Grapes Memory of the Surgeon: description of the variety, features of cultivation and reviews

It is important for any gardener to have on their site such samples of varieties that are distinguished by good health, high productivity and excellent taste. These enthusiasts even develop their own varieties that are not inferior in terms of the above-described qualities to those bred in the laboratory. Winegrowers are no exception and put great zeal and soul into their work, real masterpieces appear on their plots.

Special grape variety

Breeder Pavlovsky Evgeny Georgievich, who is just an amateur, was able to develop a special grape, which took its place of honor among the varieties of amateur selection. Grapes in Memory of the Surgeon (description of the variety, reviews about it will be given later in the article) was bred one of the first and turned out to be the most successful instance. It became the starting point of the breeder to create more than fifty varieties, and many of them participated in international and domestic exhibitions, were awarded prizes and awards. Nowadays, the memory of the Surgeon is successfully grown not only by professionals, it can be easily maintained by beginners of grape growing. In the Black Sea region, this variety is one of the most popular.

grapes surgeon's memory

Grapes in Memory of the Surgeon: grade description

Evgeny Pavlovsky was able to develop this variety by crossing grapes Nistru with Talisman. From the first "parent" a new variety inherited the color of the berries and their size, and from the second - precocity and rooting. Sort of Memory of the Surgeon - a table form of grapes. It is precocious, and its fruits are ready for harvest in mid-August.

Thanks to a rather dense skin, the delicate and juicy pulp of berries is well protected from various external influences. They are large, fleshy, can be stored for a long time, while maintaining freshness, taste and shape. This variety is used fresh, there are no sources claiming that it can be used in winemaking. In the territories where the memory of the Surgeon's memory is grown, a large number of wasps and other insects who love sweets are noted. Sugar content of fruits is approximately equal to 16-22 grams per hundred cubic centimeters, acidity does not exceed 6 g / l. The berries are oval, yellow-pink in color, weighing 7.5 grams. One bunch of such grapes will weigh about a pound, often reaching a kilogram.

One of the favorite varieties of many people is the variety in memory of the Surgeon. The grapes described in this article have a fairly high yield. Its bushes are strong, shoots ripen up to 89%. It is not recommended to leave more than eight eyes on one shoot; their total number per bush should be within 38 pieces.

The Surgeon's Memory grape variety is one of the most frost-resistant, the plant is able to survive even in a 23-degree frost. It is also rarely affected by diseases such as rot, mildew and oidium. With improper care, productivity can decrease, and shedding of berries can occur.

surgeon's grape variety

External description

It is important for each owner of a personal plot that his territory look aesthetically pleasing, well-groomed and beautiful. What could be better than fences and nets twined with vines ? Therefore, the grape variety should not only bring a high yield with excellent taste, but also look remarkable.

Grapes The memory of the Surgeon is distinguished by its tall and strong bushes, dense greens. It will be a great addition to the decor of the site. Young bushes have large, light green leaves, more mature ones have a rich, dark green hue. Since this variety is practically not susceptible to disease, its bushes look healthy and well-groomed; brown and black spots are absent on strongly dissected three-lobed leaves.

The flowering of grapes does not look so beautiful, as the clusters are covered with small faded flowers. But in the season when the bushes are strewn with berries, it is impossible to look away from the site. Large fruits do not have the same color. They can be golden, yellow-green with a pink tint, and often become bright pink. On their skin there is a whitish wax coating, and it seems that the berries are covered with hoarfrost. This variety of palettes complements the greens of plants of extraordinary beauty.

surgeon's memory grape description

Positive qualities of the variety

Having examined the description, you can safely highlight the positive and negative qualities of this grape. As always, we will start with its good qualities:

  • high productivity;
  • early maturity (fruit ripening period 120 days);
  • excellent rooting;
  • excellent presentation;
  • transportability;
  • resistance to frost and disease;
  • long-term storage without loss of appearance, taste.

