Pomegranate stone: description with photos, properties, for whom it suits

Pomegranate is one of the most interesting and mysterious stones. He is often mentioned in ancient legends and stories. For a long time, all stones of a red tint were considered grenades. However, pomegranate can have different shades. Previously, it was considered one of the most expensive minerals. But currently, stone is affordable. Therefore, many people can afford jewelry with pomegranate stone.

How did the name of the mineral appear?

Pomegranate in ancient Rome was called carbuncle, which means "coal". Such an interesting name appeared due to red pyrope, creating the effect of smoldering embers. The stone got its current name much later. There is an assumption that the mineral got its name from the Latin word, which translates as "granular". The fact is that very often the stones externally resembled grains of pomegranate fruit.

Pomegranate stone properties suitable for anyone

According to another version, the name of the mineral was given by Albert the Great in 1270.

A bit about stone

People have used pomegranate for several millennia. For the first time, the ancient Romans, Greeks, Persians and Scythians began to create jewelry with the mineral. For such a long history, the stone has changed many names. In Europe, jewelers began to use pomegranate only in the seventeenth century. His popularity grew rapidly.

Garnets - a natural stone belonging to the class of silicates. The hardness of the stone on the Mohs scale reaches 6.5-7.6 units. Of great value are the green garnets - tsavorites and demantoids. Outwardly, they are very reminiscent of emeralds due to their color and luster, but their size does not exceed two carats.

The shape of the stone in nature can be completely different. The faces can be varied, in the form of a trapezoid or a triangle. In addition, the mineral can form complex crystals with 48, 36, and 72 faces.

Among the main properties of pomegranate stone are the following:

  1. Greater mechanical strength.
  2. Chemical and thermal strength.
  3. The decrease in the speed of sound when passing through a mineral.


All grenades have identical physical and chemical properties. As for the chemical composition, it differs slightly in different species, which affects the color of the mineral. Due to this, in nature you can find pomegranate stones (photo is given in the article) not only red. They can have yellow, black and green color.

Pomegranate stone for women

All grenades are divided into 14 types. Among them, the most common are:

  1. Pyrope is a classic mineral of a rich red hue.
  2. Almandine is the most common species in nature. It can have brown, red and purple color. The stone is named after the region where it is mined.
  3. Spessartine - the mineral may be pink, red or yellow-brown.
  4. Andradit was named after the man who discovered it. The stone is characterized by yellow, brown, red and greenish-brown color.
  5. Grossular is a type of mineral that looks like gooseberries. It can be painted in green-brown and light green.
  6. Uvarovit is a stone that is quite rare. It is characterized by an emerald green hue.
  7. Hessonite - a stone of a honey-yellow or orange hue.

Depending on the variety, grenades are classified as semiprecious and precious stones. Once considered all precious red minerals. But pomegranate stones are characterized by a wider range of shades.

For the manufacture of jewelry using stones of bright colors. The most popular are red and pink. Currently, in private collections you can find jewelry of tremendous beauty, the history of which goes back centuries.

Healing properties

Our ancestors knew about the healing properties of pomegranate stone. Many nations revered the mineral. During the crusades, knights wore rings with pomegranate stones to protect against wounds and diseases. But in Russia they believed that the mineral greatly helps women in labor. Hindus believe that pomegranate with its energy supports the human immune system.

Garnet Stone Bracelet

Nowadays, the mineral is no less revered. Experts recommend wearing it with the following ailments:

  1. With various inflammatory processes.
  2. At elevated body temperature.
  3. With lung diseases.
  4. For allergies.
  5. For problems with the endocrine system.
  6. With regular headaches.
  7. With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  8. With skin ailments.
  9. With stress.
  10. With violations of the cardiovascular system.

Garnet Stone: Magic Properties

Which stone can be best suited? The mineral is intended for all lovers. He is able to light a flame even if the light of love is almost gone. If you want to give jewelry with pomegranate to your girlfriend, then you will show the sincerity of your feelings. In ancient times, girls who dreamed of true love carried such a stone with them.

