How to name a kitten for a boy and a girl - interesting ideas and features

Each cat is unique and inimitable, the other one in the world is simply not there, not only from the point of view of its owners, but also based on completely objective characteristics. For example, the cat’s nose pattern is as individual as the structure of the retina or human fingerprint.

Of course, the name of the pet should be not only beautiful, but also rare. This is roughly what everyone who is about to acquire a furry replenishment and thinks about how to name a kitten argues.

What to push from?

When choosing a name, the baby needs to take into account such moments as:

  • breed;
  • appearance;
  • origin;
  • floor.

But the most important thing is not at all. When choosing what to call a kitten, one should start from the baby himself - his habits, character, habits, and those emotions that the pet evokes.

Choose a name for the cat

Choosing a truly ideal name is easier when the baby is already at home and there is an opportunity to get to know him, to observe the habits and manners that become apparent literally on the second day of stay in a new place.

However, such an opportunity is not always available. Sometimes, with what to name a kitten, you have to decide in advance, never even having seen a baby.

What to look for?

In addition to such nuances that determine the future name, such as gender, the presence of a pedigree and breed, there is another important point. Before you start picking up a nickname, you need to decide whether it will be a simple nickname or unique.

In addition, you need to decide whether the name becomes complex, that is, abbreviated in everyday pronunciation, or will initially consist of a pair of syllables.

Will the chosen name work?

The main difficulty in preliminarily considering and selecting an option for what can be called a kitten is the risk of finding a name that is completely inappropriate for the baby. You can find out only by seeing the pet and living with him under one roof for at least a day.

The nature of the kitten is noticeable after a day

Therefore, you do not need to focus on the only, even very harmonious option. Choosing what to name a kitten, you should write down all the ideas that come to mind. Of course, you need to write out and attracted found ready-made nicknames.

In this case, if the baby refuses to respond to a name invented for him, or if the owners themselves find the nickname inappropriate, there will be a ready supply for a new choice.

What to name a kitty?

The choice of how to name a kitten a girl depends not only on her coloring, origin, breed and habits, but also on what the owners want to see in the nursery. No wonder it is believed that fate and character depend on the name.

If there is a desire to observe a true lady in the future, showing restraint and intelligence, and also not tolerating the vulgar squeezing of herself by people, do not call the kitten Dasha, Masha, and so on. You need to choose a name that sounds with dignity.

The same applies to other points. The motivation in determining the final version of the name should be the perception of the cattery by the owners, which coincides with its own idea.

Name options for kitties :

  • Elizabeth - Lisa;
  • Vasilisa - Vasya;
  • Cornelia - Nelly;
  • Robes - Delly;
  • Ophelia - Felya;
  • Zemfira - Zypha;
  • Fecilia - Fifa.

When choosing what to call a kitten girl, it is better to dwell on a name that has both a full and an abbreviated version. Owners with experience claim that cats are susceptible to censure by their full name. That is, if the pet is naughty, it will be very simple to express your own dissatisfaction by contacting her by her full name. This can also encourage the baby to show attention or cause her to stop playing.

What to name a cat?

The basics of choosing what to name a kitten-boy are no different from determining the name of a fluffy girl. That is, one should proceed from one's own idea of ​​the future adult pet, and also take into account his personal data and preferences.

If you are imagining a picture of an imposingly apathetic, absolutely lazy, calm big beast, you should not call your pet the nicknames Shnels, Egoza, Kuzya and so on.

Name options for cat:

  • Kasyan - Kisa;
  • Murza - Murzik;
  • Bars - Barsik;
  • Lavrenti - Laurel;
  • Fenberry - Fenya;
  • Lifsey - Fesya;
  • Perseus - Yesya;
  • Ostap - Osya.

According to the statistics of clubs that unite cat lovers, Innocent is the most popular name in recent years. When choosing what to name a kitten for a boy, one should consider that Kesha is the most common option. But the cat Vaska, according to the same clubs, has already become an almost historical character. Almost no one calls Kotikov so.

What to call black?

How to call a black kitten is not a simple question. Without exception, all owners want to emphasize the color of their pet by name. But at the same time, almost no one wants to use commonplace nicknames, such as Chernysh, Blacks and so on.

In all other respects, when choosing what to name black kittens, you should be guided by the same principles as deciding on the name of pets of other colors. That is, take into account the breed, the presence of the pedigree, the nature of the kitten and their own ideas about the adult animal.

Those who want to give the nickname the maximum of mystery, while not going into mysticism when deciding how to name black kittens, it makes sense to read Scandinavian tales and other legends about the Druids and northern gods. Almost every such work contains a black raven or horse with a pretty enough and rare name for the modern world, quite suitable for a black cat.

