"Goose in apples" (pumpkin): variety description, features

"Goose in apples" is not a culinary masterpiece, but the name of an amazing vegetable of the pumpkin family, referring to the species of the genus Lagenaria, which is also sometimes called the "utensil gourd" or gourd. The birthplace of this plant is considered to be India. Pumpkin "goose in apples" got its name because of the unusual appearance of the fruit, which really resembles an elongated geese. You should learn more about the sowing, cultivation and use of this plant.

goose in apples pumpkin

“Goose in apples”: unusual vine and pumpkin

Often newcomers to vegetable growing, having seen this plant, ask themselves the question: what kind of vegetable is it - cucumber, pumpkin or zucchini? Indeed, this plant has leaves like a pumpkin, in taste and color it resembles a zucchini more, and the fruit at the beginning of growth is very similar to a cucumber. Nevertheless, the “goose in apples” is a pumpkin.


Lagenaria is the most unusual member of the pumpkin family. This is a strong tall annual plant of the liana type with leaves of pale green color. It blooms in white, and large large flowers look like a bell. The fruit is very interesting in shape: similar to geese that graze in the meadow. The pumpkin itself is dark green in color with specks of white. The plant can reach a height of 12 to 15 meters. Lagenaria is able to bear fruit and bloom at the same time, without reducing the yield before the onset of frost. From one bush you can remove 10-15 fruits weighing up to 1.5 kg, about 50 centimeters in length. Although some copies can reach a weight of 8 kilograms.

Lagenaria is a dietary product. It is believed that it removes toxins and toxins from the body. Only young fruits are used for food, and original kitchen utensils are made from ripe pumpkins of large size, cleaned from seeds and pulp and dried to a solid state. Interestingly, the fruit can not be removed completely, but in parts - the slice will cork, and the plant continues to grow further.

pumpkin variety goose in apples

Growing Features

Lagenaria is a rather thermophilic plant. In the south, the goose in apples pumpkin seeds can be planted immediately in the open ground, and in other regions it is better to resort to the seedling method.

Soil requirements

This culture should be grown on fertile soils using organic fertilizers. It does not tolerate acidic, waterlogged soils. Soil preparation begins in the fall - fertilizers are applied: organic and mineral, dig up. Legumes, cabbage and potatoes are good precursors for pumpkins.

A place

For planting the goose in apples, it is recommended that you choose not shaded, but well-lit places. The optimum temperature for good growth is considered to be +25 ° C, the plant does not tolerate even small frosts. Due to the fact that culture belongs to lianas, it needs to be supported. The distance between them should be at least 1.8 m.

pumpkin goose in apples seeds

Seed germination

In order for the seeds to show high germination, it will not be superfluous to withstand them for two days in growth stimulants (Epin or aloe juice). Pumpkin seeds have a fairly thick shell, so before planting it is advisable to soak them: put in a linen napkin, moisten with water and put in a warm place for several days. Care must be taken to keep the wipe wet. You can also use this method: after soaking, place the seeds in moist sawdust or in sphagnum moss. The air temperature must be maintained at 23-24 degrees.

Growing seedlings

Pumpkin cultivar “goose in apples” is planted on seedlings in early May. Seeds must first be sprouted. Each seed is planted in a separate container to a depth of about 2 centimeters. Experienced gardeners recommend using good nutritious soil for seedlings. It is necessary to ensure timely watering. Pumpkin should be planted in the ground only when the time of night frost has passed.

Landing and care

Plants are planted at a distance of one meter from each other, preferably on the south side. To reduce moisture evaporation, the soil can be mulched. For this purpose, you can use peat or humus. At night, plants can be protected with covering material. When the lagenaria reaches one meter, it must be tied to a trellis, and if there is no way to make supports, it is necessary to put boards under the stems to protect them from slugs and moist soil. Vegetation at the pumpkin "goose in apples" is about 220 days. Lagenaria usually opens its flowers at night and closes in the morning, and only nocturnal insects pollinate it. Therefore, for additional pollination, it is recommended to use the manual method. Fruit ripening lasts from 1.5 to 3 months after pollination. On one plant there can be up to 9 ovaries.

grade pumpkin goose in apples reviews

When the main stem and lateral shoots grow to two meters, they should be pinched, you can also remove part of the ovaries so that the fruits are better formed. This culture responds well to top dressing with organic and mineral fertilizers, it is beneficial for it by regular loosening of the soil and timely weeding. It is also necessary to provide plants with timely watering, which is done only with heated water.

Harvesting and storage

The vegetative period in lagenaria is quite long. The fruits, which are intended for collecting seeds and for various crafts, remain until fully ripened on the lashes. Only young greenbacks with a diameter of up to 5 centimeters and a length of up to 12 cm are used for food. Matured pumpkins are harvested before the onset of the first frosts. Such fruits have a very thick and hard (like shell) peel, which allows them to be used in decorative art.

pumpkin goose in apples reviews

Grade Benefits

The advantages of this variety are, first of all, an unusual appearance, which can interest others. There are other pluses:

  • the crop is highly productive;
  • unpretentious in leaving;
  • It has excellent keeping quality, can be stored all winter.

Vaccinations of other cultures on lagenaria

Thanks to the rapid growth and powerful root system, amateur gardeners successfully plant related plants on water lagenaria: watermelons, cucumbers and melons. The graft grows much faster, develops better, fruiting begins earlier and has a high yield. Plus, the plant is less sick.

Seed collection

Pumpkin seeds "goose in apples", according to gardeners, you can not only buy, but also get at home. For this, the very first fruit is left until completely ripened on the lashes, then it is stored in a warm place until October. After that, the pumpkin is cut with a hacksaw and the seeds are taken out - in one fruit there are about 200 pieces. To store seeds, it is better to use paper bags. They retain their germination for 7 years, but gardeners begin to use them as planting material for the second year.


This pumpkin is useful for eating, especially for people with diseases of the kidneys, bladder, stomach, liver, as well as the heart and blood vessels. Still, lagenaria is grown mainly for decorative purposes. Unusually beautiful dishes, toys, smoking pipes, musical instruments, candlesticks are made from it. Long and elastic stems are used in weaving, lagenaria seeds are used to make oil. Bulk products are stored in dried prepared dishes, and milk is also well stored in them.

goose in apples unusual liana and pumpkin

Reviews of pumpkin variety "goose in apples"

Judging by the reviews, the original pumpkin is gaining more and more popularity. Lagenaria of this variety is a real decoration of the garden. Summer residents note the rapid growth of these vines and use them for landscaping. Young fruits are quite tasty and are used in cooking. Such pumpkins are also in demand among masters of arts and crafts who make real masterpieces from them.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F13497/

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