Cough in a child without fever. How to treat such an ailment?

In the process of formation and strengthening of immunity, children get sick, and coughing is one of the most common reactions of the body to external stimuli or inflammatory processes.

But such an organism response is not yet decisive in the diagnosis of causes. It can be in the nature of a physiological process that does not threaten the baby's health. This removes excess mucus from the bronchi or foreign bodies that enter the respiratory tract. Such a cough, as a rule, is temporary: as soon as something that prevents breathing is removed, or the air in the apartment is moistened, all symptoms disappear.

cough in a child without fever than to treat

Cough without fever - where to start treatment?

If you notice that a child has a cough without fever, than to treat such an ailment, you should study in detail. To combat such manifestations, various means can be used that have certain indications for use. It is important to establish exactly what caused the symptom, because a cough can occur, for example, even as a result of infection with parasites. Seek advice from a doctor and get tested.

If the baby is tormented by a cough, and the body temperature remains normal, this indicates the onset of the inflammatory process or a sluggish respiratory tract disease. Cough preparations for children differ in their focus. With dry cough, which occurs day and night, you can use means to separate sputum. The drug "Mukaltin", due to the content of expectorants, dilutes sputum and increases its separation, relieves inflammation. The tablets can be dissolved in water and given to the child. You can use the medicine from the age of 2.

Cough preparations for children - which ones are suitable?
cough medications for children

If the baby has not reached 2 years old, effective syrups suitable for relieving cough and eliminating mucus are suitable for him: for example, Tusuprex gently copes with the problem. Pentoxiverin Syrup is also suitable when a child coughs without fever. How to treat babies when sputum is very difficult and painful? Ambroxol (preparations "Lazolvan", "Ambrohexal", etc.) is suitable. They contain active substances that not only soothe the inflamed receptors in the bronchi, but also help to clear their throat. Perform distracting procedures: you can steam the legs in hot water or rub the back and the bronchial region on the chest with warming ointments.

If the baby is breastfed, fill the room with steam and let it breathe; older children can be inhaled with herbs or regular soda. From the age of 3, you can use Bromhexine tablets, they help cope with cough and have an expectorant effect.

mustard on coughing a child

If a child has a cough without fever, how to treat such an ailment without resorting to medication? For a baby who is not allergic, special collections of medicinal herbs are suitable. They perfectly cope with inflammation and the release of bronchi from mucus. This is the breast collection No. 1 and No. 2, as well as separately the root of licorice or grass marshmallow. Herbal syrups are also suitable.

Mustard for coughing a baby - effective help

Mustard must be used when coughing. They put the child between the shoulder blades or on the chest. Do this procedure very carefully so as not to capture the area of ​​the heart and not burn the skin. If there are no contraindications for such treatment, you can use it from the age of one year: exposure to 2 minutes is enough for small children, and up to 10 minutes for older children. This method is very effective for acute cough. So, a cough in a child without fever - how to treat it effectively and correctly, no matter what harm the health of the child? You can use the methods described in the article, but remember that a doctor’s consultation is required.


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