Oxygen cocktail for a child: benefits and harms, reviews, recommendations and contraindications

From parents you can often hear that they are preparing or buying an oxygen cocktail for the child. Doctors disagree about whether the drink is really useful, as its manufacturers say. We will try to answer this question in the article.

oxygen cocktail for baby

Improving the body with oxygen: historical facts

The treatment and healing of the body with oxygen has been known since 1960. It was then that the physiologist suggested trying oxygen therapy. Its essence was that special tubes were inserted through the nasopharynx using a catheter, to which an ozone balloon was attached. Thus, oxygen foam was pumped into the human stomach and was well absorbed by the body. Thanks to this technique, the following occurred:

  • strengthening immunity;

  • improving the general condition of the patient;

  • blood saturation with oxygen.

Of course, for children this method was unacceptable. Therefore, over time, they developed a special oxygen cocktail for the child. Kids enjoyed drinking the prepared drink, which had a pleasant taste.

We study the composition

Before answering the question whether children's oxygen cocktails are useful, it is necessary to understand what is included in their composition. The main component is oxygen. It is served using a special bottle.

In order to get a thick foam, you can use a natural ingredient - egg white. He beats well. But if the child is allergic to this food product, it is worth replacing it with licorice root syrup or a special spray, which is made on the basis of wild rose and sold portionwise.

Any juice (pear, apple, grape) should be taken as a basis. It is desirable that there is no pulp in it, otherwise a full-fledged drink will not work, the foam will not beat well. Do not use oil drinks, carbonated. Homemade juices are very concentrated, so it is better to dilute them with water. Also, as a basis, you can use milk, a tincture of herbs.

If an oxygen cocktail for a child is used as a remedy, it is better to consult a doctor and find out which ingredients are preferable.

the benefits of oxygen cocktail for children

Who will benefit from a cocktail. Tips & Tricks

Although there are still discussions in society about the benefits of oxygen cocktails, doctors have scientifically proven that they contribute to:

  1. Strengthen immunity.

  2. Normalize blood pressure.

  3. Improving the work of internal organs.

Leading experts assure that the benefits of oxygen cocktail for children are undeniable. The main thing is to take them correctly. The drink must be eaten slowly with a spoon, enjoying its taste and pleasant bubbles that โ€œexplodeโ€ in the mouth.

Another important nuance - drinking a cocktail on an empty stomach is strictly prohibited. It is better to take it an hour after eating.

There are categories of children to whom doctors recommend an oxygen cocktail without fail. Among them, the following cases can be distinguished.

  • Children who play sports. Such a drink will help to recover after hard training, improve blood flow.

  • First graders. The fact is that the first year at school is considered the most difficult. Big loads, a lot of new information exhaust children. An oxygen cocktail will help improve memory, cope with fatigue.

  • Children who are sick more than 5-6 times a year. The drink will strengthen the immune system.

  • Guys who are obese, such a cocktail is necessary. It improves the metabolism, promotes the rapid breakdown of fats.

You canโ€™t take a cocktail constantly, you must take breaks. The exact scheme is better to find out from the pediatrician.

baby oxygen cocktails

Can a cocktail hurt?

When using oxygen cocktails, you need to remember that the drink has its contraindications. In this case, it will not only not bring the desired result, but will also worsen the babyโ€™s health. This can happen if a child has:

  1. Exacerbation of peptic ulcer.

  2. Bronchial asthma.

  3. An allergic reaction to the ingredients used.

  4. Diabetes.

  5. Heart disease.

In all these cases, the use of the drink is strictly contraindicated.

Can I make a cocktail at home? Parent reviews

An oxygen cocktail for children, reviews of which are still controversial, can be prepared at home. To do this, you will need an oxygen cylinder and a special cocktail with a mixer, which will be connected to the hub. About 100 ml of juice is added to a disposable glass (0.5 L). Itโ€™s also worthwhile to place a spoom (a natural powder that promotes foaming, based on rose hips) or egg white. We turn on the cocktail, and after a minute the drink is completely ready.

Parents note that after such a cocktail, the child becomes more active. Those babies who drank the drink daily for a month became less likely to have respiratory illnesses. Which may indicate a strengthening of immunity.

oxygen cocktail for children in kindergarten

Should I give a drink in kindergarten?

Many parents are offered to pay extra oxygen cocktail for children in kindergarten. But is it worth it? Specialists are united in their decision: if the cooking technologies are followed, special equipment is purchased, then why not? Indeed, in groups where the kids received a similar drink, cases of infection with respiratory and other diseases sharply decreased.

When preparing a cocktail, the most important ingredient is an oxygen cylinder. In preschool institutions, it must be medical (completely cleaned). More budget options for cylinders pump air directly from the room in which it is installed. Therefore, that oxygen cocktail for children in kindergarten, which is prepared using non-professional equipment, will not bring any benefit. A medical oxygen cylinder, designed for approximately 60 liters of cocktails, will cost the institution 150-200 cu

oxygen cocktail for kids reviews

On the forums you can often find the question: โ€œIs oxygen cocktail useful for a child?โ€. Doctors say that with the right cooking technology and quality ingredients, the benefits of the drink are undeniable. Children feel much better, fatigue passes, appetite and sleep are restored, and immunity is strengthened. You need to drink a cocktail dosed, intermittently. It is better to consult a pediatrician first.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F1350/

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