Ferrets: diseases, possible causes, symptoms of the disease, treatment, prevention and advice of veterinarians

Recently, more and more often, pet fans give birth to ferrets in their homes and apartments. Animals are undemanding in content, mobile, smart and cheerful. And yet there are some nuances that you need to know if you are going to make such a friend. Despite the strong immunity, there are a number of ferret diseases that are worth knowing to the attentive owners.

Content Nuances

Carnivores need special nutrition, which is the key to health. Ferrets are incredibly energetic and vital, for this reason it is impossible to keep them in a cage for a long time. They need to realize energy somewhere.

Fluffy creatures are strong enough and have good immunity. And yet they, like other pets, can get sick. The health of the animal largely depends on the degree of care of the owners. In our article, we want to talk about ferret diseases, symptoms, and treatment. It is always very important to notice the first signs and provide assistance to your pet in time.

Cute pets

Ferrets need a regular veterinarian check up for early detection or prevention of the disease. In addition, only a specialist will help to vaccinate and sterilize. In the event that a ferret female lives in your house, but you do not plan to engage in offspring, the animal must be sterilized. And to do this is vital. Ferrets have a certain feature that does not allow them to get out of estrus on their own. And this threatens the health of the female.


Even with the most proper care and full attention of the owners, it is not always possible to avoid diseases in the ferret. In this case, you must immediately contact a veterinary clinic. As a measure of prevention of many ailments, vaccination is advocated. It is a very important point in the proper maintenance of the animal. Thanks to injections, the risk of problems is minimized. There is simply no better way to prevent contagious diseases. In the event that you take a pet to the street, he is susceptible to infection. Natural conditions are a source of infection.

Domestic ferrets are not insured against diseases. Since we all are on the street, with shoes and outerwear, we bring dangerous diseases and bacteria into the house. In addition, you should beware of parasites, which can be not only on the body of the pet, but also in its body.

Infectious diseases

Only a veterinarian can fully understand the symptoms and treatment of ferret diseases. Therefore, it is very important to regularly visit the clinic with your pet. Even an experienced host is not always able to notice the first alarm signals.

One of the infectious diseases of domestic ferrets is rabies. Its virus infects the pet’s body and causes severe disruption to the central nervous system. The causative agent with saliva enters the body. A sick ferret during a bite can also infect its owner. The incubation period of the disease lasts from several weeks to three months. Unfortunately, ferrets do not have an effective treatment for this disease. Vaccinations are recommended to prevent the likelihood of infection. Moreover, they are mandatory even for pets who do not visit the street.

Young ferret

Rabies vaccinations are very important for the animal. They will not only allow the animal to create immunity, but also protect the owner himself. In the event that your pet has bitten a stranger, trouble is possible. Having a passport with vaccinations will protect both the victim and the owner. Unvaccinated rodents are killed for the diagnosis of rabies.


A very dangerous disease with a poor outcome is the plague. The source of infection can be recently ill or sick animals. Infection occurs not only in close contact, but also in contact with objects. Even a person can be a virus carrier. The incubation period is from 7 to 21 days. The development of the disease can be sluggish, and can be rapid, then the pet dies during the day. If you notice at least some symptoms of the disease in the ferret (lack of appetite, fever, redness of the skin, purulent discharge from the nose, vomiting, diarrhea), you should immediately contact your veterinarian. It is he who will be able to accurately diagnose the disease. It is worth noting that there is no cure for this disease in ferrets. Therefore, experts recommend euthanizing an animal in order to avoid torment.

Ferret at the vet

In order for your pet not to get sick, it is necessary to vaccinate him annually. The first injection can be carried out at the age of 2.5-3 months. Inoculate animals with imported preparations for dogs: “Nobivak”, “Trivirovak”, “Hexadog”. For ferrets, 1/3 of the dog dose is used.

An approximate vaccination schedule is as follows: the first - from the plague, after 2-3 months the second - from the plague and rabies, then both vaccinations are carried out annually throughout life.

Aleutian disease

Another viral infection dangerous to ferrets is Aleutian disease. It affects the immune system. A huge number of antibodies appear in the tissues of the body, causing inflammatory processes. Virus infection occurs by contact and airborne droplets. Also, the source may be infected objects. A person can also be a virus carrier. The incubation period lasts from 6 to 150 days. Symptoms largely depend on which organs are affected. Among the common signs it is worth highlighting the following: increased thirst, weight loss, anemia, fever, diarrhea, apathy, immobility, lack of molting, dull hair. To establish a diagnosis, tests are needed. Moreover, it is not possible to obtain an accurate result. Unfortunately, there is still no vaccine for this disease. Accurate diagnosis of the disease and treatment of ferrets and rodents is not always possible.


Speaking about ferret diseases, symptoms and treatment (photos of animals are presented in the article), it is worth recalling the flu. Do not be surprised, but ferrets are the only domestic creatures that can be infected by such a disease from a person. The manifestation of the disease consists in the appearance of cough, sneezing, diarrhea, runny nose, lacrimation, fever. Sick pets behave apathetically, sleep a lot and do not want to eat. Ferret babies carry the flu even harder.

Ferret feeding

For an accurate diagnosis of the disease, you must consult a veterinarian. Antibiotics and antihistamines are used to treat animals .


