Tugunok fish: description, useful properties, where it is found and how to catch

Siberia is a paradise for hunters and fishermen. Forests and ponds are full of all living creatures. The northern rivers are rich in valuable commercial fish. Among them is the fish tugunok.

A description of the appearance, features of fishing, the necessary precautions related to the characteristics of the inhabitants of fresh water bodies, and some popular dishes will be presented in our article.

goat fish


Tugunok is a valuable commercial fish from the whitefish family. The smallest of all representatives of the noble species, the order of salmonids. Life expectancy is 6 years. Tugunok is a whitefish. The quality of meat does not differ from nelma, whitefish, chira, vendace. On Tomi Tugun is called a manner. This omnivorous fish is very tasty, especially good of kale, spicy, salted, and sagudai, or fresh quick-salted fish, took third place at one of the international competitions, ahead of dishes with truffles and famous French snails.


He loves the cold water of Siberian rivers. There it is affectionately called a tugunok (fish). Where does it live, where does it breed, where does this wonderful fish go for mass? Tugun is considered to be an endemic of Siberia, but experts say that it feels great in the rivers of northern Canada.

Reaching the place where it flows into the seas of the Arctic Ocean, it does not enter salt water and returns. Migration is a continuous process. Tugun spawns in shallow water - in old people, that is, in the old, silted mouths - the Yenisei, from Shushensky to the mouth. Favorite places - Lower and Podkamennaya Tunguska, Angara.

It is found in large numbers in the Ob basin. In the tributaries of Tavda, Lozva and Northern Sosva, tugun is of commercial importance - here the elders are most convenient for spawning. Hence the speaking name - Sosvinsky herring. Tugun is also caught in Lena, but here it is most infected with helminths.

what is useful fish tugunok


Tugun lays eggs in the shallow mouths of the tributaries of the Ob and Yenisei. Prefers calm water, without rapids and rifts with a sandy and pebble bottom. In the dark, leaves in shallow water. It is fed during the flood period. Then the fish fills the stretch of land with a silted bottom, where it feeds on small crustaceans, caviar, mosquito larvae and algae. In July, along with a decline in water, it recedes into large reservoirs. By this time, adults are gaining maximum weight. Tugun reaches puberty by the second year of life.

In September-November, during the period of freezing, spawning occurs. Tugun lays eggs in riverbeds on sandy or small-pebble spits at a depth of 1.5-2 meters. From one female, depending on age, there are from 500 to 5000 eggs. Winters fish in the same place where they spawned.


It is impossible to say that the tugunok is a fish (its photographs are presented in our article). The largest is rarely longer than 20 cm. The average size is 10-14 cm. The maximum weight is about 90 grams, the average is about 20 grams. The scales are silver, shiny, easily falling, on the sides up to 70 pieces. Eyes are triangular, point pointed forward. The jaws are the same size. Anal fin soft, caudal rounded, bifurcated. The back is dark, brightens towards the abdomen - looks very similar to herring, on the sides there is a faint pattern in the form of a thin straight strip from head to tail. The body is elongated, in cross section more circular than that of other representatives of the same family. For this feature and called Sosvinskoy herring tugunok (fish). Photos clearly demonstrate this, only ordinary herring is still somewhat darker and larger. Tugun is more like smelt, and the smell of fresh cucumber in freshly caught fish adds similarities. By the way, the dishes from smelt and tugun are prepared the same, but we will tell about this in more detail below.

Cooking fish tugunok


In the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, tugun is allowed to catch nonsense. This is a small drag net. In other places, this method of fishing is prohibited, and only at the mouth of the Yenisei this rule does not apply. You only need to purchase a license. Currently, the population of this fish is too small, it reproduces slowly, therefore, catch rates have been tightened. Nobody really wants a tugunok (fish) to completely disappear from Russian rivers. How to catch in other places, for example in Yakutia? Very simple - to fishing rod. During Putin, the tugunok jumps out of the water - just have time to change the bait. Perfectly caught on bloodworms, mosquitoes. In order to provide for his family and treat friends, one trip to fishing in the spring is enough at the beginning of summer. In any case, it will not be possible to catch more than two kg at a time - the fish is too small. But how delicious it is! Still, a whitefish, albeit small. And what kind of dishes succulent fish is suitable for, we will tell you in due time.

Fishing tricks

It’s a pleasure to catch a tugugka-style - neither lure is needed, nor special bait is required. The most productive fishing is at sunset and until dawn. At this time, the tugunok actively feeds. A moonless night is an ideal time for hunting tuguga. Fishermen put out lanterns that attract flocks, and googens walk in schools. Though they themselves jump onto a hook, even jump into dragnet, for this reason netting is prohibited - with such a barbaric capture, there will already be no one to spawn.

In winter, the coolest is on the last ice. Then you can catch both fly fishing and half-water. A bottom fishing rod, float or spinning will do. Mormyshka, of course, is winter, although in the summer they also catch mug. The fly is knitted on a hook number 16.

They love the pit tuguns. The optimal depth is five meters. In this case, you can make complementary foods from oilcake, chironamides and anise. Tackle float half-water. Fishermen dig a few pits, and where the bite will be the first, several fishing rods are lowered there. In one fishing trip (five hours), up to 120 pieces can be pulled out, but this does not often happen. The usual norm is 20-40 pieces from one pit.

