Universal electronic cards of a citizen of Russia. Universal electronic card - what is it?

Universal Electronic Card in Russia (UEC) is a plastic card that combines a payment and identification tool. Its functions are multifaceted. With the help of UEC, you can order, pay, and then receive various public services. Also, this card is both a pension insurance certificate and a medical policy.

Universal electronic card - what is it? This is additionally an identification and bank card, an electronic wallet and signature, as well as a ticket.

Project history

The beginning of the creation of UEC can be considered December 2009. It was at this time that a joint meeting of the Council, deciding on the development of the information society, and the State Council took place. On the agenda of this event, held under the leadership of D. Medvedev, was the question of creating and introducing a convenient and simple tool to identify a Russian citizen in resolving his issues with government departments, which would combine banking, social and payment functions.

universal electronic card what is it
Thus, the Universal Electronic Card project was released. In mid-2010, the federal legislative act “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services” was adopted. In this document, the defining functions of UEC were fixed.

In early 2011, the President of the Russian Federation instructed the government to determine the amount of funding that must be allocated from the budget to develop an appropriate regulatory framework and introduce UEC in the country.

The first batch of universal electronic plastic cards was issued by the end of July 2012. Their circulation amounted to six thousand copies. Universal electronic card issuing points opened their doors on January 1, 2013. A new means of payment was issued only at the request of citizens. The innovation did not cause much excitement.

universal electronic cards of a citizen of Russia

That is why the new party, which saw the light in October 2013, included only 120 thousand copies. This is quite a bit, because according to the initial plans that were announced by UEC OJSC (authorized federal organization, operator and project coordinator), this figure should have been equal to about 3.5 million. It was decided to issue such a number of identification and payment means at the same time in 2014. However, due to the unpreparedness of the existing infrastructure in the regions, as well as due to the replacement of paper passports with plastic cards, it was decided to postpone the introduction of a universal electronic card for 2015-2016.

Foreign experience

Electronic documents using which you can get commercial and public services back in 2013 existed in more than fifty countries of the world.

One of the first states to introduce identification cards was Singapore. In early 2000, the inhabitants of this country received electronic passports. Along with the identity card, the document also contained a universal key of access to the possibility of providing public services.

Similar maps are issued by Malaysia. They are both a banking and identification document, as well as a driver’s license. This also includes transport applications and medical information about the owner.

Biometric passports in Germany allow you to get the necessary access to commercial and public services, as well as put an electronic signature on various documents.

An ID card was also created in Estonia. This tool serves as both an identity card and a carrier of the electronic signature of its owner.

Also, in many countries of the world, electronic wallets have become widespread. In most cases, they are attached to personalized plastic cards. This tool makes it possible to make payments in small amounts and to pay citizens travel in public transport. Similar cards exist in Germany, Spain, Italy, the UK and Hong Kong.

The possibility of using UEC

Universal electronic card - what is it? This is a large-scale modern and innovative system that provides a wide range of opportunities for both service providers and their users. The final implementation of this project will be a huge step to reduce the operational costs of government bodies for the consideration of requests and appeals, as well as significantly increase their efficiency.

universal electronic card issuing points
Great opportunities will appear in business. Entrepreneurs will be able to access a vast area that provides them with the opportunity to work with potential customers, and hence the likelihood of further development and expansion.

Universal electronic card - what is it? This tool allows citizens of Russia to receive the following services throughout the country:
- municipal;
- state;
- financial;
- medical;
- commercial, etc.

When using UEC, services are provided to citizens in electronic form.


How to use a universal electronic card? In order to order, pay and receive the necessary service, you will need a special device. It can be a terminal or an infomat installed in state institutions, as well as those cash desks and ATMs where there is a sticker of the payment system called PRO100.

where to get a universal electronic card
Universal electronic cards of a citizen of Russia can be used at home. For this, a special device must be purchased and connected to a personal computer. This is a card reader or reader designed to read UEC. You can connect a reader via the USB port.

List of services built into UEC

Universal electronic cards of a citizen of Russia include:

- an identification application that allows you to receive municipal, state, as well as commercial services, including numbers in the field of medicine and the pension system;
- An electronic signature used to approve online documents;
- a payment application with which daily banking operations are carried out from open current accounts to pay for state and commercial services and goods, cash withdrawals and much more;

versus universal electronic card

- the ability to view the identification data that is entered on the card, as well as their use when filling out the necessary electronic documents, adding information about the postal address, phone number, etc. if necessary.

