Animals of the Red Book of Udmurtia: photo and description

Udmurtia spread its expanses in the Kama and Klyazma rivers. On a hilly plain, which is divided by beautiful river valleys, there are dense forests. They are sometimes interrupted by green meadows and endless arable land. The nature of these places is rich and generous. But, unfortunately, human activities, natural factors lead to the partial or complete extinction of certain species of plants and animals. Today we will talk about representatives of the fauna of Udmurtia who are at risk of death if a person does not take urgent measures to preserve them.

Udmurtia Red Book animals

Udmurtia Red Book - animals and plants

This book contains endangered, as well as rare plants, animals, fish, insects and fungi of Udmurtia. A group of scientists prepared this serious work. The Animals section was edited by N. E. Zubtsovsky, and V. V. Tuganaev worked on the Plants section.

In 2001, the first Red Book of Udmurtia was published in two volumes. Animals (pictures and names published on the pages) of endangered species were described in this work. Each volume was published in the amount of 1,500 copies. This book is intended for a wide audience.

Udmurtia Red Book animals

In 2007, the second edition was released, which included changes and additions. The first volume, containing a list of endangered and rare plants and fungi of the republic, included 145 vascular plants, 18 bryophytes, 25 lichens, 9 algae and 22 fungi.

The second volume described the endangered and rare animals of Udmurtia. It included 139 species. Among them 69 invertebrates and 70 vertebrates.

The animals of the Red Book of Udmurtia are not just described in a dry scientific language. Each species is decorated with colorful illustrations, it also indicates the category of rarity, range, information on the number and required measures to protect rare species of plants and animals.

Rarity Status Categories

To understand how Udmurt scholars assign rarity status to different species, you need to familiarize yourself with the following material.

0 - This group includes already extinct species that previously inhabited the territory of Udmurtia. Their presence in the natural environment has not been recorded for more than fifty years.

I - a group of animals or plants that are threatened with extinction. There is a real danger of their complete extermination.

II - this group includes species whose number is rapidly declining. Under the influence of various adverse factors, they can take place in category I.

III - rare species. They are very few in number, today they are found only in a very limited territory of the republic or are sporadically distributed throughout the territory of Udmurtia.

Udmurtia red book animals photo

IV - undefined status. Species included in this group may belong to one of the previously listed categories, but reliable information about their state in nature is absent or they do not fully meet the criteria of these groups.

V - restored and restored species. Their distribution and abundance under the influence of certain reasons or after protective measures were taken began to approach a state that does not require urgent measures for restoration and conservation.

Species qualification

Animals of the Red Book of Udmurtia (photo you can see in this article) in the new edition were qualified differently. This happened after reassessing their rarity status. For example, if earlier in the IV category (status not defined) there were 37 species of animals, then in the new edition there are only ten of them. The same can be said of 23 species of plants with an undefined status. Today, their number has decreased to 16 species. Wormwood, tarragon, dwarf birch, and other plants that were previously in categories II and III, moved to category I. Now these species need special protection.

Udmurtia animals listed in the Red Book

In the taiga forests of the republic there are quite a lot of mammals, birds, insects. Some of them are animals of the Red Book of Udmurtia. Photos and descriptions of some of them will be posted below.

Russian muskrat

The animal belongs to the detachment of insectivores, the mole family. Included in category I. In Udmurtia, it can be found in the Kiyasovsky district, on the Yazhbakhtinka river, on the Kyrykmas and Izh rivers in the same region, in the Yarsky district on the Lekma river.

Udmurtia animals listed in the Red Book

Mustached Night

The animal belongs to the family of Smooth-nosed, the order of Batwing. It has the status of category IV. The only specimen of this species was captured in Izhevsk.

Udmurtia Red Book Animals clip art


Animals of the Red Book of Udmurtia often belong to rare species in other regions. Wolverine is a predator from the Kunih family. She is assigned the status of category I. This species is threatened with extinction on the territory of the republic. There are individuals in Glazovsky, Yarsky, Kessky and Balezinsky districts.

