DIY pitched roof step by step. Shed roof device

Shed roofs are one of the most popular types of roofs. Most often, such structures can be seen on various kinds of outbuildings - sheds, garages, bathhouses, etc. Sometimes such a roof is also found in residential buildings. Do it yourself how to install a shed roof with your own hands, step by step we will consider further in the article.

What materials will be needed

To erect a pitched roof, you will need to purchase the following:






150 * 150 or 100 * 150 mm

Rafter legs

50 * 150 mm

Vertical racks

50 * 50 mm



30 * 100 mm

Metal profile


At least 0.5 mm thick

Mineral wool


150 mm thick

The film is polyethylene


Vapor barrier

Vapor barrier


Wire, nails, screws

In addition, you will need the following tools:

  • Screwdriver and hammer.
  • Roofing screws and nails.
  • Electric saw.

Roof design

How is a construction such as a pitched roof built with your own hands? Step by step, consider this below. Of course, before proceeding with the work, you should definitely draw up a project and draw a diagram. At this stage, the slope angle is selected and all necessary calculations are performed.

The first indicator depends on several factors. These are wind and snow loads that will operate in this region. Calculation is made using special cards. Drawings of roofs are made with mandatory consideration of the parameters laid down in the standards.

do-it-yourself pitched roof step by step
Also, the angle of inclination depends on the selected roofing material. At the moment, the most popular type of cladding is a professional sheet, in particular, such a variety as metal tile. Next, we will consider the method of installation of this particular material. When using it, the minimum slope of the pitched roof should be 14 degrees.

The design of a shed roof should take into account the following parameter: the required amount of roofing material. About how to find out how much you need to buy sheets of metal, we will describe below.

Rafter system of a pitched roof

The device of a shed roof, in particular, its rafter system, is structurally simple. The frame of such a roof includes the following elements:

  • Mauerlat . This is the name of a thick beam laid on the walls and serving as a support for rafters.
  • Rafter legs. This is the main element of the roof. It serves as a support under the crate.
  • Support racks. One edge of a pitched roof should be higher than the other. In order to achieve this, either a thick beam or support stands are used. With a span of more than 4.5 m, intermediate racks are placed.
  • Ukosina . In the event that the width of the spans exceeds 6 m, the racks are additionally strengthened by a jib (at an angle of 45 degrees). If the distance between the supporting walls exceeds 9 m, two jibs are installed on both sides.

Calculation of the rafter system

It is with him that the calculation of the shed roof begins. In this case, trigonometric functions are used. The rafter length, for example, is found by the following formula: C = A / cosine a, where C is the length of the rafters, A is the span width, and a is the slope angle. To the resulting figure, you will need to add 50 m to the eaves overhangs.

Calculation of roofing material

Next, let's look at how the material for the roof is calculated. The required number of metal tiles is easy to calculate. To do this, you first need to find the area of ​​the ramp, multiplying the length of the rafters by the length of the cornice. Next, 4 cm per overhang is added to the result. Usually one sheet is enough for the length of a pitched roof. If the ramp is very long, it will also be necessary to take into account the overlap width. For a standard roof with an inclination angle of about 35 degrees, this parameter is usually 15 cm. The width of the vertical overlap between the sheets is usually within 20 cm. This is the minimum value. For reliability, an overlap can be made wider.

roof material

Mauerlat installation

Consider installing such a structure as a shed roof with your own hands (step by step). The assembly of the rafter system begins with the installation of the Mauerlat. For a single-pitched roof, only two bars can be installed on opposite sides of the span. If the walls of the building are monolithic concrete, when they are erected from above, anchor bolts should be poured in increments of 50 cm. The same is true if the walls are constructed of gas or foam concrete. According to the rules, when they are erected from above, it is necessary to arrange a monolithic concrete belt. For a brick construction, a Mauerlat is easiest to fix on a wire rod, pouring it directly into the masonry in three rows from above.

In the event that an anchor was used, the beam first rises to the wall and is laid on them. Next, you need to lightly tap it with a sledgehammer. As a result, traces of anchors will remain on its underside. Holes are drilled in these places. Next, the beam must again be put on the wall and securely screwed with nuts with wide washers.

Installation of racks under the rafters

Of course, only with the correct assembly of the rafter system will a reliable and durable roof be obtained. With your own hands (you can see a photo of a similar design below) to make it quite real. First of all, racks are installed under the rafters. First, fasten the elements on the Mauerlat of that wall, above which the highest point of the slope will be. Then mount the racks on the intermediate walls. Previously, in the same way as the Mauerlat, they fix the beam. The distance between the rafters is usually 80 cm. In the event that the roof is erected over a bathhouse or apartment building, and subsequently its insulation is assumed, it is best if the step between the legs is equal to the width of the selected insulation.

The racks are attached to the Mauerlat and the beds with galvanized corners. Then, if necessary, mount support jibs. They are made of timber of smaller thickness than the racks, and fastened with nails closer to the inner space of the future attic.