Strong energy is the main property of pomegranate stone. Who is the mineral suitable for? It is recommended to be worn by representatives of air signs. The mineral helps those people who are prone to sociability, constant movement and activity. This means that it is not worth it for weak people to wear a stone, since it can bring harm to the owner, not harm. Pomegranate does not like lazy and apathetic people, its strong energy can cause some diseases.

In general, it is impossible to give universal recommendations about who suits the grenade. The properties of the stone are very strong, so many would like to wear it. However, individual compatibility between humans and minerals should be considered. No matter how useful the stone is, if you notice a deterioration in your health after wearing jewelry with it, you should abandon the pomegranate. To force friends with the mineral will not work. If the interaction in the early stages did not take place, it is better to abandon the venture. Still, stones are preferred by the elect. So people believed since ancient times.

Pomegranate stone

Who needs pomegranate? The properties of the stone will have a positive effect on those people whose profession is associated with creativity. The mineral will give a rush of energy to writers, sculptors, composers, which will positively affect further work. It’s best to wear a stone that did not belong to anyone before you. In this case, you will be able to achieve full energy compatibility. If you inherited the mineral or you acquired it from hand, you need to clean it before you wear it. To do this, just hold the pomegranate for several minutes under running water. After that, the mineral can be worn. If you decide to buy a pomegranate stone, listen to your heart. Choose only the one that you like. Then it will bring you many benefits.

Application area

Due to its properties, pomegranates are used in many industries. The mineral has found wide application in electronics, where it is used as a ferromagnet. In addition, the stone is used as a crystal for the laser. The glandular varieties of gems are involved in the production of grinding wheels, grinding skins, pastes and powders. Pomegranates serve as an additive for ceramic mass and cement. But the most interesting stone is for the jewelry industry.

Pomegranate Ring

In addition, the mineral has found application in modern manicure machines. Pomegranate stone cutters are very convenient to use and are popular due to their strength.

Where are the stones mined?

Many ancient jewelry of the second half of the nineteenth century are decorated with beautiful scarlet garnets, which were mined in the mines of Bohemia. In the royal treasures of Saxony, to this day, pyrope is stored, whose weight is 468.5 carats. And in Dresden, at the Green Arches Museum, a stone the size of a chicken egg is stored. It is called the Colorado Ruby. The mineral is mined in Zimbabwe, South Africa, the USA, Tanzania, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and Australia.

Almandine is usually dyed red. It can be translucent, matte or black. During processing, a star with four rays may appear. The reason for this phenomenon is optical illusion. In ancient times, almandines were used for windows in churches and temples. The name of the breed came from the name of the city of Albanda in Asia Minor. Currently, stones are mined in India, Brazil, Burma, USA, Australia, Tanzania and Sri Lanka.

Pomegranate Stone Properties

Spessartin got its name from the town of Spessart in Bavaria. The stone has a color from light yellow to fiery red. Bright orange (tangerine) spessartine was found in 1992 in Namibia.

Zodiac signs

For many zodiac signs, garnet stone is of great importance. It is ideal for those people who were born under the sign of Capricorn. Such people receive great strength, which allows them to achieve significant career success. Pomegranate is especially useful for those people who are too introverted. The mineral is able to help open up to communication and express your emotions. Garnet stone for women is very useful because it helps them succeed in personal relationships.

The mineral has a positive effect on Scorpions. The stone helps to understand internal contradictions and opens up new heights of passion.

The mineral will help Aquarius cope with bouts of inconstancy. It can also be effective in building relationships, including love ones. It is necessary to wear it to those people whose energy is aimed at achieving a specific goal. Otherwise, a positive impact can not wait. Aquarius-dreamer grenades regularly returns to the real world.

Pomegranate Cutters

Very suitable stone Sagittarius. Pomegranate stone for a woman can bring many benefits. Owners of the mineral can become more passionate and sensual. Garnet warns its owners about troubles, makes them wiser.

Mineral is a great helper for those who crave real friendship and long-term relationships.

Gemini gives energy to the twins, which helps in finding the right direction in life. The gem is ideal for those individuals who are prone to constant change. He gives them constancy.

For Libra, the mineral is no less useful. He is able to give additional fiery energy. This allows the representatives of the sign to gain strength and self-confidence. Weights that find it difficult to make the right decisions are advised to wear jewelry with dark red garnets.

