The best quotes and phrases from "Warcraft 3"

The following is a small informative article containing some phrases from Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne, as well as other games in the series. Here, not short replicas that the characters say when they are activated will be presented, but whole statements.


This fraction is an alliance between the inhabitants of Azeroth and Lordaeron. To fight, they use not only a sufficiently powerful military weapon, but also magic. The following are statements by characters belonging to this side.

Humorous employee sayings

Unit icon "Worker"

A standard unit that is present in almost any strategy. The employee has the following abilities:

  • repairs buildings;
  • can mine gold resources and wood;
  • when summoned to the town hall, it turns into a militia;
  • may also engage in the construction of buildings.

If you click on a unit several times, it will pronounce any of the following phrases:

  • "Are you a king? I didn’t vote for you." A hint of a comedy feature film about the Holy Grail.
  • "Help! They're pushing me!" All the same "Monty Python".
  • "Work is not a wolf; it won’t run away into the forest." In the game, the use of common proverbs is quite relevant. However, many of them are present only in the localized version.
  • "We caught the witch, can we burn her?" Again a reference to "Monty Python".
  • D'oh. A reference to the main character from the animated series The Simpsons.

Paladin Pearls

Paladin's drawing

The next in the list of phrases of the characters from "Warcraft 3" - a paladin. He is a warrior who masterfully owns defensive art. When in close proximity to it, friendly units increase the level of effectiveness in the battle. Among the abilities include:

  • restoring the health of allies through the flow of divine energy;
  • increased protection for nearby friendly units;
  • resurrects six allies whose bodies were nearby.

Among the funny phrases worth highlighting:

  • "I hit twice: the first on the head, the second on the lid of the coffin."
  • "Do not defile me with your cursor!". In the game, situations with a break of the so-called 4 wall are quite popular, when characters can turn directly to the player himself.
  • "A goblin in armor is a canned Dragon Breakfast."

Eternal hangover

3D model of the mountain king

Another fun example of interesting phrases from "Warcraft 3". The mountain king is one of the best in terms of character attack. His abilities include:

  • magic hammer that can stun the enemy and inflict considerable damage;
  • thunderbolt spell. When specifying a specific point, enemy units take damage. Also, their speed of movement and battle is reduced by exactly half.

Among the funny phrases we can distinguish:

  • "I think it should be washed."
  • "Let's get drunk?".
  • "Is there at least one wine shop?"

A bit of scientific magic

Goblin Alchemist Art

The next in the list of phrases from Warcraft 3 is the goblin alchemist. The main focus of this hero are various battle potions. Abilities include:

  • the use of healing gas, which restores the health of units and characters in the selected area;
  • the use of a potion on the ogre, which increases its speed of movement and battle by exactly half;
  • can throw an acid bomb at an adversary. She will lower protection and will gradually take lives.

Among the humorous sayings:

  • "And the sun shines brighter, and the landscape is happier when C2H5OH splashes in the stomach." Another good example of using popular expressions in our country, which are present only in the translated version of the game.
  • "Sin, unclean power, stay, pure alcohol."

Medical jokes

The next unit whose phrases from Warcraft 3 is worth talking about is a healer. He is a magician who is responsible for the healing process of the wounded on the field. Among his abilities are worth noting:

  • basic unit health recovery to be indicated;
  • can eliminate the effect of all spells that were cast on the unit;
  • with the help of a spiritual flame increases the strength of attack and defense of allies.

Among the funny phrases we can distinguish:

  • "Tampon ... Scalpel ... Magic Wand."
  • "An autopsy showed: the patient was asleep."
  • "Well, treat or let him live?".
  • "I was chosen with a metal hand from heaven!" In addition to a hint of cursor, this is also a reference to the cartoon Toy Story.

It’s not in vain ...?

The gun crew is a powerful and long-range unit. It is extremely effective in attacking buildings. But at the same time, it is very slow and vulnerable. His abilities include:

  • a shot with a special charge, which removes the effect of the fog of war at a selected point and is able to demonstrate hidden enemy units;
  • attack with buckshot. Increases damage for opponents with a weak level of protection, or even without armor;
  • able to increase the power of military guns and attacking equipment;
  • increases the level of protection for gun crews and some attacking units.

Among the fun phrases we can distinguish:

  • "Tell me, uncle, is it not for nothing? Well, of course, not for nothing." Also quite often you can find a mixture of lines from literary works with the statements of characters or units.
  • "- We must destroy the gnomes. - We are the gnomes! - Ahh ... Well, yes ...". Another reference to the artistic humorous picture of the Holy Grail.

Now it’s worth talking about a couple of orc phrases from Warcraft 3. More precisely, it is worth paying attention not only to the side of the Alliance, but also to the Horde with evil spirits. Among them, you can also find units and characters who sometimes pronounce quite amusing or sarcastic phrases. Let's get started.


Horde Orcs

This faction includes the orcs who once led a quiet and cultural life. However, they soon became enslaved to dark magic. As a result of this, the greedy Horde appeared, the soldiers of which cannot be stopped. But now, thanks to the new leader, they are fighting to never be pawns in someone else's game again.

I'll go lie down

A bull is not a very smart unit, the main ability of which is strength and fearlessness. This orc has such abilities as:

  • theft of enemy resources when attacking his buildings;
  • when enraged, the unit receives one hundred additional health units and three attack units;
  • it is also capable of increasing the level of strength during an attack for units like him. Riders on wolves and minotaurs also receive an increase.

Among his funny phrases from "Warcraft 3" are:

  • "Well, what do you click like a woodpecker?" Addressed to the player by clicking the mouse again.
  • "Have you come to lead or click?" Exactly the same treatment for a few repeated clicks;
  • "I can’t stand when others are working. I’ll go to bed." A new example of using popular expressions.


Immediately something dead comes to mind. Deprived of life. In Warcraft 3, the undead army is called the Scourge. It consists of thousands of corpses, ghosts devoid of bodies, necromancer wizards, witches, and even mortals who have been cursed. This faction turned out to be the creation of the Burning Legion, who wanted to plunge the world into horror with its help, preceding its inevitable invasion.

Ghoul Phrases from Warcraft 3

Ghoul already belongs to another fraction of this game. It is a predatory cannibal, which restores spent health due to the bodies of the fallen, which he eats.

His abilities include:

  • order to his novices about the extraction of gold resources. Ghouls themselves can harvest a tree;
  • eating the bodies of the fallen on the battlefield restores his health;
  • Using the improvement of the ghoul's rage, the unit is able to increase the speed of the battle and the movement of its units by exactly a quarter of the available indicator.

Funny phrases include:

  • "My scary one." This distortion of expressions gives a direct reference to various comic representations of zombies in films and games.
  • "I love fresh brains." Also quite an entrenched legend that zombies are very fond of eating someone else's gray matter.
  • "I want to eat." Demonstration of another popular opinion that the dead are tormented by hunger that cannot be satisfied.

It is worth noting that in the game there are a lot of characters whose humorous or sarcastic statements deserve special mention. However, the resulting material with such examples will be extremely large. Therefore, it is worthwhile to dwell on the characters and phrases given in a specific article.


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