What are the signs of unlawful behavior, concept and examples?

Human actions can be evaluated from different points of view and even find excuses for them if they diverge from generally accepted norms. But already from school, citizens must firmly grasp what illegal behavior is, because it is always condemned and punishable, since it harms people and society.

What is the behavior?

By the way a person behaves at home, at work and in public places, one can judge his lifestyle, level of education, mental and psychological health. Behavior is its form of interaction with the world. Habits, actions, internal attitudes, external influences dictate actions aimed at objects with which he has to contact - people, objects, nature, buildings, monuments, etc.

Behavior can change throughout life for better or worse, under the influence of external factors and as a result of changes in the moral sphere of the individual. For example, an ardent atheist can become a sincere believer, his behavior will change in accordance with the canons of faith. A teenager who finds himself in a dysfunctional company wants to become a full member in it, therefore he tries to behave in accordance with the new requirements for him.

what is illegal behavior

Internally, he may suffer from this until a new form of behavior becomes habitual and natural for him.

Types of behavior: lawful and illegal

Human activity, invested in his real actions in relation to society, is called social behavior. There are many kinds of it. For example, the dictionary on social pedagogy (author-compiler Mardakhaev L.V., 2002) names them more than 20, which can be divided into 2 groups. This is the answer to the question of what signs determine illegal behavior:

  • not contrary to laws, social rules and norms - lawful;
  • contrary to law, violating public attitudes and order - illegal.

Examples of approved behavior are moral, consistent with public moral values. Prosocial - useful to people and society as a whole.

examples of unlawful conduct and lawful

Aggressive, criminal, abnormal, antisocial, deviant - examples of unlawful behavior when an individual (group) admits violation of legal prohibitions specified in the law, causes harm to people.

Punishable actions

The extent and nature of the harm that a citizen inflicted on the state and society determines the level of his punishment and responsibility. What are the signs that determine illegal behavior, the degree of its perniciousness?

Crimes are the most difficult actions:

  1. Causing significant harm to human health (beatings), his dignity and honor (public insults).
  2. Deprivation of life (murder).
  3. Violations of equality on various grounds (gender, nationality, religion).
  4. Theft, robbery, theft of vehicles, etc.

Acts entailing less serious consequences, but violating public order, traffic rules, etc. Everyone has heard the defiant act of the punk band Pussy Riot in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow. Citizens have the right to express their position or the group that they represent, provided that it does not violate the peace of others and their usual way of life.

illegal behavior. Pussy riot

The court determined the action of the musical collective in accordance with two articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: malicious hooliganism (Article 213) and an insult to the feelings of believers (Article 148).

The state in the person of law enforcement bodies identifies and investigates illegal behavior of citizens, no matter what it manifests itself. Taking into account its severity, the measure of punishment is also determined: imprisonment, fines, deprivation of awards, positions, etc.

Who breaks the laws?

Studying by what signs illegal behavior is determined, one cannot help but think about who it is characteristic of. Psychologists have come to the conclusion that, as a rule, it means that the person who committed it has unresolved and significant contradictions with society (explicit or hidden, conscious or unaware).

Many of the prerequisites for the formation of a criminal personality lie in the mistakes of family education.

illegal behavior. Parenting Mistakes

What are the signs that determine the illegal behavior in the future of a growing person with the greatest probability? In general terms, we can say that individuals are prone to it, who have not formed the correct attitude to society and its values. Negativism, disrespectful and aggressive attitude towards people, arrogance, greed, laziness and incapacity for work, neglect of family and social duties and rules of conduct, weakness, irresponsibility and lack of self-criticism, inability to resist negative external influences (friends, media, Internet), lack of worthy interests ... All these are signs of a person’s lack of moral and spiritual values, which often leads him to the dock.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F13527/

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