Revelation: classes, races, class guide. Revelation online

In the new online game MMORPG called Revelation classes are presented in the amount of six pieces. They all differ from each other in the way of battle, skills and emphasis on different tactics. Before choosing an archetype, a gamer must understand the character’s purpose in battle, use his advantages and cover up weaknesses. This is the only way to achieve victory in PvP and PvE battles.

Game Summary

The universe in Revelation Online is a classic fantasy game with an emphasis on Asian style. The locations are all made in a bright style with incredible structures, so that the player was interested in traveling. In this world, the player must pump his character to the maximum level, and then to engage in its strengthening. Here, as in other projects of the genre, there is a division into two areas - battles with real players or battles in dungeons with groups of heroes against bosses. They are interconnected by the fact that they require a good knowledge of the class from the user, as well as constant hunting for valuable equipment for amplification.

revelation classes

Variety of races

In Revelation, classes do not have affection for different races. Each archetype will necessarily be a person, and when created, there is access only to customization of the appearance and size of the body. Despite this, there are six full-fledged peoples within the game world that have their own territories and defend their personal interests.

The first of these are the fox magical creatures that possess the ancient spells of this world. The second race is the Winged - proud and brave creatures, ready to fight for their interests to the end. Frostwolves are considered a barbaric border nation, and they only value brute strength and courage. The Bears with their peace-loving character and love of work are completely opposite to them. They create the most beautiful jewelry in this world. Falmari - lovers of the deep sea, because they themselves are protected by the god of water open spaces. They build their homes in the lagoons and on the shores of the seas or oceans. The last inhabitants of Revelation Online is the Mushroom People. These small creatures with heads in the form of mushrooms live in hidden towns and allow only worthy heroes to come to them.

revelation online


In Revelation, classes have standard names, but their mechanics can rightly be called unique. The shooter here is a long-range fighter who needs cover to deal heavy damage. One of his main skills is to summon two robots that give allies positive effects and also damage enemies. Use it every time you roll back recovery time. The shooter can deal damage in three special racks. In the first, he uses pistols to increase mobility, the ability to dodge, avoid close combat and at the same time attack the enemy. A rack with a rifle makes it slow and always forces you to stand behind the backs of your armored allies. The third weapon is a rocket launcher with great damage to the area. The main disadvantage is complete immobilization, and if the enemy gets to the shooter, then he will surely die. The main skills for attack are “heavy fire”, “scorched earth”, “aimed shot” and others.

revelation class overview


In Revelation, classes are not deprived of a doctor and his name is a druid. This lover of wildlife and habitat is the main support with a huge arsenal of healing skills. In protracted boss fights without him, the group will not last even a few minutes. A druid can simultaneously heal an entire group with spells with area effect. The healer cannot defend himself, and in battles with other players he needs constant cover from his allies. The druid is not able to help with direct damage, but he can call various creatures to his aid. They can slow down enemies, deal damage and help the team with beneficial effects. Animals that come to his aid can be very diverse. For example, the “spirit of the eagle” will call on the king of birds, who will attack enemies from the air. Due to the small ability to inflict damage, the druid's usefulness is determined by the amount of team health restored in battle.

revelation races and classes


In Revelation, races and classes are not interconnected, but even without it, archetypes are quite interesting for players. At one glance at the reaper, it seems that this is a universal fighter with the ability to heal, inflict damage, reduce the characteristics of enemies and buff allies. In fact, playing for him is rather difficult, because you have to quickly react to the situation and change between stances - light and darkness. In the first specialization, the reaper puts totems to help fighters, restores health, slows down and immobilizes enemies. In the second, he inflicts damage with his staff (a scythe is just for appearance), can move quickly, weaken opponents with debuffs. The real difficulties begin at the maximum level, where the priest lose in damage to the soldiers, and in the treatment - to the druid. Only the most experienced users can find a balance between the characteristics to stay well in any battle. In Revelation Online, a new class is not yet provided, and therefore experienced players are advised to turn their attention to the priest.

revelation online new class


If you ask fans of slow and armored archetypes in Revelation Online which class is better, then he will answer without delay - the guard. This is a tank of the classics of the genre with a lot of defensive skills. In the battle against the boss, he is able to bear the aggression of the main monster and additional creatures. At the same time, a competent guard always takes care of his team. If he is comfortable with personal safety, then he can give a buff to absorb damage to an ally close to death. So the player will save the group and the doctor, who did not have time to help the fighter. Also, for attacking classes, a positive effect on the increase in armor from the parameters of magic or physical damage is provided. In PvP, the guard is a formidable adversary, and the reason for this is the large arsenal of control. This class with a large shield and ax can easily attract a fighter to itself and throw it with slowdowns or immobilization. Being alone under the “steel shell” is difficult, and only support can help you get out of control. That is why guards are always taken for any siege or guild battles.

revelation class guide


At first glance, in the Revelation, a review of the classes will suggest that the knight is the most deadly of all fighters. He can take two stances in battle. At the first in his hands, two blades appear, and the parameters of speed and critical damage increase significantly. If a knight managed to break through to a long-distance warrior, then in 10/10 cases he will receive a victory with minimal damage for himself. The second rack provides for the replacement of the tank in battle. This archetype changes blades to a large two-handed sword and significantly increases the level of aggression for monsters. To do this when there is a guard in the group is not recommended, because then the healer simply will not be able to adequately treat two goals. Replacement is often necessary if the tank is left without its defensive skills and it needs a short break. The knight will adequately replace him and will be able to hold out for some time with the help of a druid. The class is popular in group battles with any number of players.

revelation online which class is better


There is also a unique magical character in Revelation. A class guide for a novice user always recommends choosing a mage to familiarize himself with the mechanics of battles and teach general aspects. The hero controls the elements of ice, lightning and fire, and without recovery time switches between racks. Many of his skills are reproduced using a sword in one hand and a sphere in the other. Spells such as "blade dance" and "ice ram" are able to clear waves of monsters, which is incredibly useful when pumping. The speed of the magicians is always at their best, but in terms of armor it is the most fragile character. You should always beware of the approach of a knight, guard or priest, because they will easily deal with you at the right level of skills.

Choose your character deliberately, evaluate all its advantages and disadvantages, then the path to victory will be easy and interesting.


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