Kindergarten 333, Moscow: address, history

In Moscow, as in almost any large city in Russia, there are a large number of preschool institutions. The construction of new kindergartens is ongoing to provide places for all children awaiting admission. Over the years, the need for correctional institutions is growing, as the total number of people with disabilities with special education needs is growing. Kindergarten 333 has long been known to parents. Moscow cannot boast of a large number of historical preschool institutions, but this is precisely the case. The kindergarten was built in 1934. Even then, it stood out from a galaxy of similar buildings with its unusual appearance.

Kindergarten No. 333: the history of the institution

Kindergarten 333 Moscow

Previously, the kindergarten was located in a historic building at the address: at the face of Marshal Vasilevsky, 11, building. 6. Now the institution has been moved to another place, since the original building is considered obsolete. Kindergarten 333 Moscow acquired in 1934. Then it was developed on an individual project. Its uniqueness was in a combination of two architectural styles: constructivism and Stalin. He was remembered by the inhabitants of the area for the famous "pink elephants". The sculptures are located in the courtyard of the kindergarten and were its hallmark.

Moscow created Kindergarten No. 333 at the request of the People’s Commissariat of Defense (NPO). Later, the old buildings of kindergartens were demolished around the city, so it is not so easy to find samples of the 1930s. Despite such a decent service life, the institution fully complies with modern construction requirements and meets all safety standards. By the way, people already say that "kindergarten 333 (Moscow, Schukino) is the birthplace of pink elephants." And the thing is sculptures of elephants in the kindergarten. Funny residents immediately became the favorites of children.

Institution today

Kindergarten 333 Moscow photo

Today, the institution moved to a new building at the address: kindergarten No. 333, Moscow, st. Garibaldi, Building 14, Building 3. Kind of kindergarten - combined. In other words, on its territory, assistance is provided not only to healthy children, but also with developmental peculiarities. First of all, this applies to those who suffer from various speech disorders. In addition, the kindergarten provides school preparation services. Teachers devote a lot of time to the aesthetic and cultural education of children.

Staff, curriculum and more

Kindergarten No. 333, Moscow, st. Dovzhenko, 8 - branch of the main institution. The head of the kindergarten is Vera Yuryevna Koblyakova. On personal matters, she takes parents on Mondays. All educators, psychologists and speech therapists have higher education, constantly improve their skills. Groups are equipped with nannies. Five meals a day are carried out in accordance with the norms.

Kindergarten No. 333, Moscow (photo of the building can be seen in the article), conducts, in addition to lessons with a speech therapist, various classes. Children learn elementary literacy, mathematics, needlework, and so on.

Kindergarten 333 Moscow schukino

The curriculum is based on the "Sources" of Paramonova. Thanks to her, children leave the kindergarten with a full amount of knowledge about the world and people, which makes them prepared for school.


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