree.

pear variety forest beauty

Wood positive features

Given that the pear "forest beauty" previously lived in very wild conditions, now that it has become the property of many private gardens, its requirements for living conditions have not changed. The plant perfectly tolerates any weather conditions - wind, heat, cold, high humidity or excessive air dryness. It is also characteristic that the pear feels great in almost any type of soil. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to fill your plot with high-quality chernozem so that the pear grows beautiful and gives juicy and tasty fruits. It will be quite enough ordinary land, which is located in a suburban area.

pear forest beauty reviews

Gardeners reviews

Now consider some of the negative aspects, which, alas, is characterized by the pear "Forest Beauty". Owner reviews first of all tell us that the fruits, barely ripening, immediately crumble. Therefore, they must be managed to be collected as soon as they are browned in the sun. As for the foliage, it is often affected by scab. Therefore, in order for the tree to live long in your garden, you will have to carefully monitor its health and process its tops regularly. In general, there will be no big trouble with this variety. The results of your gardening will in any case be tasty and healthy. From pears of the “forest beauty” variety, it is possible to make various desserts, jam, jam, jams. They are suitable for many meat dishes. And, of course, each fruit can simply be eaten and enjoy the taste of summer and the sun, which is enclosed in it.


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