When choosing what to call a black kitten-boy, one must take into account the fact that such names as Woland, Diablo, Hippo, Lucifer, are very common. For example, at one of the exhibitions of the Miaun Society there were four Britons named Lucifer and a pair of Persians Diablo.

Name options for black cat:

  • Absinthe - Senya;
  • Shiva;
  • Khair - Hai;
  • Khan;
  • Padishah -Shah;
  • Blackberry - Black;
  • Pirate;
  • Satyr;
  • Sheikh
  • Heck;
  • Loki
  • Killsberry;
  • Styx.

Name options for black cat:

  • Shankara - Shana;
  • Bagheera;
  • Kali
  • Hannah
  • Shadow - Shada;
  • Dark.

Going through the options for the name, you can resort to a little trick. Choosing what to name a kitten, you need to take the Russian word, the meaning of which is to the liking of the owner, and translate it into different languages. It is possible that some of the sound options will become that very unique name. But you need to consider the breed of the animal. For example, defining such a linguistic search, what is the name of a British kitten, it is better to avoid pronounced German or French sounds, it "does not suit the English aristocrat." But in Chinese or Japanese you can find quite interesting and similar to English speech options.

What is gray?

The question of how to name a gray kitten is not as reverent as the choice of the name “brunettes” and “blondes,” which is completely unjustified.

Gray kittens deserve more than the banal Mouse, Sir, Roquefort and so on. Moreover, gray color has a lot of shades, it’s best to watch a kitten of this color or at least look at its photo. Then the association itself will come to mind, and the name will arise naturally.

Gray cat deserves a serious name

In general, these animals are very soft-sounding, "cozy" versions of nicknames.

Examples of names for kitties:

  • Patricia - Tricia;
  • Marquise - Zizi;
  • Belsi
  • Kassandra - Kasia;
  • Asira - Asya;
  • Iris;
  • Shursha - Shushu;
  • Yasura - Surya.

Examples of names for cats:

  • Fluff;
  • Tim;
  • Jacques;
  • Vasily - Vasya;
  • Azzaro - Zar;
  • Marquis
  • Baby doll - Pusya;
  • Fum;
  • Smokey
  • Mist;
  • Khazar - Khazik.

Gray pets have one feature that is not inherent in feline other colors. Very often, their owners, choosing a beautiful and interesting name, eventually begin to contact the pet simply Kisya. Or in other different “soft” variations of the word “kitty”.

What to call a redhead?

Choosing what to call a red kitten, its owners experience the same gamut of emotions as the owners of black animals. That is, everyone wants to emphasize the sunny color, the fiery shades of the name. At the same time, many people want to convey the sacredness of red cats, giving the name an ancient Slavic sound. No fewer owners want to emphasize with a nickname the resemblance to a tiger or leopard.

The red color of the pet’s hair is the most versatile in terms of name selection. To such animals "to face" absolutely everything, without exception. But such freedom of choice most often leads to the fact that the future owners of a bright lump of fur literally run their eyes. Around the future name, real family battles often arise and serious passions flare up. Viewing ready-made variations of clicks leads to the emergence of a mass of their own ideas. And in the end, everything ends with a migraine, scandals, and the pet becomes Musya, Keshe or Tiger.

Any name fits red cats

To avoid such a development of events, you should initially limit the assortment of nicknames to the desired meaning. That is, determine who exactly settles in the house - the sun or the tiger. If a small predator is expected, then the name should not be looked for in the same way as for a sunny fluffy lump.

Options for red girls:

  • A fox;
  • Foxy;
  • Ray;
  • Virginia
  • Faya or Faina;
  • Florals;
  • Rizzy
  • Gann;
  • Hush
  • Heph;
  • Toris or Victoria;
  • Rice.

Options for red boys:

  • Shaabi is a Chinese word meaning "sun";
  • Horse;
  • Fire
  • Loyd;
  • Radcy
  • Thor
  • Lucius
  • Yasha
  • Yar or Yarilo;
  • Mars.

Ginger pets are usually more prudent in nature, liveliness, curiosity and love to play a trick. This should be taken into account when choosing options for what to name a red kitten, since by chance it is possible to energetically strengthen the already excessive pet's inclination towards adventures and adventures.

What is white?

For those who want to make a pet of snow color, it is also important to emphasize the color of the animal with the nickname.

Usually in what to name a white kitten, its future owners do not have any difficulties. There are a lot of options like Snow White, Fluff, Belle, Snow, and each of them, of course, reflects the view of the owner and the habits of the cat.

