Aquarium fish pseudotrophyus demasoni. Pseudotrophaeus demasoni: compatibility and propagation tips

Aquarists like cichlids for their mobility, beauty and curious behavior. They are easy to care for and do not require special attention. Blue pseudotrophies demasoni stand out for their bright colors and awaken the desire to learn more about them.

demasoni pseudotrophyus

general characteristics

Pseudotropheus demasoni - pseudotrophyus demasoni in Russian - one of the most attractive representatives of the population of the African lake Malawi. This bright striped cichlid belongs to the mbuna group, which in the language of the local population means “resident of stones”. In nature, the fish lives on the rocky coast of Tanzania.

Aquarists learned about this beauty relatively recently - in 1994. This species was described by Ed Conings, a famous researcher of cichlids of Lake Malawi.

The area of ​​demasoni prsevdotrofeus is the area of ​​the Pombo rock. Fish feed mainly on algae growing on stones, but do not disdain larvae, small insects, mollusks and zooplankton.

price pseudotrophyus demasoni

Demasoni refers to dwarf cichlids, its body length is from 6 to 8 cm. The price of this fish is not great. Pseudotrophyus demasoni costs, depending on size, from 120 to 400 rubles. In an aquarium, he can live 8-10 years.


The body of the demasoni fish pseudotrophaeus has a torpedo shape typical of all relatives. We recognize it due to its characteristic coloring. The body of the fish is crossed by vertical stripes - 5 light stripes of a very beautiful bright blue color and 6 dark blue, almost black lines. Dark stripes begin at the gill covers and end at the base of the tail.

The head of the demasoni pseudotrophaeus is also decorated with three blue and two dark horizontal stripes. The last dark blue on the head goes into the first dark line on the body. The tail and fins are bordered by a thin blue stripe and have spikes to protect them from predators. Our hero is often confused with a close relative - the pseudotrophheus elongatus. At this representative of cichlids, the bands reach only the middle of the body. Therefore, if you see a fish with an even distribution of clear dark lines - this is the pseudotrophyus demasoni.

pseudotropheus demasoni pseudotrophheus demasoni

How to determine the gender of demasoni

It is impossible to determine the sex of the fish at a young age (up to 2 months). And even when the fish grow up, it will not be easy for a beginner to cope with this task. Males and females are of the same color, and distinguishing them at first glance can be difficult. What to look for? Demasoni males are more aggressive, they are slightly larger than females, the stripes on the sides are sharper and brighter. They can be seen elongated releasers on the anal fins. The dorsal fin is longer and more pointed than in females.

Content Features

Residents of Lake Malawi are quite demanding of the conditions of detention. They are classified as moderate or difficult to care for species. The optimal parameters of water for fish:

  • temperature - 24-28 ° ;
  • acidity - 7.6-8.6 pH;
  • water hardness - 10-18 °.

Demasoni pseudotrophyus will feel great both in fresh and salted water. Regarding the addition of salt, experts disagree. Malawi is a fresh lake, but its waters are rich in trace elements. Domestic aquarists compensate for their lack with the help of small doses of sea salt.

pseudotrophyus demasoni how to determine gender

So, you decided to start such an exotic fish as the pseudotrophyus demasoni. Keeping an African will not bring additional hassle, given all the nuances of leaving in advance.

The minimum volume for a group of fish of 4-5 females and one male is 150 liters. For a flock of 12 fish, among which there will already be 2-3 males, you need an aquarium of 400 liters. In a large numerous flock with a spacious territory and many shelters, intraspecific aggression is minimal.

The waters of Lake Malawi are clear, and the mbuns demand the same freshness from their owners. A powerful filter and mandatory water changes of 30% every week will provide fish comfort.

To maintain the necessary rigidity, special additives can be used - argonite sand, coral chips or marble. In addition, fish love jewelry made of stones with various grottoes and shelters.

Demasoni are notable for good health, but they can be injured in conflicts. If the fish is injured or weak, it is worth putting it in a separate container. For speedy recovery, methylene blue and sodium chloride can be added to the water.

pseudotrophyus demasoni compatibility


Despite their aggressiveness, the demasoni pseudotrophaeus are not predators. Therefore, just as in nature, their diet should consist mainly of plant feed. This can be special food for cichlids, aquarium plants, algae, scalded lettuce, dandelion, nettle.

Greens should be scalded with boiling water, cooled and pressed to the bottom with a stone. Fish may not be immediately interested in leaves. You do not need to leave them overnight; it is better to prepare a new portion the next day.

As protein food, cyclops, daphnia are suitable, but the tubule, bloodworms, coronetra and small shrimp are too high in calories. The ratio of plant and animal feed is approximately 70 to 30 percent. Due to the abundance of protein foods in the fish, digestion problems can occur. It is better to feed the animals in small portions several times a day.


At the bottom you need to put a few flat stones, to form from them the likeness of caves and grottoes. It is there, on the territory of the male, that spawning will occur.

At the age of 6 months, upon reaching the size of 2.5 centimeters, the fish are ready for breeding. During the spawning period, the dominant male becomes especially aggressive, and with a small volume of the aquarium and a lack of shelter, he can beat his rivals to death.

During spawning, the male presses the female to the stones on her territory, after which she lays 5 to 15 eggs and takes them into her mouth. Fertilization takes place in the female’s mouth, where the caviar remains for another week before the fry are born.

You can feed juveniles with artemia, cyclops and chopped cereal. Fry from an early age are aggressive even to older comrades, so it is better to put them off. Young animals can suffer in fights with adults.

Compatible with other fish

Which of the aquarium fish is still so famous for its territoriality as cichlids, including pseudotrophyus demasoni? Fish compatibility is an important consideration when choosing an aquarium population. Demasoni are aggressive and do not get along with other aquarium fish, with the exception of other breeds of mbun. In a rocky aquarium, each individual has a territory from which it will drive away all rivals, so you need to choose fish that do not look externally like a demasoni.

pseudotrophyus demasoni content

Blue and yellow dark-striped fish are excluded, such as Afro cytotilapia and Lombardo pseudotrophy. The demasoni will calmly react to neighbors without stripes - labidochromeis yellow, hummingbird cichlids, red zebras.

With proper and careful care, the pseudotrophyus demasoni will delight you with its beauty and interesting behavior for a long time.


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