Varnish PF-170: technical specifications, application

As practice shows, paintwork is today one of the most common, if necessary, decorating surfaces. Among others, alkyd varnishes, which can have different functional purposes, should be distinguished. Such mixtures are selected taking into account the operating conditions of the bases and the loads on them. But for a good result, it is also important to properly prepare the surface.

Varieties of varnishes

varnish pf 170

Varnishes are classified by many parameters, for example:

  • technological properties;
  • appearance;
  • chemical composition.

Such materials may have varying degrees of gloss and resistance to mechanical stress. On sale there are primer varnishes that are applied under the finish coating and have the ability to enhance the adhesion of materials. One of the most optimal in quality and price are water-soluble varnishes. They are made from solvent, water and emulsifiers.

If we take a closer look at varnishes based on oil resins, then alkyd compounds that are obtained from natural raw materials should be distinguished. They contain linear and wood oils, which are able to penetrate quite deeply into the structure of wood. Among other paints and varnishes one can distinguish PF-170 varnish, and we will discuss it below.

Application area

varnish pf 170 characteristic

PF-170 is an alkyd resin in a mixture of aliphatic hydrocarbons, to which special substances are added during the production process. The composition is intended for decorative protective blocking of products from:

  • plywood;
  • Fiberboard;
  • wood;
  • Chipboard;
  • OSB
  • MDF;
  • ceramics;
  • metal;
  • surfaces painted with oil pentaphthalic enamels and glyphthalic soils.

Varnish PF-170 is used to give surfaces protective properties and additional gloss. You can use the material indoors and outdoors. It is used as a functional additive to improve the quality characteristics of pentaphthalic enamels, which gain higher weather and wear resistance. The described varnish gives them greater shine and high adhesion.

Basic properties

varnish pf 170 specifications

Varnish PF-170 is manufactured in accordance with state standards 15907-70. With its help, it is possible to form a highly glossy transparent elastic protective film that is resistant to aggressive environmental influences, industrial oils and detergent solutions.

The material allows you to emphasize the natural beauty of wood, does not deprive it of the ability to breathe, has a stable luster and high adhesion to the base. Among the main properties of varnish can be distinguished its economical consumption.


varnish pf 170 with aluminum powder

Varnish PF-170 is sold in cans, the volume of which can be 0.8 liters and 2.5 liters. If desired, you can purchase varnish in bottles, their volume is 0.5 and 1 liter. The described material is colorless glossy, applied by roller, brush or spray gun. If one layer is formed, the consumption per 1 m 2 will be approximately 50-100 ml. The final value will depend on the application method and the type of surface.

Varnish PF-170, the characteristic of which is presented in the article, will dry on a stick within 12 hours. You can grind the base, and also apply the next layer on it in a day. Drying time is relevant at an air humidity of 60% and a temperature of 25 ° C. An alkyd resin acts as a film-forming substance. If necessary, dilute the material, you can use white spirit or solvent "Rolaks RK-005".

Additional specifications

varnish pf 170 application

Varnish PF-170, GOST of which is mentioned in the article, has a conditional viscosity ranging from 40 to 60 VZ-246, which is true at temperatures up to 20 ° C. This parameter is measured using a viscometer, or a VZ-4 device. Non-volatile substances among the ingredients are contained in a volume of 48 to 52%.

According to the pendulum device, the film hardness is equivalent to 0.25 conventional units. To the third degree, the varnish layer will dry within 72 hours, which is true if the air temperature varies from 18 to 22 ° C. Drying time is reduced to 3 hours if the ambient temperature is between 90 and 95 ° C. The film is resistant to static water for 24 hours at a temperature of 20 ° C. The elasticity of the film during bending is 1 mm. The film is characterized by resistance to the static effect of the benzene toluene mixture for 15 minutes if the ambient temperature is from 18 to 22 ° C.

Instruction for use

varnish pf 170 gost

Varnish PF-170, the technical characteristics of which are presented above and may be useful to you, is applied to a previously prepared surface, which should be as strong as possible, clean and dry. The base must first be freed from biological, fatty and other contaminants. If you plan to apply to unprocessed wood, then its surface must be covered with a wood-protective alkyd primer. Before use, the composition is mixed, and if necessary, it can be diluted with the above solvents.

PF-170 varnish with aluminum powder is applied to the surface at a temperature range ranging from +5 to +25 ° C. Humidity should not exceed 80%. Application must be carried out with a thin even layer using a roller, brush or spray gun. In order to get a full coating, it is necessary to apply the composition in two layers, the first of which should be sanded.

Immediately after completing work, wash the tool with solvent. Product residues are closed in a container until subsequent use. Transportation and storage of material should be carried out in factory sealed packaging at a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C. It is important to exclude the possibility of direct sunlight in contact with the material and the container in which it is stored. Work must be carried out in a well-ventilated area. During the application, the master should use rubber gloves and respiratory and eye protection.

Additional surface preparation recommendations

Varnish PF-170, the use of which should be carried out in accordance with the instructions, can be applied to wooden surfaces, which are sometimes pre-sanded and cycled. The base is recommended to remove dust. In order to achieve a positive result, you can treat the surface with a filler, stain or drying oil. Before applying varnish to the metal, it is cleaned to a shine from scale and rust. After that, the base is degreased and dust free, for which it should be wiped with a rag previously moistened in white spirit.


Varnish PF-170 is also used to obtain weather-resistant coatings on surfaces of aluminum and its alloys. The base is pre-prepared. If it is necessary to increase the gloss of glyphthalic and pentaphthalic enamels, varnish is added to their ingredients. After drying, the layer should be uniform and transparent, without smudges, foreign inclusions and wrinkling.

To the first degree, the varnish will dry in just 8 hours. Application of the material can be carried out by dipping. Additionally, solvent, xylene or a mixture of one of these solvents with white spirit can be used for dilution. This varnish is produced today by many manufacturers. In order to make a choice, you can be guided by several factors, for example, the cost or popularity of the supplier.


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