Among the diseases of the animal, there are those that are not dangerous to humans. These include rickets. The disease is manifested by abnormal growth and the occurrence of bone deformation. This occurs as a result of a violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism. Most often, the cause of the disease is the improper nutrition of your pet. But it can also be congenital in nature if the female was fed incorrectly during pregnancy and lactation. Symptoms of the disease are poor appetite, impaired gastrointestinal tract activity, developmental delay and growth, bloating, dullness of the coat, loss of skin elasticity. The gait of the ferrets becomes tense, the hind legs can bend, causing lameness. The spinal column can also be deformed. The disease is accompanied by heart weakness and anemia.

Pet treatment

For the treatment of rickets in ferrets, it is necessary to transfer the pet to a balanced professional feed. The process should occur under the supervision of a physician. As a supplement, a course of calcium may be given. Also in the diet include brewer's yeast, nutrition and vitamins. Veterinarians prescribe physiotherapy, spinal massage, swimming and exercise. However, the best prevention of the disease is to draw up the correct diet for your pet from the first days of his appearance in the house.

Adrenal gland disease

A common occurrence in ferrets is adrenal disease. The ailment is associated with a violation of the secretion of sex hormones, which causes serious malfunctions in the body of pets. Ferret adrenal disease can occur at any age. But most often it is diagnosed in individuals older than three years. Currently, the cause of the onset of the disease has not been fully studied.

A symptom of the manifestation of the disease may be hair loss (starts from the tail and spreads further through the body), apathy, weight loss. Sometimes castrated males begin to mark the territory, uncastrated males may disrupt the urination process. Surgery is contemplated as a treatment.


Ferrets may have a disease such as anemia. It usually develops in unsterilized female representatives in the absence of mating. This leads to the development of secondary bacterial infections. Signs of the disease are a long estrus, fever, depression, loss of appetite, partial loss of hair. Prolonged bleeding causes the death of the animal. As a prevention of the development of the disease, it is necessary to sterilize females, if you do not plan to mate them.


The condition of the coat is the best indicator of the health of the pet. Ferret parasitic diseases can be transmitted from dogs and cats. The main symptom of the appearance of fleas is itching of the skin. Outwardly, this is manifested in the fact that the animal is constantly itching. But this is not the only problem of fleas, since they are serious carriers of pathogens of diseases and helminths.

Sleeping ferret

Usually parasites are more active in the warm season. To combat fleas, aerosols and shampoos designed specifically for ferrets should be used. In no case should you poison the parasites with canine or feline means.

Ferrets can be infected with helminths, which do not add health to any animal. In order to avoid problems, veterinarians recommend regular anthelmintic prophylaxis. To do this, in special stores and veterinary clinics, it is necessary to purchase preparations for ferrets.


Another ailment that is provoked by malnutrition is gastroenteritis. The disease causes inflammation of the intestines. This situation is possible if there are many plant substances in the diet. Symptoms of the disease include diarrhea, weight loss, and ulcers on the body.


Oddly enough, ferrets are prone to cardiovascular disease. And one of the most common ailments is cardiomyopathy. It is manifested by the appearance of sudden attacks of weakness, dry cough, reduced motor activity, difficulty breathing, and swelling of the abdominal cavity can also be observed.

Healthy ferret

Such a disease in ferrets can be diagnosed at the age of 5-7 years. The disease has an age-related character. It can also occur as a result of a lack of amino acids in the diet. For diagnosis, veterinarians do an ECG and an x-ray. As such, there is no cure. With the help of medicines and special diets, you can only extend the life of the pet and ease its condition.

Urolithiasis disease

Urolithiasis is also associated with nutritional errors. It occurs in the case of a high content of ash components in the feed. Also, an infection or a hereditary predisposition can provoke an ailment. It was believed that the disease develops only in those individuals that eat dry food. However, the assumption has not received scientific confirmation. The owners of a sick pet should notice difficulty in urinating, traces of blood and general malaise of the animal. As a treatment, surgical intervention and support with medications are supposed.

Stomach ulcer

Cute pets have a genetic predisposition to the development of peptic ulcers. A splash of the disease is provoked against a background of improper, unbalanced nutrition or due to stress. As a result, bacteria multiply leading to the ulcer. In the early stages, the disease is very difficult to recognize, since it does not occur. Usually the owner understands that the animal became ill only after the pet has severe pain, black oily feces, diarrhea, vomiting and loss of appetite.


Cataracts cause loss of vision and blindness in animals. The disease can be acquired as a result of trauma or aging, and can be congenital in nature. A symptom of the disease is a clouding of the lens. However, often the owners do not even notice that their pet is already blind, as he is well oriented in a familiar room. Unfortunately, the disease is not treated. But as a preventive measure, it is necessary to prevent males with a defect from breeding. Otherwise, all offspring may have a hereditary disease.

Professionals Recommendations

If you want to get a ferret, then you should first study the literature to understand what kind of care a pet will need. Experienced experts recommend purchasing M. Lloyd’s book “Ferret Diseases”. In it, the veterinarian in a very accessible form outlined a lot of useful information about the maintenance and treatment of an unusual pet. The book is an excellent guide for any host. It consists of several parts. The first is about biology and the content of ferrets, the second is about the diagnosis and treatment of underlying diseases. But the third and fourth parts will interest veterinarians and those who work with cute animals. According to people, the book contains a lot of very useful and reliable information. Such literature is very necessary for those who decided to start a ferret. The book is also in demand by veterinarians, as it contains information on the treatment of ailments, dosages of drugs, and surgical procedures.

Instead of an afterword

Summing up the conversation, it is worth noting that many health problems of your beloved pets can be avoided if the proper nutrition is established from the very first day. The immunity of the animal as a whole depends on its quality. But from infectious ailments it is worth protecting yourself and your pet with vaccinations.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F13465/

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