The terminal stage of CRF in cats: signs, treatment and life expectancy

Chronic renal failure is characteristic not only for humans - often this disease also manifests itself in cats. The peculiarity of this disease is such that it begins its development from the first years of the animal’s life. After which it gradually and completely imperceptibly progresses to the moment when changes in internal organs become already irreversible. Renal failure in cats is an age-related disease, therefore, in many animals in advanced age, the terminal stage of chronic renal failure appears, which is considered incurable.

The essence of this disease is that gradual changes in the tubular and glomerular functions of the kidneys occur and they cannot fully support normal water-electrolyte, as well as osmotic homeostasis. As a result of this, the cat develops uremia. With the timely detection of this manifestation and started in the early stages of treatment, the cat has good chances to live a long feline life and die from old age. But for this it is necessary not to miss the appearance of alarming symptoms and to prevent such a point of no return as the terminal stage of chronic renal failure.

What is chronic renal failure? What are its causes and symptoms? More about this later in the article. We will also talk about the role of prevention in development.

terminal stage CRF in a cat

Description of the disease in cats

Consider the mechanism of kidney function in cats. The waste of their cat's vital activity is promoted by the blood stream and reaches the kidneys, where they are filtered from toxins. Then the toxins are evacuated from the body with urine. Kidney nephrons in this case act as filters. When they cease to cope with their main activity, the cat's body is poisoned by products of its own metabolism. This phenomenon is called chronic renal failure. And the latest stage of this disease is called the "terminal stage of chronic renal failure."

Options for the development of the disease

The development of the disease can occur in two scenarios:

  • When the number of normally functioning nephrons decreases, and those that remain, receive an increased load, forced to do the work of missing nephrons.
  • When the structure of nephrons is broken, because of which the filtration rate slows down.

Features of the disease in a cat

In order not to miss the signs of the appearance of renal failure, it is necessary to regularly visit the veterinarian and conduct laboratory tests of the urine and blood of the animal, if necessary, make him an ultrasound. If the biochemical analysis in the blood composition shows an increased content of creatine and urea, then this indicates the presence of chronic renal failure in the cat. At the same time, a general study will show a noticeable decrease in hemoglobin, platelet, lymphocyte counts, but an increase in white blood cell count. A urinalysis will show the presence of protein, a decrease in the density of isostenuria, and the reaction will be acidic.

To prevent the cat from being diagnosed with the terminal stage of chronic renal failure, you need to be very attentive to your pet. At the slightest doubt in the work of the kidneys, you should contact the veterinarian. There are so many factors that can lead to this dangerous diagnosis, and the problem is that in the early stages of the disease they are almost invisible. The development of kidney pathology occurs gradually until the terminal stage of CRF in cats is suddenly diagnosed. The life expectancy of animals upon the onset of this severe stage is not predicted. Since sick cats expect severe torment, the owners are invited to simply euthanize them to relieve suffering.

For this reason, owners of cats should pay attention to the behavior of their wards in their normal, healthy state, so that by changing the behavior you can notice the first signs of the terminal stage of CRF in cats at the very beginning of the process, when it is still well treatable. What are the hallmarks of this insidious disease? Let's consider further.

Signs of illness in cats

Watching the behavior of domestic cats in everyday life, pay attention to such previously uncharacteristic signs:

symptoms of end stage chronic renal failure
  • frequent scanty urination;
  • intense thirst;
  • lack of interest in food;
  • weight loss and exhausted appearance;
  • manifestations of diarrhea and vomiting;
  • fadedness and painful dullness of the coat;
  • pale color of ears, nose, tongue, gums;
  • the appearance of mouth ulcers on the mucous membranes;
  • unpleasant odor from the jaws of the animal, sometimes with profuse salivation.

Cat owners should understand that all these signs of chronic renal failure do not occur simultaneously. And if at least one has been seen with your pet, take it to the veterinarian and begin treatment. This is his chance for a healthy life, and the sooner you begin treatment procedures, the higher the likelihood that the cat will not have the terminal stage of chronic renal failure. Next, we will talk about the stages in which the disease proceeds and what are the symptoms for each of them.

Stages of severity in cats

Depending on the severity of the disease, the international classification provides for 4 stages. Among them:

  • compensation;
  • subcompensation;
  • decompensation;
  • terminal.

Stage description

The two initial stages of renal failure are almost asymptomatic. In such cases, the disease can only be diagnosed with regular testing. With the onset of decompensation, the symptoms of renal failure are already quite clearly expressed. At the same time, the life prognosis can still be favorable with timely initiation of treatment and constant therapeutic support. But the terminal stage of CRF in a cat - this is already a sentence. Almost always, veterinarians offer euthanasia, so as not to prolong the torment of the animal and relieve the moral suffering of the owner.

