Pug: breed standard, characteristics and description with photo

Each person chooses for himself that animal that will delight him daily. Recently it has become fashionable to keep small and charming dogs in the apartment, so that they are not only watchmen, but also companions. That is why the pug breed standard is so very popular, which, with proper education, becomes a great friend and a great nanny for children.


A pug dog, the photo of which is in this article, appeared a long time ago. So, for the first time it was mentioned in ancient China, where such animals were the emperors' favorites. In the middle of the XVI century, pugs were brought to France, and only then spread throughout Europe. But at that time, this pet looked a little different. Only English breeders managed to achieve an external standard, which is valid now.

Pug character

Pug breed standard

If you purchase a pug breed animal according to the standard, you need to know a little about what temperament they possess. It is known that such pets are very smart and smart, and they also have high intelligence. They are intellectuals and quickly become attached to their master, who will then be faithful to his whole life, and all members of the family will always be under his protection.

Despite the fact that the pug’s figure seems clumsy and stocky, in movement he always shows dexterity and is quite mobile. He loves playing with children, so the guys are always delighted with such a dog. But despite the fact that the character of this pet seems so perfect, it still has flaws. So, he is very stubborn, and if you do not educate him, he will also be naughty.

Varieties of standard

Black Pug breed standard

There is a certain standard for the pug breed (FCI OT 24.06.87). According to him, the general appearance of the dog must comply with the following rules. The representative of the breed is an emphasized square, stocky dog. It concentrates in itself the proportionality of forms, compact format and highly developed musculature. The body should be short and powerful, wide in the chest, with well-defined ribs. The top line is straight.

The pug dog breed, the photo of which is in this article, has three types. This is a terrier or lightweight type, bulldog and sharpei. The first type has a slightly elongated neck and a straight torso. It is this type of dog that is attractive and in high demand.

The second type is the bulldog. They have a wide torso and scapulars are set obliquely. The sharpei type has many folds. If you look at such a dog, it may even seem that she is overfed. Such dogs are not allowed to compete.

Breed description

Pug breed photo

Pug is a breed of dog whose representatives have a dense and short coat. But then it is soft and shiny. The color of such a dog can be different. So, there are dogs fawn, apricot, silver and other colors. It is known that until the 19th century black dogs were destroyed. Now they are common and popular.

The head of such dogs is large and round. Between the ears, part of the skull is flat, and the forehead does not protrude above the superciliary arches. The muzzle of the animal is flattened and equal in width to the forehead. But on such a charming face clearly visible wrinkles that form a symmetrical pattern. Under the nose, the pug has a fold that is very thin and does not fit well with a large head. This strip may be intermittent, or may be continuous. For a pug breed standard, snub-nosedness is not the best feature.

Many get such a dog as soon as they see her eyes. Brilliant and huge, vibrant and round, they amaze with their dark color. They are deeply set on the muzzle in line with the nose and have some slanting.

The ears of dogs that are so popular are thin and soft. It is known that the pug breed standard defines ears velvety to the touch. Set high, they lie on the dog’s head. By what is their shape, you can determine the type: “button” or “rose”. The first type consists of ears laid slightly forward, the inside of which is slightly covered. This type is considered the most common. The second type involves hearing organs laid back with an open inner part.

The pug’s teeth are quite strong. Usually always pay attention to his lower jaw, which protrudes forward. The bite of such a dog is approximately three millimeters. The lower incisors are superimposed on the upper. But at the same time, the teeth remain closed, and the tongue is never stuck out. The pug’s neck is not so attractive, as it is thick and short, but very strong and strong.

Dogs like the pug are often called square. They received this definition for their muscular and dense body, which is also well developed. The pug also has excellent forelimbs. They are located far from each other and give the animal a serious look. The hind limbs of such a dog are powerful and strong, they have a beautiful hock joint.

Strong and well-developed paws in a pug usually have an average length. The fingers on them are always clearly separated, and the claws are black. The entire appearance of the pet is supplemented by a thick tail, which is set high on the body. He is always wrapped in a tight ring and pressed tightly to his body. If the tail ring is double, then this is considered a serious advantage of the representative of the breed.

The pug's movements are very elegant, which is also determined by the breed standard. Black pug is not a rare occurrence, but it is he who causes the most positive emotions. Looking at such a four-legged friend is always a pleasure. The gait of all representatives of this species is free, light and even a little springy.

Major diseases

Dog breed Pug photo

Pugs are often obese. In order to understand that your pet is overweight, you need to know how much an adult dog can weigh. So, a male usually reaches eight kilograms, but ten will be considered normal. A bitch, respectively, will weigh from 6 to 8.5 kilograms.

Basically, such dogs do not let their health down, but problems can arise either with the eyes or with the heart. The most common disease is erosion of the ocular cornea.

Disadvantages of the breed

Pug dog breed breed description

It is believed that those dogs that have flaws cannot be classified as a pug breed standard. For example, from such minuses, a badly wrapped tail, a narrow chest, too arched eyes, limbs that are incorrectly set, improper gait and even aggressiveness in the behavior of the dog can be observed. But even having such breed flaws, they will still remain kind and faithful.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F13523/

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