Udmurtia Red Book animals

European mink

Another predator from the Kunih family. Has the status of category I. In Udmurtia, met in the Kambara, Karakulinsky, Sarapulsky districts, on the Kama River, in the Malopurginsky and Kiyasovsky districts.

Forest dormouse

Rodent from the Sonev family (IV category). In Udmurtia it was seen in the Syumsinsky, Kiznersky, Sarapulsky and Vavozhsky areas.

Udmurtia red book animals photo and description


The black-throated loon belongs to the order of the Loonar-like, the Gagarov family (0 category). The species that disappeared in Udmurtia. Even at the beginning of the 20th century, the loon was a frequent guest on the fly, quite often it was found on the Kama River. In the 90s, it was only twice recorded at the Votkinsk reservoir on the spring span.

Black-necked Grebe

Family Grebe, order Grebe-like (category III). This species is represented by a very small population, which is sporadically distributed. In the republic, individuals of this species can be found on the lakes of the Kama left bank (Karakulinsky district).

Gray-toed Grebe

Family Grebe, order Grebe-like (category IV). The status is not defined. In Udmurtia, it was recorded near the village of Vavozh.

Black stork

Family Ciconiiformes, order Ciconiiformes (I category). By size, the species is in critical condition in Udmurtia. It was recorded in the Vavozh and Uvinsky districts, in the middle reaches of the Siva River, in the floodplain of the Lekma River (Yarsky District).

Udmurtia Red Book animals and plants

Goose Goose

Family Ducks, Anseriformes order (IV category). In the republic, the species was recorded on the Kama River, at the mouth of the Belaya River and on the Izh River, near the Pugachevo station.


Skopina family, Falconiformes (I category). Nesting facts were recorded in the Karakulinsky and Kambarsky districts at the very beginning of the eighties. In addition, birds were found in the valleys of Kama and Vyatka, Izhi and Siva, Kyrykmas and Kilmezi.

Golden eagle

Udmurtia Red Book animals (and also birds) are quite widely represented in other regions of our country. For example, a golden eagle. In Udmurtia, he was assigned category I. It was noted in the vicinity of the village of Malyagurt (Igrinsky district), in the Karakulinsky district, in the Kama floodplain.

Udmurtia red book animals photo


Animals of the Red Book of Udmurtia (the pictures we posted in this article) are quite widely represented in the more southern regions of Russia. An ordinary copperfish from the order Scaly (family Already) belongs to the III category (rare species). These reptiles are very small in number, and are common only in certain areas of Udmurtia. This species is officially registered only in the Syumsy district, not far from the village of Kilmez.

Udmurtia animals listed in the Red Book


The eastern sawtail belongs to the order Orthoptera, a family of Grasshoppers. This is a rare species included in category III, as it has a small population and is distributed in a very limited territory of the republic. It is found in Sarapul, Zavyalovsky, Karakulinsky and Alnash regions.

Smelling Beauty

Insect from the order of the Beetles (family of ground beetles). You can meet him in the vicinity of Sarapul. It belongs to category IV, because at the moment there is no reliable data on the state of the species in the natural conditions of Udmurtia.

Udmurtia Red Book Animals clip art

Black motley

This species, belonging to the order of the Coleoptera (family Lamellae), in Udmurtia was recorded in the Kizner district. It lives in oak forests, where adults are found on umbrella flowers. The larva develops in the wood of oak, alder and willow. Adult beetles appear in June.

Doubtful bronze

Beetle from the order of the Beetles (family Lamellae). It is included in the II category. It is found in Udmurtia in the Votkinsk, Kizner and Sarapul regions. It prefers old deciduous forests (mostly oak, or mixed with oak). Adults feed on tree sap, which flows from cracks in the bark, as well as plant flowers.


Ordinary Apollo - a butterfly belonging to the family Sailboats. In Udmurtia, it was seen in the Syumsinsky, Yakshur-Bodyinsky, Krasnogorsky, Kambarsky districts.

Udmurtia Red Book animals

The animals of the Red Book of Udmurtia make up a more impressive list than the one we presented to your attention. Many of their species need help and protection. That is why systematic work is underway in Udmurtia to conserve endangered and rare species.


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