Welding machine "Resanta 160": description, specifications, reviews

Resanta welding machines are very popular in Russia. The equipment is reliable and, of course, convenient. In the domestic market, tools of this brand have been known for a very long time - since 1993. They can be used both in everyday life and in production.

The model range of the Resanta brand, presented on the domestic market, is quite wide. If desired, consumers have the opportunity to purchase equipment of this brand with a variety of technical specifications and functionality. At the same time, one of the most popular models from this manufacturer is the Resanta 160 device . Customer reviews earned this equipment just excellent.

Resant welding machine 160

Who releases

The manufacturer of the Resanta SAI 160 apparatus is the Latvian company SIA RESANTA. This company began its activities in 1993. Initially, she was only engaged in the production of voltage stabilizers. These products are also well known in the former USSR.

The quality of Resanta devices is really good. And therefore, it has always enjoyed great popularity with the consumer. Due to this, by 2008, the company was able to increase production volumes, compared to 1993, 10 times.

Today, in addition to voltage stabilizers, the company produces compressors, multimers, heating equipment, testers, etc. And of course, this company also supplies high-quality inverters to the market.

sai 160 inverter resanta welding machine

Inverter welding machine "Resanta SAI 160" in the domestic market

This model is part of the AIS line. It is these devices that Resanta company began to produce once the very first. Over the years, devices of this series have established themselves as very reliable and easy to use. The Resanta 160 model in the domestic market is the most popular of this line. Only Resanta 190 can compare with it in terms of sales.

The main advantages of the model

The advantages of the Resanta 160 welding machine are many. These may include, for example:

  • high level of working current;

  • the ability to work at low voltage;

  • the ability to use with unstable voltage in the network.

Also this unit is compact. It is believed that for working in a domestic environment, it fits just perfectly. But, unlike many other Resant models, this equipment can also be used in production. This device belongs to inverter type devices. That is, in its design there is a node designed to convert AC network to DC.

resant inverter

General description of the model

One of the undoubted advantages of inverter welding machines "Resanta SAI 160" is a wide range of current strength. At the same time, the master has the ability to manually set its value. Due to such a feature of the apparatus, it can be used both for delicate welding using thin electrodes, and, for example, for cutting thick metal.

The casing of the Resanta 160 welding machine is equipped with fans. These elements perfectly complement the natural air cooling of the apparatus. If desired, the model 160 can be used in weak electrical networks. It is also allowed to connect them through generators.

Of course, this model has all the features that distinguish modern inverters from previously produced less sophisticated and convenient devices:

  • stickiness;

  • hot start.

In the case of sticking of the electrode to the welded surface in the apparatus, the current strength is automatically reduced. And this, in turn, reduces heat. As a result, the electrode is easily detached from the metal.

good welding machine

At the very beginning of the Resant 160 inverter , the current increases sharply. This leads to rapid heating in the place where the electrode is in contact with the surface of the metal. Therefore, the welder using this equipment never has problems with the sticking of the electrode at the beginning of work.

Mains voltage and electrode diameter

Technical characteristics the welding machine "Resanta 160" really has a good one. Convenience in work is explained, and consequently, the popularity of this model among the consumer , of course, first of all, by the thoughtfulness of its design. In everyday life, the use of 160 devices became possible due to the fact that they operate from a 220 V network. For industrial equipment of this type, as is known, 380 V. is needed. Previously produced welding machines were designed to operate precisely from such networks.

The maximum current indicator for this model, as can already be judged by its name, is 160 A (with a minimum of 10 A). If necessary, welding with Resanat 160 can be done using sufficiently thick electrodes. The maximum diameter of the latter for this model is 4 mm . The minimum indicator of the diameter of the electrodes for the apparatus is 1.6 mm.

Use for voltage fluctuations

Consumers most often work with welding inverters, of course, outside the city or, for example, in a garage. Therefore, an important indicator of their quality is the ability to function normally and not break under voltage drops. After all, this happens quite often in the country. The plus of the Resant 160 inverter , among other things, is that it can be used with a voltage in the network from 154 to 240 V.

Possible load duration

As already mentioned, among consumers, the Resanta 160 is considered to be very convenient to use. This is also due to the fact that when working with this model you do not have to take too long breaks. Even with a maximum current strength of 40% in the working approach of 10 minutes, welding is allowed for 4 minutes, and cooling the apparatus is 6.

Open circuit voltage

This indicator of the model is 85 V. This figure, in comparison with many other modern devices, is quite large. This open circuit voltage makes the ignition of the arc very easy in Resanta 160 devices. However, at the same time, a high indicator of 85 V, unfortunately, slightly reduces the safety of use (discharge from accidental contact may be harmful to health) of this equipment. However, the 160 model, like most other modern ones, is equipped with a special function of protection against electric shock by the master.

inverter repair

Cooling system and protection class

The Resanta 160 model can serve in the household for a very long time. In a good welding machine nowadays, an effective cooling system must be provided. Of course, when designing Resants 160, the designers took this into account. As soon as the equipment heats up to a certain temperature during operation, the fans automatically turn on. The last one at Resanat 160 has two, which is a good indicator for the modern budgetary apparatus.

When buying an inverter, you should pay attention to its protection class as well. Of course, it is strictly forbidden to carry out welding work, for example, in the rain using such equipment. However, the higher the model’s protection class, the better, of course. After all, everything happens in life and the apparatus can, for example, be forgotten on the street. Or it may suddenly rain during operation. Resanta 160 models are IP21 rated. And this means that they can remain safe in direct rain. With oblique, it is better not to use them under any circumstances.

Other indicators

Power cables in the Resanta 160 model are not too long. This, of course, affects the usability of the device is not the best way . But still, it does not bother the master too much when welding. The length of the electrode cable in this model is 1.5 m, the grounding cable is 2 m. These devices weigh not too much - only 4.5 kg. Therefore, they can be easily transported not only by car, but also, for example, by public transport.

Model reviews

The opinion about the Resanta 160 welding machines among consumers, as already mentioned, was simply excellent. The undoubted advantages of this model are, of course, primarily the ability to work with unstable or low voltage, as well as compactness and low weight. Also, an advantage of this inverter is its relatively low cost. The price of Resanta 160 devices is approximately 7,000 rubles. That is, this equipment costs much less than many other similar modern ones.

Repairing the inverter 160 requires infrequently. The equipment is quite reliable and durable. However, in the event of a breakdown, it will not be particularly difficult to repair it. Service points specializing in this brand are also available in many cities of the country.

resanta 160 reviews

Thus, this model has many advantages. This is a really good welding machine . But this inverter , of course, according to consumers, has some drawbacks. These masters include, first of all, short cables. Also, some consumers note the fact that in batches of "Resant 160" marriage is sometimes found. In this case, the device must be repaired or replaced with a new one.

Instead of a conclusion

The conclusion from the foregoing can be drawn as follows. Choosing a welding inverter for the home, it is necessary to pay attention to the Resanta devices. And perhaps it is model 160 that should be bought. Despite some of the shortcomings, these devices are still quite reliable and of high quality. Such a model will probably work for a long time. Repairing the inverter, if necessary, will cost inexpensively and will not be a particular problem.

welding machine

Welding work, these devices can be carried out in a fairly wide range, in use, of course, convenient. And the build quality earned them good reviews from consumers. And, of course, this model can become attractive, including for people with somewhat limited financial resources. The Resanta 160 welding machines for their class are actually very inexpensive.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F13515/

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