However, you can be creative, think and find less-used nicknames. It makes sense to start the search with a translation into different languages ​​of the word that most closely matches the nature of the animal and the owners' ideas about it.

It can be a phrase. For example, "polar ice" is translated into English as polar ice. By rearranging the letters, you can get a unique name for the cat, say Laris or Paula. This principle of designing nicknames, as a rule, always gives a unique and as close as possible to the ideal version of the name for the pet.

White kitty in the arms of the hostess

Of course, you should not neglect your own thoughts and looking at ready-made names, the latter can spur imagination and lead to the appearance of a very unexpected nickname.

Names for kitties - "blondes":

  • The Radiance is Yana;
  • Sir
  • Sophie, Sofa, Sonya;
  • Snowball;
  • Balsi;
  • Kira
  • Fairy tale;
  • Leda;
  • Ursi
  • Mila
  • Crazy
  • Nancy;
  • Doris.

Names for seals “blondes”:

  • Ice;
  • Ricks
  • Whites;
  • Bear;
  • Claude - from the English cloud - "cloud";
  • Fluff;
  • Monsieur;
  • Moor - for owners with humor;
  • Janis;
  • Snoff
  • Drift.

White color is also purity. When choosing a name using anagrams in foreign words, it is worth considering all possible aspects of the meaning of whiteness, this will give more room for imagination.

What to name a thoroughbred?

The only difference in determining a name for a baby with a pedigree from the name of an ordinary animal is the need to consider the breed.

For example, when considering what to name a Scottish kitten, it is worth starting from the country of origin and its culture, such a name will be more interesting and will better correspond to the appearance of the animal. That is, you should not call the Scotsman the nickname Tutankhamun with the abbreviation to Ham, Tut or Monya, this option is discordant with the appearance of the pet.

In general, it is customary to call purebred seals with long pedigrees beautifully, using the names of the gods or sonorous words with meaning.

British kittens are not always black

For example, for a black thoroughbred Briton, the Shadow Blecky Star, easily reduced to Shed or Shad, will be a good name.

The Persian beauty may well respond to the names of Persia, Gayane, Nays, Thais and, of course, such as Isis, Jasmine and so on.

American "buns", in contrast to the English representatives of plush exotic cat breeds, are more emotional and capricious. These animals are constantly on their minds. Such a moment must be taken into account when choosing a name for "American."

Most often, cats of this type are named after the characters of films, cartoons or books, so you can see such nicknames at exhibitions:

  • Scrooge;
  • Apostle;
  • Rudzhik;
  • Innocent;
  • Valon;
  • Porthos and so on.

Thinking about the name of a thoroughbred pet, you need to understand that a nickname is chosen for yourself, that is, for home everyday use. The same Porthos in the documents can be registered as Patrick Staris Fejersithi.

What to consider for choosing the name of a thoroughbred pet?

Everyone who has ever visited cat shows, note that they have complex and multi-component nicknames, sometimes puzzling.

The fact is that the name of the animal from the pedigree develops according to certain rules. Each litter of the club, in which the cat is a mother, is named with a certain letter, taking into account the breed. That is, if the club sells Devon Rex kittens with nicknames for beech “c”, then this is the third litter of this breed in this society of animal lovers. The second and third element of the name is made up of parents' nicknames.

Often such kittens are sold already with ready-made names spelled out in documents, with which they give the baby to its new owners.

However, this feature does not mean at all that you have to put up with the unpleasant animal and the hostile option of the nickname for your whole life or that you can choose the first combination of sounds that the kitten will respond to.

At cat shows, signs next to animals are fixed, where the full name specified in the pedigree is recorded, and your own home version is necessarily indicated next. This is done so that approached representatives of the jury know how to contact the animal. It will not be very pleasant to hear such an appeal to your pet as Kizya or Borshchik in the presence of spectators and other owners of cats. Although in the home family circle, such nicknames are touching and cause a lot of positive emotions.

Therefore, when determining the nickname of a thoroughbred pet, it is worth considering this nuance. Even if it is not planned to participate in exhibitions at the time of the acquisition of a kitten, this probability cannot be completely discounted. It is possible that the desire to show your furry miracle will appear over time or arise from one of the family members.

For example, the champion of one of the Moscow clubs among the maine coons now popular with an absolutely unpronounceable variant of the nickname recorded in the pedigree responds to Kashka in life. And that is how judges turn to him. This situation demonstrates just the lack of an initial intention to exhibit a cat and the nickname given to the house, which has developed because of the animal’s love for porridge.

Purebred cat nicknames

To avoid such incidents, the selection of the name of the animal from the pedigree should be taken seriously.


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