Installation of rafters

Too massive rafters to such a structure as a pitched roof from corrugated board, it is not necessary to arrange. The material is very light, and it does not overload the supports. To the Mauerlat rafters can also be fixed on the corner. Sometimes a knot of three nails is used, one of which is driven vertically from above, and the other two - on the sides at an angle. On top of the racks, a run is first mounted. In the rafters under it you need to cut through the nest. Fastening is done on nails.

pitched roof

Rafters of a shed roof must first be impregnated with an antiseptic. This will significantly extend the life of the roof. Any, even the most reliable roofing material occasionally leaks. The water that gets into the so-called roofing pie causes wood to rot.


The device of a shed roof, as well as roofs of any other design, without fail involves installation of a waterproofing material. Stripes of plastic film are mounted in the horizontal direction. It is impossible to fasten her sleigh. The fact is that any wooden structure shrinks a little over time. In addition, during strong winds, small structural movements can occur. As a result of this, the film may simply tear. Too much slack is also not necessary.

do-it-yourself roof photo

Fasten the film directly to the rafters on the bars 50 * 50 mm. Next, a horizontal crate is mounted on top of them. The step between the individual elements in this case should be equal to the wavelength of the metal tile. Nail crate on galvanized nails.

roof drawings

The device of the drainage system and cornice strips

At the next stage, roofing material for the roof is mounted. If the project provides a drainage system, you must first install the gutter. The distance between the fasteners depends on the type of construction of the drain. Next, you need to fix the cornice strip along the edge of the ramp on the lower casing (over the brackets of the gutter). Fasten it with nails or self-tapping screws in increments of 30 cm. The overlap between the parts of the plank should be at least 10 cm.

Installation of metal

Next, proceed to fastening the sheets. Drawings of roofs with one slope are not particularly difficult. Such structures can be coated with metal tiles very quickly. Start work from the end of the ramp. The first sheet is aligned on the ledge so that a small overhang remains, and fix it on the ridge for one self-tapping screw. Next, they lift the second sheet onto the roof, also align it on the bottom and fasten it with the first to the screws along the crest of the wave through one. Having fixed several sheets in this way, they are once again trimmed and fixed to the crate. They also do this with the help of screws on the bottom of the waves through one.

When arranging such a design as a pitched roof from corrugated board, you need to follow some rules. This will avoid damage to the upper polymer layer of the sheets and not reduce their service life. First, the cutting of material should be done only with scissors for metal. A grinder cannot be used for this purpose. Secondly, you need to walk on the roof in soft shoes. Sheets should be stored in stacks that are not too high, preferably indoors.

Insulation Installation

So, we all figured out in detail how to make a pitched roof. In the event that a pitched roof is erected over a residential building and in the future it is planned to arrange an attic under it, it, of course, will need to be insulated. Mineral wool is most often used for insulation . Expanded polystyrene - the material is also very good. However, it costs a little more. In addition, it can not be used in those houses where there are mice. The fact is that rodents simply love to make moves in foam materials and arrange holes in them. Mice in country houses are quite commonplace.

pitched roof

When insulating from the inside, you get a pretty attractive roof with your own hands (the photo confirms this). Therefore, below we consider this particular method. Rafter legs, if this was not done during assembly, it is imperative to treat the composition with antifungal and fire-resistant properties of wood.

Further between them closely installed slabs of mineral wool. In order for them not to fall out of an inclined ramp, they are fixed with an ordinary wire, stretching it from the rafter to the rafter.

Vapor barrier and lining of the attic

After installing the insulation, they begin to mount the vapor barrier. Its use is a necessary procedure. The fact is that it is under the roof that the bulk of the steam and condensate of the residential building accumulates. If the vapor barrier is not installed, water will begin to settle directly on the heater. And this, of course, will sharply reduce its thermal insulation properties.

how to make a pitched roof

How to make a pent roof warm? It is important to choose the right vapor barrier. The structures can be covered, for example, with polyethylene. However, in our time, special materials are most often used for this. On the one hand they have a foil layer. On the attics covered with such material, heat is better retained. The vapor barrier should be fixed with the foil side out, towards the room. Like waterproofing film, fasten it to bars of a small cross section. This allows you to additionally arrange a ventilation gap, through which air will subsequently pass, drying the vapor barrier.

At the final stage, the finishing finish is mounted on the bars. Most often, inexpensive plywood is used for lining attics. Its modern varieties look quite worthy. The attic lined with this material looks attractive. You do not even need to use additional design - wallpaper, coloring, etc. Sometimes the attics are finished with clapboard, blockhouse or drywall. If desired, stingrays can also be plastered. However, you should be aware that this option is not the best. Plaster makes the roof system heavier. In addition, at the slightest leak, it will begin to fall off in pieces.

So, we have examined how to mount a shed roof with your own hands, step by step. We hope that now you are more or less clear on how to install the rafter system, make the lining and insulate the attic. Carry out the work carefully, adhering to all the required technologies, and you will get a solid reliable roof that will last for more than a decade.


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