Negative qualities

There is no such thing as doing without negative aspects. Ideal varieties have not yet been bred, and grapes in memory of the Surgeon also have their drawbacks:

  • there is a tendency to pea;
  • exposed to fungal diseases;
  • on a scion matures poorly;
  • the bushes attract wasps and are often affected by them.

surgeon memory grape variety description

Features of agricultural technology

Since the memory of the Surgeon's Memory is a fairly new variety, it is worth buying seedlings in a specialized store or nursery. So there will be confidence that this variety is grown. It is worth noting that on the grafts, the Memory of the Surgeon is not well established, its fruiting becomes low. On grafted crops, this grape will also bear fruit worse, it can more often be affected by diseases, worse tolerate frosts.

When planting seedlings, you should adhere to the usual scheme. Even a beginner gardener will understand a step-by-step plan. First you need to dig a fairly deep hole (up to 80 centimeters), fill most of it with loose soil and good humus. The shank should be with strong roots, and it must be placed for a day in a container of water. Before planting, the roots must be dipped in a solution that promotes root formation and their strengthening. After that, the seedling immediately falls into the prepared hole and is covered with earth so that the neck of the root remains on the surface. Then it is necessary to water the landing site abundantly, if the earth settles heavily - add to the required level. When all the manipulations are completed, the stalk is tied.

In order for the moisture in the soil to be well preserved, it is necessary to sprinkle the area where the bushes are planted with sawdust or overlay with moss. Watering is also worth the scheme - before and after flowering. Pavlovsky recommends watering in the driest times, sometimes feeding, although this is not a necessity.

Pruning is necessary for high yields. Young bushes are trimmed into 4-5 eyes, and mature to 8.

Since the memory of the Surgeon’s memory is distinguished by thick greens and rather large leaves, it is necessary to remove the excess, especially those that cover the bunches from the sun. If this is not done, then the sugar content and size of the fruit will decrease. It is also necessary to produce pinching.

Despite the fact that this variety is frost-resistant and, according to statements, can tolerate cold up to -23, the bushes still need to be well covered for winter time. Thus, it will be possible to save the plant from freezing, to maintain productivity.

To preserve their own nerves and crops, the vine-grower must process bushes from various pests, although this variety is not so susceptible to disease.

grape variety memory surgeon reviews

Mildew: prevention and treatment

This disease is also called gray flour. It affects the entire plant except the root system. Leaves, buds, flowers, vines and fruits are covered with white coating. The memory of the Surgeon is a fairly resistant variety to this disease, but nevertheless it is sometimes exposed to it.

Most often, mildew begins to affect plants in places of high humidity. The first sign of such a disease is the appearance of white spots on the outside of the leaves, and on the back there is a white powdery coating. Progressing, the disease causes yellowing of the sheets, their drying and dying. Similarly happens with inflorescences, fruits and vines.

To prevent this disease, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers must be applied to the soil, mulching the soil, pinching the bushes, and spraying them with fungicides. The most effective drugs against mildew: copper oxide, chlorine, Bordeaux mixture and Antracol. The first treatment is done when the young shoots have grown to 15 centimeters, the second - during flowering, the last - at a time when the fruits became the size of a pea.

surgeon's memory grape reviews

Oidium: Powdery Mildew

This disease destroys the vines. They begin to develop poorly, the leaves on them are wrinkled, covered with a completely white coating, and then die. Especially affected vines located in the middle of a dense plant. Oidium appears in places with high humidity and poor ventilation.

For prevention, it is necessary to increase the airing of the bushes, to combat weeds, to produce pinching. Processing with special preparations is also necessary: ​​Chorus, Topaz or Tiovit. The processing time is the same as against mildew.

With gray rot, which can also infect a plant, the struggle is made by the same methods.

surgeon memory grape variety description reviews

Grape variety In memory of the Surgeon: reviews

Not so long ago emerged variety already has its fans. Vine growers write in the comments that the fruits of this species are very fleshy and sweet. Outwardly, the skin seems too thick, but when consumed, it is almost not noticed.

Reviews of grapes in memory of the Surgeon are only positive. They write that it is quite easy to care for him, the variety is not picky, the yield gives a good one.

A lot of comments from beginners who first decided to start growing grapes. They write that it is quite easy to plant, leaving does not require much effort and time, as intended.

This variety was especially liked by those who grow grapes for sale. They say that it lasts longer than other varieties, and there is the opportunity to eat it even in winter.


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