How to find out who is registered in the apartment, at?

Quite often, citizens are interested in how to find out who is registered in the apartment. This is quite normal interest. Especially when it comes to selling real estate. Then the buyer should be aware of how many people are registered in the apartment. And are there, for example, children. Sellers are not always honest in this matter. Therefore, you have to think about obtaining relevant information from other sources. But how, knowing the address, get data on registered persons?

how to find out who is registered in the apartment

To ask

The first and easiest way to solve the problem is to ask the property owner. Most often, the seller or just the owner of the apartment does not hide how many people are registered in a particular territory. Otherwise, he risks not only being accused of fraud, but also completely losing the buyer.

Accordingly, if a person is thinking about how to find out who is registered in the apartment, the most simple, true and legal way is to communicate with the landlord. But, as already mentioned, a similar scenario does not always help. No one is safe from fraud. How can I play it safe?

Where to go

First you have to understand that there are a lot of options for the development of events. And every citizen should know which bodies he has the right to apply to in one or another case. Modern people are offered the choice of the place to submit a request for the issuance of information about a particular property.

How to find out who is registered in the apartment? To do this, you can resort to help:

  • MFC;
  • EGRP;
  • management company;
  • FMS (migration department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs);
  • passport offices;
  • Internet.

Much depends on what kind of additional information about real estate a person requests. If you only need information about registered people, you can contact any organization. Only use the Internet with extreme caution.

find out who is registered in the apartment at

Home Book

You can find out who is registered in the apartment at the address using the extended extract from the house book. This document is taken in the management company that serves this or that house.

To obtain relevant information, a citizen must:

  1. Find out which management company serves this or that house.
  2. Write an application for an extended extract from the home book. Attach a copy of your passport to him.
  3. Wait until the document is ready.

Such a paper will indicate not only the number of registered persons, but also their exact initials. Accordingly, it will turn out to find out who specifically has the right to use real estate.


The following advice is relevant only for apartment owners, as well as for those who have a special power of attorney from the owner. What is it about? About the order of extract from the Unified State Register. Despite the fact that the information from this database is considered publicly available, the data on persons registered on the living space is not accessible to outsiders.

find out how many are registered in the apartment

You can find out how many people are registered in the apartment by ordering statement No. 3. For her, you need to know the address of the property, as well as provide a power of attorney / documents of ownership and identification.

This process is not free. It requires a state fee. Any person can be a payer, but it is better that he is either the landlord or the applicant.


Is it possible to find out who is registered in the apartment, without much difficulty? Yes. It is enough to contact the Rosreestr with a corresponding request. Request information about the tenants can be both the owner of the property, and a trustee. If there are other reasons for obtaining information (for example, there is a contract of sale of real estate, a gift, and so on), then you will have to provide them. It is necessary to contact the Rosreestr.

All real estate information is stored there. And this organization will help answer the question of how many people are registered on a particular housing area. There is nothing difficult or special about this. Although few people submit requests through Rosreestr.


It’s clear where to find out who is registered in the apartment. There is another little trick that will help solve most of the issues. What is it about?

You can find out the number of persons registered in the apartment by receiving any receipt from the housing and communal services. The thing is that the number of registered citizens is always written on the corresponding document. Also, receipts for payment of housing and communal services quite often indicate the initials of residents.

how to find out how many people are registered in the apartment

Not quite an honest option. And consider it as an official proposal is not worth it. There are a number of other ways to solve the problem.

the Internet

But how do you know how many people are registered in the apartment, via the Internet? Today, users are offered a variety of services and sites that provide the requested information. But trust them not worth it.

Most sites that offer users to receive information about apartments and other real estate is a hoax. It was invented either to infect a computer with viruses, or to divorce people for money.

On the network, you can find out how many people are registered in the apartment only through official services. These include:

  • request to Rosreestr;
  • a question in the Criminal Code, which serves the house;
  • receiving EGRP statements online.

You can also contact the migration department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the Internet. This is another fairly common solution to the problem. As already mentioned, other methods and sites are a hoax.

Ministry of Internal Affairs

In some cases, you have to act radically. How to find out who is registered in the apartment? It has already been said that the FMS can help solve this question. Or rather, the migration department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It is he who deals with issues related to registration registration of the population.

where to find out who is registered in the apartment

You can come to the appropriate department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and ask them for data on a particular property. In practice, this technique is valid only if there is a reason. For example, a buyer of real estate in the presence of a contract of sale has the right to receive information about registered persons.

In fact, an appeal to the Ministry of Internal Affairs usually does not produce particular results. Or the maximum that can be achieved is to find out the number of those registered. But not about who is precisely registered in this or that housing.

Passport Office

How to find out how many people are registered in the apartment? You can try to apply to the passport office. The thing is that these services have a separate tenant base. And they, like the management companies, have all the information about those registered in the territory.

Usually it is required to submit a written request indicating the address of the apartment. The passport office employee will issue an extract in which it will be written how many people are registered in the house. In some cases, the certificate has an expanded form - there will also be accurate data on residents.

Is it possible to find out who is registered in the apartment

Implementing such a method is not so difficult. In practice, in general, it is enough to present a passport to a passportist, tell the reasons for receiving the data and wait a bit. Although often citizens are denied such a service. We have to act differently. For example, by obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register.


How to find out the number registered in the apartment? And information about living in full? You can try to go not entirely honest way - to buy a special database about the residents of a house. Such a service is illegal, but it is often interested in.

The method exists only in words. In practice, an ordinary citizen will not be able to just buy the appropriate database. Therefore, this alignment should be considered only as theoretically existing.


Now it’s clear how to find out who is registered in the apartment. In fact, among the official methods distinguish:

  • question to the landlord;
  • request to Rosreestr;
  • receipt of extract from the Unified State Register.

how to find out the number registered in the apartment

All other options have their drawbacks. For example, they are inaccurate or illegal. That is why most often it is necessary to learn the details of a particular apartment from the owner by cunning or direct text. This is the simplest and most correct solution. Now it’s clear how to find out the number of people registered in the apartment.


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