Opportunities for executive authorities of the Russian Federation

A universal electronic card allows state institutions and extrabudgetary funds of the Russian Federation to:
- in the field of pension provision - to inform the insured citizens about the state of their personal accounts, to receive information about social assistance, etc .;
- in the field of healthcare - use the services of electronic registries, keep records of additional and preferential drug provision , etc .;
- in the field of education - to provide information on the results of the exam, to maintain electronic journals and diaries, etc .;
- provide government services in other areas of the federal level.

Opportunities for executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation

Using UEC allows you to:
- accept applications, register, enroll in kindergartens and provide other educational services;
- make an appointment with doctors, take into account additional and preferential drug provision, etc.;
- carry out the appointment and subsequent payment of various benefits;
- pay utility bills;
- submit applications in the field of employment;
- provide other municipal and state services at the regional and local levels.

Business Opportunities

UEC project participants are given the opportunity to electronically provide services in the field of communications, transport and telecommunications. Using a universal electronic card, insurance and banking activities are possible.

Is a universal electronic card required

All these, as well as many other commercial services can be carried out at all levels - from federal to municipal.

Getting a card

For those who wish to become the owner of UEC, you should find the nearest point of receipt of applications on the official website of this project and go there to fill out the necessary form. Where to get a universal electronic card yet? At the nearest branch of Sberbank of Russia. This financial institution is one of the shareholders of UEC OJSC, as well as a participant in the unified payment and service system formed on the basis of a grandiose project. It is planned to connect insurance organizations and MFPs (multifunctional centers) to the distribution of cards.

To obtain a document for UEC, you must present either a passport or another identification document. A certificate of state pension insurance is also required.

The whole procedure, which is absolutely free, takes about ten minutes. After checking and completing the relevant documents, the citizen is given an extract from the application registration journal. It indicates the approximate date the card is ready. This period, in accordance with the norms established by law, does not exceed thirty calendar days.

A universal electronic card is issued only upon presentation of an identity document. A citizen receives the card itself, as well as an envelope, which indicates four PIN-codes. These are PIN1 and 2, KRP, PIN-code of the bank.

Project Opinions

A universal electronic card is opposed by some journalists and experts. In their statements, they point out the problems arising during the implementation of the project, skeptical of its full completion. With disbelief are UEC and some citizens who fear total accounting and control of their lives. In this regard, the question arises: "Is a universal electronic card mandatory for Russians?" Not. Legislation does not oblige citizens to receive UEC.

universal electronic school card

The introduction of a universal electronic card raises many other questions. So, some people fear that someone who does not receive UEC will be subject to certain legal discrimination.

Regarding the universal electronic card, the Church also spoke out. For example, the Council of Bishops supported a progressive project, pointing out that counting the population in the era of electronics is not sinful. However, at the same time, the Church pointed out that UEC is an aid in order to exercise total control over a person without any consent.

School card

Since 2010, a new project has been introduced in Russia. This is a system of innovative technologies “School card”, which facilitate contact between students, school and parents. This project also allows you to take care of the safety of children in the form of exercising control over them.

A universal electronic school card allows you to track the attendance of a child and his performance, as well as the turnover of funds transferred by parents for school needs and food.

School universal electronic card - what does this tool give to the user? The possibilities of the WESCs are great. So, this plastic card, in which a chip with information about a child is built-in, can be used as an electronic pass to an educational institution. In this case, the time of both leaving and the arrival of the student will be automatically recorded. In addition, the card using special terminals or bank transfers can be replenished with money. This eliminates the need for cash to be issued to the child.

"UEShKa" is also a school nutrition card. With its help, the student can pay in buffets and canteens of educational institutions. In this case, parents will receive reports with the name of the purchased products.

The student’s card is also his electronic diary. All grades in the lesson are automatically duplicated on the school’s website, in the student’s personal section. Through this portal you can learn about homework. Parents are given the opportunity to communicate with teachers.

The use of "UEShKi" allows librarians to systematize the accounting of issued textbooks and books, as well as to control the debt on them. Also, when applying an electronic card, students can download the literature they need for study and not interrupt the learning process even during illness.

At the same time, information on the list of contraindications of the child and on his vaccination calendar is entered into the electronic card. Over time, with its help, students will be able to pay for their travel in urban public transport.

Thus, this card is a completely new approach to teaching children, in which the safe Internet finds use. At the same time, the child is offered interesting programs that allow him to develop, keeping up with the times.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F13507/

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