Children's mixture "Neocate": composition, use and reviews of doctors

For those mothers who did not manage to establish lactation for any reason, doctors recommend using an adapted infant formula. But there are situations when a child does not tolerate cow protein. There is a food allergy, which is quite difficult to cope with. In this case, you need to see a doctor, pass the necessary tests. After this, the pediatrician will prescribe a Neocate mixture, which contains amino acids. Reviews about this baby food are only positive. For many parents, it is a kind of lifesaver.

How to cook the mixture? What are its advantages? We will find answers to these and other questions in the article.

neocate mix reviews

The advantage of the Neocate mix

Mixture "Neocate" - a unique baby food. Assign it in the case when the baby does not tolerate cow protein. The peculiarity of the mixture is its composition. The protein in it is completely replaced by amino acids. In a way, they are the "bricks" (that is, the foundation) that make up proteins.

Amino acids are not allergenic, so we can state with confidence the fact that after using this mixture, babies undergo dermatitis and other skin rashes. A week is enough for the body to get used to a new diet, and the immune system begins to work with renewed vigor.

In addition, the Neokate mixture has a pleasant sweet taste. Children drink it with pleasure. It is worth noting that up to a year is a nutritious diet for the baby. Since 6 months, the introduction of complementary foods is recommended, but even in this case, milk, other sour-milk products should be replaced with this mixture.

amino acid mixture neocate

We study the composition

For those babies who suffer from atopic dermatitis or cannot tolerate cow protein, doctors recommend the use of Neocate (mixture). Its composition is truly unique. Proteins or fragments thereof peptides are completely replaced by amino acids. Therefore, this baby food is prescribed not only to treat allergic manifestations, but also to confirm the diagnosis.

The mixture is a complete diet. It includes:

  1. Essential minerals (iron, potassium, selenium, iodine, molybdenum, calcium, chlorine, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, copper and others).
  2. Vitamin complex (folic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, taurine, carnitine, choline, niacin and others).
  3. Amino acids (carnitine, omega, serine, lezin, cysteine, valine, glutamine and others).

The composition is completely balanced. The components are selected in such a way as to provide the child with all the useful substances in the first year of life and form a strong immunity. The mixture does not contain gluten, sucrose, lactose, GMO, cholesterol, fructose.

mix neocate

Who is the mixture for?

The Neokate mix is ​​intended for children aged 0 to 12 months. It contains all the nutrients and trace elements. Doctors recommend using it for:

  • the presence of allergic manifestations to cow protein;
  • if the child has atopic dermatitis for a long time;
  • as a preventive diet for food allergies;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

This mixture can be used after surgery. It is light, easy to digest, tastes good.

Are there any contraindications?

Like any product, this mixture has contraindications, which you should tell your doctor. First of all, this is the impossibility of enteral nutrition. This situation occurs when the child for some reason can not eat through the mouth. Probe feeding for this mixture is not provided.

There may also be individual intolerance to some of the components that make up the composition. In this case, profuse regurgitation, loose stools in the baby will be observed. In this case, a doctor’s consultation is necessary.

It is worth paying attention to the age of the child. For the first year of life, you need to use a mixture of Neocate Nutricia, and then Advance. They differ in composition, calorie content.

Before using the Neocate mixture, a consultation with a doctor is necessary. Remember, this is a therapeutic diet that can only be used with the permission of the pediatrician.

neocate mix composition

The opinion of doctors

If a child has severe allergic reactions, doctors recommend paying attention to “Neocate” (mixture). Reviews about her are only positive. Due to the fact that the protein is completely replaced by amino acids, improvements in the condition of the child will be noticeable after a few days of use.

As a rule, parents of infants face food allergies. The fact is that the immune system of a child of the first year of life is rather weak. Allergens can cause irreversible reactions in the body. Using this mixture, you will help the immune system "relax" and "reboot."

"Neocate" has a specific smell and taste, it may take time for the baby to get used to this mixture. In diluted form, the product looks pale, not so "milk", this is due to the peculiarity of the composition. Amino acids do not give such a saturated color as proteins.

Doctors warn that, after the child receives this mixture as food, feces can change color. A greenish tint is the norm. But black is unacceptable, this indicates the presence of blood. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Gas formation may also increase, resulting in colic. In this case, pediatricians recommend using special medications (Espumisan, Infacol) to help the baby cope with the problem.

Doctors claim that the mixture is easily absorbed. It is full in its nutritional properties, so children add well in height and weight.

Who is Neocate Advance for?

On the shelves of shops and pharmacies you can see a mixture of "Neocate Advance." It is suitable for children aged 1 to 10 years. The protein in it is also substituted by amino acids. This allows kids to get rid of food allergies.

Doctors recommend that parents whose crumbs cannot tolerate cow protein use the mixture for making cereals. In this case, children will not have allergic reactions in the form of skin rashes.

baby neocate mix

It's important to know

Neocate baby formula is quite popular, despite its high price. To prepare it, you must adhere to the basic rules:

  1. Use only sterilized bottles and nipples.
  2. Water must be boiled.
  3. Carefully read the instructions. Use the amount of mixture according to age.
  4. You can not boil the finished mixture.
  5. It is necessary to use the prepared drink during the day.
  6. Do not store an open jar for more than 1 month.

Neocate Advance mix

Amino acid mixture "Neocate" is unique in its composition. Doctors' opinions about her are only positive. It helps to cope with food allergies in children who cannot tolerate cow protein. The only negative is the high cost (about 3000 rubles per can). But the price is due to high quality products.


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