Causes of chronic renal failure

signs of terminal stage of CRF in cats

A few words should be said about the causes of this disease, since old age is not the only factor affecting the development of chronic renal failure. The beginning can be laid by exposure to toxic substances, an infectious disease of the kidneys, usually viral peritonitis, trauma to the kidneys. It can be diseases of the immune system, nephrolithiasis - kidney stones, congenital defects of the kidneys of an anatomical nature, neoplasms in the organs are not only malignant, but also benign. All these causes can trigger the development of chronic renal failure. Let us consider in more detail each of the stages and what symptoms are typical for them.

Characteristic symptoms for the first two stages of the disease in cats

Renal failure in cats is a very insidious disease. And its danger is that obvious symptoms appear only at a time when the disease is deeply rooted and the effectiveness of its treatment does not become very high, and in some cases it is completely reduced to zero. Nevertheless, the symptoms that appear at each stage of the progression of chronic renal failure, you need to know, and this may help to recognize the alarming signals of the cat's body in a timely manner.

Compensation and subcompensation pass almost without any pronounced symptoms, unless attentive owners pay attention to the general state of weakness of their cat. In this period, only the nucleation and weak, very gradual development of pathology in the kidneys occurs. This is a latent period during which some ailments can be observed, less activity and poor appetite compared to the usual state. In the blood there is an increased level of creatinine. The compensation stage can last for many months, during which cats lose weight and demonstrate an increased need for water and, as a result, its more enhanced excretion. Owners should understand that such manifestations are already characteristic when the kidneys lose 65 percent of their functions.

terminal stage of chronic kidney disease in a cat

Decomposition stage. How is the disease manifested?

At the decompensation stage, a more progressive accumulation of decay products occurs. At the same time, cats look very lethargic and indifferent, eat poorly and react little to surrounding stimuli. But the cat begins to drink a lot and eagerly, demonstrating all the signs of severe dehydration, since everything that they drink is immediately excreted in the urine. Often there are constipation, diarrhea and vomiting. In a blood test, creatinine levels reach 400 μmol / L. An ultrasound scan will show pronounced structural changes in the kidneys. In addition, cats have high blood pressure.

Terminal stage. Signs of kidney failure

treatment of the terminal stage of chronic renal failure in cats

If all the previous symptoms have been ignored by the owners, the terminal stage of CRF in the cat occurs. During this period, the symptomatology gains strength and manifests itself very clearly. But unfortunately, this is the last stage in which it is no longer possible to help the animal. Symptoms of the terminal stage of chronic renal failure in cats are manifested:

  • severe apathy;
  • complete lack of appetite;
  • significantly emaciated;
  • felted wool and reinforced molting;
  • putrid smell from the mouth;
  • severe dehydration against the background of frequent diarrhea and vomiting.

Now they manifest themselves very well, but this can not change anything. All these symptoms of the terminal stage of chronic renal failure indicate only that the last phase of the disease has arrived. The animal begins to quickly lose weight and refuses food. In addition, the degree of poisoning of the body by metabolic products increases, which is manifested by severe uremia. Analyzes show serious violations in the composition of the blood - an increase in the concentration of potassium ions and phosphates, a decrease in the level of calcium and creatinine. On x-rays, a decrease in the density of skeleton tissues can be detected. In this case, the amount of urine is significantly reduced.

symptoms of end-stage CRF in cats

How many live with such an ailment and is it possible to cure him at this stage?

The most terrible and impressive is the terminal stage of chronic renal failure. In this case, treatment is already useless - the liver functions are irretrievably lost. It remains only to state the last stage and monitor the increasingly rapid failure of the genitourinary system. Help your pet at this stage can only be a good attitude towards him. But no one can say for sure how long the terminal stage of chronic renal failure lasts. This period is individual for each individual cat and depends on the general state of health, age, previous treatment and much more. At this time, irreversible lesions of other organs and systems occur - dystrophy of the heart muscle, circulatory failure, pulmonary edema. From the side of the nervous system, inhibition of processes, drowsiness, convulsions, tremors and other difficulties are manifested. Sharp loss of vision is possible.

How long this can last and how much they live in the terminal stage of chronic renal failure, at its last stage, no one has conducted accurate research. With such a severe course of the disease for humane purposes, sick animals are simply euthanized.

Prevention and diagnosis of the disease in cats

In order to prevent such a grim scenario in the life of your pet, you should take care of his health in advance. And in order to prevent the disease, the diet of the animal and its drinking regimen are very important. Domestic cats, especially those of an older age, should be gradually transferred to medical nutrition. A diet for the prevention of chronic renal failure should cost products with a minimum amount of protein and phosphate. Such food can be bought ready-made, but first this step must be agreed with the veterinarian.

In order to exclude the tragic ending, pets should undergo annual medical examination, and those who have reached advanced years and have been living in the family for more than ten years should undergo a thorough examination twice a year. Give the cat more water and watch her behavior, then she will live a healthy and happy long life with you.

terminal stage

Little conclusion

Now you know how chronic renal failure manifests itself at each stage. From the above article, it is clear that for timely assistance to a domestic cat with kidney disease, you just need to be attentive to it and provide it with a correct, healthy diet and drinking regimen.


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