Virgo mineral helps to start new business, opens new horizons and fills life with new emotions.

It is believed that Cancers and Pisces wear grenades is contraindicated. And the thing is that the stormy energy of the stone is completely incompatible with the aspirations of these signs. Pomegranate demoralizes them, instilling self-doubt and doubt, exacerbates conflicts and undermines material well-being.

A stone will not help Aries, Taurus and Lions, since pomegranate is a mineral of strength. And the representatives of such signs are too passive, quick-tempered and weak.

Researchers argue that representatives of the sign can sometimes wear grenades, if there is a great desire. But this must be done intermittently, paying attention to your condition. If you notice negative consequences, it is better to immediately stop wearing the mineral.

It is worth noting that garnet, like any other gemstone, has a strong energy and feels good for what purposes they want to use it. The mineral will not help evil, dishonest, lying people who seek profit and aggression. In the hands of such people, the stone fades and loses its properties. Grenade will not serve in evil.

Pomegranate Cost

Determining the cost of a mineral is very difficult. Pricing policy is determined by the size, type, color characteristics, quality and processing method. Mineral is not too expensive. A person with an average income can buy it.

Garnet Stone Stone Properties

A huge role in shaping the price is played by stone cutting. This moment is very important for any mineral. An uncut gem costs less. But the price of faceted stones rises several times. One of the most expensive species is rhodolite. It usually has a pink color.

When to wear pomegranate?

Researchers believe that pomegranate is an amazing stone that anyone can wear. He is a strong amulet and a source of harmony and strength. Mineral fits perfectly into the life of almost every person.

Bracelets with garnet stones, earrings and rings bring joy, mutual understanding and friendship to the owners. Minerals increase happiness, giving love and warmth. Active and business people give agate power. The mineral excites the vitality of people. In addition, he returns to the owner a healthy sleep. Garnet drives away boredom and sad thoughts, and also counteracts the evil eye.

You can use the properties of stone as efficiently as possible. A garnet bracelet or a ring on your hand will help to avoid a conflict situation. If you do not have jewelry with a mineral, just hold a stone in your hand, which will become your amulet. Pomegranate repels gossip and negativity from a person.

Interesting Facts

In nature, there is an amazing variety of pomegranate called ant. Crystals of bright red color have certain physical and chemical properties. You can find them only on the surface of termite mounds.

Surely you do not know that very tiny grenades are used in mechanical watches. With their help, fasten parts that are subject to friction. It is believed that the more natural minerals in the mechanism, the longer it will last.

At 70, Goethe fell in love with an 18-year-old aristocrat named Ulrika von Levets. He ordered jewelers to make a garnet headset for the girl, in which there were 460 stones of the highest quality.

How to distinguish a fake from a real stone?

If you want to buy jewelry with pomegranate, you need to be more careful. There are many fakes on the modern market. And I don’t really want to buy imitation stone at the price of natural. Therefore, you should know what are the differences between natural stone and glass. Pomegranate is harder than glass. It can be used to scratch a glass surface.

With tactile contact, it is always felt that the pomegranate is cooler than a fake.

Photo of pomegranate stone

Natural stones when viewed in the sun have heterogeneities, in contrast to fakes. If you decide to purchase an expensive product with grenades, it makes sense to seek the advice of a gemologist. Often, more expensive stones are replaced with cheaper varieties. To make sure the quality of the decoration, it is better to use the services of a specialist.

How to care for a pomegranate?

Pomegranates are beautiful stones that require attention. Jewelry with such stones does not accept dirty work. They can not delve into the ground, take a shower, contact with cosmetics. Careful attitude will extend the life of the pomegranate.

Sometimes he needs to arrange a salt or soap bath. The jewelry is immersed in the solution for some time, after which it is washed in mineral water and wiped with a dry soft cloth.

Instead of an afterword

Gems have long had an impact on people. Our ancestors sincerely believed in the magical properties of minerals. How strong the grenades can be understood only by experiencing their influence. In any case, jewelry with natural stones always look expensive and spectacular. And if they also become a talisman for the owner, then they have no price. You can believe or not believe in the amazing properties of pomegranates, but it is impossible to underestimate their beauty.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F13496/

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