Connoisseurs of secrets of tugunka fishing are advised to make a boat, and to take chironamide or mayfly with bait - this is ideal. At worst - a small maggot, worm, burdock, horse fly, bloodworm, mosquito. To hook at the first bite, do not wait for it to sink - it twitches very quickly. The lost fish will leave by itself and lead the whole school.

tugunok fish composition

Chemical composition

Whoever tried the tuguga once will never forget its taste. It is no accident that the tugun fish was very often present on the table of the secretaries general of the Soviet Union. The composition of this tender fish is truly unique - there is very little fat in it - only 14%, but the consistency is such that the fish seems oily. This is characteristic of all whitefish. This property is explained by the high content of polyunsaturated linolenic fatty acid, which, by the way, is considered the best natural immunomodulator. Nutritionists are well aware of how useful fish tugunok. Freshly salted fish is rich in vitamins PP (niacin equivalent), B12, A and D, as well as fluorine, molybdenum, nickel, chromium, phosphorus, sulfur and zinc. Most of the substances listed are contained in the bones and scales of the fish, and they are so soft that, when cooked properly, they are eaten without compromising taste. They literally dissolve with salt, as well as during cooking.

It should be noted that during heat treatment, most of the vitamins are preserved. PP, which has a record number in the tuguga, most affects blood vessels, restoring the tone, elasticity and permeability of both veins and arteries, and the smallest capillaries. Puffer fish, the benefit of which is not in doubt, is one of the products recommended for the prevention of heart disease. It is included in the wellness menu of cardiological sanatoriums, as well as other medical institutions of the cardiovascular direction.

tugunok fish how to catch

Caution: parasites!

The tugunka fish, the useful properties of which we have described in sufficient detail, is found only in fresh water bodies, which means that it is very often infected with parasites that are dangerous to human health. Diseases that can be picked up by tasting any freshwater raw fish are known - opisthorchiasis, ligulosis, metagnonymosis, nanophytosis, diphyllobothriasis, clonorchosis and others. The tugunok, unfortunately, is no exception. Often worms are mistaken for allergies or food poisoning. Symptoms of helminthic infestations are actually similar to them - nausea, vomiting, indigestion, sharp pains in the stomach or right hypochondrium, headache, fever, skin itching and rashes, belching, heartburn, flatulence, intolerance to fat or bitterness in the mouth . All parasitic infections are easily preventable, but are difficult to treat. Diseases need not be feared, but you need to know about them when going fishing or buying fish from procurers. With proper preparation, fish will only bring health benefits. What is the proper preparation? This is the strict observance of the following commandments.

Mandatory Security

Before you get on the table, and then into the stomach, the tugun fish must be properly prepared - it should never be eaten raw. It is possible to use cold and hot smoked fish, spicy salting, in boiled, fried and baked form.

Cook, fry and bake on charcoal or in the oven for at least 20 minutes. Long-term heat treatment is only to the benefit of the minor - bones and scales become completely invisible, the taste of the broth is saturated and dense. Fried fish tugun just melts in your mouth.

When frozen, eggs and larvae of parasites also die. A temperature of -27 degrees will kill them in 12 hours, but the taste properties of the gooseberry as a result of freezing are lost and the famous cucumber aroma disappears.

Hot and cold salting for one and two weeks, respectively, will also disinfect fish. As for the dry salting of undivided fish and fish, in the first case it will be ready for use in 9-13 days, and in the second - in 7-12.

fish tugunok benefit

Dishes from tugun

Cooking fish tugunok finds application in a variety of dishes. This is not only freshly salted, although this option is considered the most successful. It makes wonderful soup, pies, salads, it can be dried, smoked, and also make delicious sprats. Tugunok fish goes well with fried and boiled potatoes, with vegetables and rice. However, you should not store frozen fish for more than two weeks - the taste will noticeably worsen and the amazing cucumber smell will disappear.

Primary processing of freshly caught fish

It is better to immediately chop and salt the freshly caught fish. If you do this in the evening, then by lunch the next day you can already eat. To exclude helminthic invasion, it is necessary to immediately place the caught fish in brine - hard-salted water (2 liters of water - 1 glass of salt). At the end of fishing, cut off the heads and remove the entrails, rinse again, sprinkle with salt, pepper, fresh onions, pour vegetable oil and vinegar - the next day you can eat. The fish will not take excess salt, but if you want a more fresh one, then washing the finished fish with boiled water is not forbidden.


To cook sprats, you need to take an enameled pan, preferably with a double bottom, salt, pepper, vegetable oil, vinegar and 1-2 kg of fresh tugun.

Rinse the fish, pour a little oil on the bottom of the pan, put a layer of thinly chopped onion and a layer of fish. Season with salt, pepper, put a thin layer of onion again, one bay leaf, chopped coriander and juniper seeds (just a little bit), sprinkle with two tablespoons of vinegar and one tablespoon of oil. Then again put a layer of fish, on it - onions and seasonings, as on the first layer. So lay all the fish.

Cover tightly and place in a hot oven for 5 hours. Reduce fire to 180 degrees. The fins, scales and bones become so soft that they will not be felt at all.

Sprats neatly put in sterile jars, wait until cool, and put in a cold place.

tugun fish photo


Peel the potatoes, cut into small pieces and put to boil. Free fresh fish from intestines and heads and rinse. When the potatoes boil - salt, add black pepper with peas, bay leaf and one whole onion directly with the husk (it will give the dish a beautiful golden hue). After 10 minutes, put in a saucepan of chopped tugun. Let everything boil together for another 20 minutes. At the end of cooking, remove the onion. In 20 minutes, the bones and scales are so boiled up that they become invisible in the dish, and until broth turns out to be rich, you will lick your fingers!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F13454/

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