Water heater "Edison" in your apartment

Every summer, hot water is turned off in our homes for two long weeks. Particularly patient patients use basins, buckets, and tubs at this time. Those who are accustomed to comfort, prefer to install a water heater. Washing dishes, washing, cleaning an apartment with such a miracle device is, of course, easy and comfortable. Fat is washed faster, and it doesn’t take your hands off the cold.

water heater edison

By their type and volume of heated water, such devices are divided into flowing and storage. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. To whom the compact size and fast heating of water is more suitable, prefers flowing water heaters. Those who do not spare the place buy storage devices with a volume of 50, or even 80 liters. They are usually installed in the bathroom.

Difficult choice

In the Edison instantaneous water heater, the water heats up almost instantly, which is facilitated by the design. But it requires a mandatory connection to the central cold water supply and for giving, for example, is not suitable. Accumulative water heaters can be installed both at home and in the country. The main thing is to correctly calculate the volume of the tank. It depends on how many people wish to take water procedures and leave dishes after themselves. Before buying, you need to consider where and how to install it. After filling, the unit will weigh quite a lot, which means that the wall must support such a weight. Although we note that the Edison water heaters are adapted to the most extreme conditions of use, as they are produced in Russia.

Small but powerful

Instantaneous water heater "Edison" weighs only 2 kg, it is light and compact. Mounted on the wall next to the sink for convenient use. This is one of the advantages of such a device. It is its small dimensions that are taken into account, especially if there is no room for a bulky boiler.

edison water heater 50 liters

The body of the water heater is made of durable plastic, but there are models with a metal body. A fairly modest design will not interfere with the interior of the kitchen, even the most stylish. The device will also fit in the bathroom, then in the absence of hot water you can not only wash your hands, but also take a shower. True, the pressure of the water will not be the strongest, since it directly depends on the heating temperature.

Save space

For even greater space savings, the Edison instantaneous water heater can be installed hidden from view, but it can only work on one draw-off point. Work safety is guaranteed by three-stage protection. In addition, a special fuse is installed in the unit, which will disconnect the device from the network in case of overheating. The maximum temperature that can be used is 60 degrees.

instantaneous water heater Edison
This is enough for quite serious requests for hot water from a family of 2-4 people. You can use the device as much as you like, per minute it warms up 5 liters of water, but this is still a serious amount. The heating element, magnesium anode, can be replaced in case of breakage. The power of these heaters is 6 kW, they consume a lot of electricity. At the cottage where gas is supplied, the manufacturing company offers a gas instantaneous water heater "Edison".

Save energy

There is another type of water heater "Edison" - cumulative. Its main difference from flowing ones is an impressive tank. Of course, this is worth paying attention to. The choice of its volume directly depends on where the water heater will be located, and whether the wall on which such weight is mounted can withstand. Indeed, in a standard-sized apartment, it is not so easy to place a boiler of 100-200 liters. Yes, the volume of water is more than impressive, but is it suitable? Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at the smaller water heater. Probably the most suitable for an ordinary apartment will be a 50 liter Edison water heater. This device has its own advantage. It is not so big and heavy, it is possible to get water with a fairly good pressure of water.

water heater edison reviews
But the main thing is that the capacity of the Edison storage water heater does not exceed two kW, it has a water heating controller and indicators by which you can determine how much the water has heated up. When the set temperature is reached, the heating element is automatically switched off. This function will protect the device from boiling over and emergency shutdown of the network. The water heater does not require a special approach to installation and connection to a separate power supply line.

Profitable and rewarding purchase

Edison water heaters appeared on the Russian market in the late 90s, and their popularity did not pass over time. White cases of water heaters have been standing in many apartments and private houses for many years, where they regularly serve, warming water for their owners. When someone leaves a review about the Edison water heater, it necessarily notes the convenience and ease of installation, and most importantly - the durability of the heating element and the tank itself. Currently, the manufacturer of this device has begun to produce flat water heaters more often, which also affects space saving and energy consumption.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F13474/

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