Arkhangelsk News: Relaxing in the North is Fashionable

Tired of the heat and stuffiness of the hot streets of the city? Tired of lying on the beach by the sea? Indeed, many people, out of habit going to the seaside, complain of deterioration of health and other changes in their state of health that do not allow them to really relax and gain strength before working days. Meanwhile, it is not necessary to stare in the sun on your vacation. It can also be carried out with greater health benefits, in addition, to join the original beauty of the northern outback. Where is it, you ask?

Welcome to the Arkhangelsk region, where monasteries and casemates, masterpieces of ancient Russian architecture and ancient Pomeranian cities are waiting for you. Only here it is possible to completely abandon modern worries and hassle and find yourself in ancient Russian villages and monasteries with a special, northern way of life, breathe clean air fully and measure with delight at the sight of the beauty of lakes, rivers and rocks of this region.
From tourist news of arkhangelsk You can learn a lot about Kiy Island. This is a small piece of land located in the Onega Bay, famous for its high cliffs, pine forests and a sea of ​​berries and mushrooms. Fishing lovers can enjoy their hobby on this wonderful island, and then take a steam bath in a Russian bathhouse.
Of course, the gem of the Arkhangelsk region are Solovki. Here you can make a pilgrimage to the Solovetsky Monastery or get acquainted with the sinister history of the Gulag Archipelago. Of course, here you can go boating, visit the mysterious Hare Island with its famous labyrinths, and see many more sights of the Russian North.
Kargopol awaits connoisseurs of Russian wooden architecture. You can not only see the ruins of the Alexander-Oshevensky monastery, museums and craft workshops, but also take part in master classes by craftsmen.
Kenozero National Park is a huge environmental complex that is fully capable of conveying the true spirit of the North. You will be able to join the masterpieces of painting and icon painting, to examine the ethnographic finds and evidence of the architectural talent of our ancestors. All this is skillfully combined with the beauties of lakes and forests. A visit to Kenozero leaves an indelible impression that raises the cultural and spiritual level of all visitors without exception.
To see the real northern village, to taste dishes prepared according to old recipes, to see museums and other attractions, you can go to Kizhi island. By the way, here you can cleanse yourself both spiritually and bodily in a Russian bath.



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