Azofoska: composition. "Azofoska": instructions for use

Mineral fertilizers are essential for your garden plants like air. The soil with annual use becomes poor and requires additional fertilizing, only this way your garden plot can guarantee you an excellent result every year. Today we will talk about what is Azofoska, consider what crops respond best to such top dressing, and also analyze its composition. "Azofoska" is familiar to most experienced farmers, so our article is most likely designed for beginner gardeners.

azofosk composition


Today we want to analyze its composition in detail. "Azofoska" (or, in other words, nitroammofoska) is by far the most effective complex fertilizer, which is not only versatile, but also has excellent results. If you want a rich harvest, then be sure to use "Azofosku" on your garden plot.

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Of course, before making it is necessary to evaluate the features of your summer cottage, the quality of the soil and its composition. "Azofoska" is a great option for any garden, but an excess of nitrogen can adversely affect your garden crops, so a thorough analysis will not hurt. If you plan to combine several fertilizers, it is also important to ensure that there is no overabundance of trace elements.

To enrich the soil and improve its composition, "Azofoska" is introduced in the form of the main or presowing fertilizer. In this case, it is perfect for any soil and for all crops. Moreover, its use on fertile soils during irrigation in the spring is considered ideal. The same can be said of light compounds in which sand predominates. If you want to enrich the composition of greasy, chernozemic lands, then in this case it is better to fertilize in the autumn.

azofoska instructions for use


What is the popular "Azofoska"? Instructions for use indicate that it is easy to explain the effectiveness, it is enough to analyze the composition. The product contains phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium. All three components in equal shares, exactly 16%. The composition additionally has a small amount of sulfur. In addition to the luxurious composition, there are other advantages. All substances instantly dissolve. That is why roots can absorb nutrients effortlessly.

azofosk instruction

Fertilizer properties

What gives your garden plot "Azofoska"? Instructions for use tell us that all components are extremely important for plant growth, their good flowering and fruiting. In turn, sulfur and nitrogen are very important so that not only green mass grows, but also nutritious fruits. Fertilizer guarantees good ripening of the fruits, which means they will be very well stored in the winter. Separately, it is worth noting a significant increase in resistance to adverse weather and certain diseases.

azofoska instructions for use reviews

Main advantages

And now let's take a closer look at what the instruction tells us. "Azofoska" is a universal fertilizer that not only helps to get an excellent crop, but also has a number of useful properties:

  • The drug is produced in non-hygroscopic granules, they do not cake and perfectly crumble. For this, the granules are treated with special surfactants.
  • The second point is the high percentage of nutrients in the granules. This indicator allows you to use a minimum of fertilizer.
  • This fertilizer is kept in the soil for a long time and is not washed out by water.

All these advantages make it possible to widely use Azofoska in gardening, and the sooner you remember about it in the spring, the better the harvest. It is ideal for legumes and crops, as well as for various garden plants.

azofoska instructions for use photo


How and when is Azofoska used? Instructions for use (reviews by experienced gardeners suggest that this fertilizer can replace any other top dressing) suggests that it is used as the main fertilizer and intermediate top dressing. It is possible to introduce mechanized methods and techniques, which is especially true for large fields.

Application on clay, peat and marshy soils, on chernozems and sandy soil is especially relevant. But the choice of dosage occurs directly on the basis of the characteristics of the soil and the needs of crops. The average consumption of the drug is 30-40 g per m 2 .

Application specifics for different garden crops

Most often, when growing shrubs, fruit trees, bulbous and tuberous plants, azofoska is used. Instructions for use (we brought the photo of the application for completeness) suggests that it is this inexpensive and very economical tool that can improve seed germination and activate seedling growth, as well as accelerate fruit ripening.

If you are planning to plant potatoes, it is best to add the drug to each well. To do this, measure 3-4 g of granule and select a suitable measuring container for this amount. Now it remains only to make the declared amount together with seed potatoes. Berry bushes and fruit trees are the main consumers of mineral fertilizers. It is better to introduce granules into the basal ring, 25-30 g per m 2 .

Ornamental flowering plants are another consumer of Azofoski. In order to form beautiful buds, you need to regularly water the plants. The optimal frequency is two weeks. To prepare the solution, 20 g of azofoska per bucket of water is used.

Drug cost

This is the main advantage that distinguishes Azofoska from all other modern fertilizers. Fertilizer is not only affordable, but also very economical. A kilogram package will cost 20 rubles, and this amount is enough for a huge plantation. Therefore, if you have large sown areas or orchards, then there is no better option. "Azofoska" will preserve soil health and provide the necessary nutrition to plants, provide conditions for the rapid growth and development of plants, as well as rich fruiting.


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